[News] 4 Palestinians killed, 10 wounded by Israeli forces this week

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Fri Sep 4 12:39:56 EDT 2009

PCHR Weekly Report: 4 Palestinians killed, 10 wounded by Israeli 
forces this week


  Friday September 04, 2009 07:55
 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News 
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According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, during the week 
of  27 Aug. - 02 Sep. 2009, two Palestinian civilians, including a 
child, were killed by Israeli forces this week.  In addition, two 
Palestinian resistance fighters were killed in the eastern part of 
the Gaza Strip.

Also this week, rescue teams found the body of a Palestinian who was 
missing after Israeli forces attacked the border between the Gaza 
Strip and Egypt.  10 Palestinian civilians were wounded by Israeli 
gunfire, 9 of whom were in the Gaza Strip, and 1 in the West Bank.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 22 
military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. 
Israeli forces abducted 39 Palestinian civilians, including 4 
children and a woman.

In one of these invasions, on Monday August 31st, at approximately 
21:30, Israeli forces troops stationed at a military observation 
tower inside "Beit Eil" settlement, north of Ramallah, opened fire at 
five Palestinian children who were near al-Jalazon UNRWA School, 
located near the southeastern entrance of al-Jalazoun refugee camp. 
One of the children, 15-year-old Mohammed Riad Nayef 'Elayan, was 
wounded by three bullets to the chest.  An ambulance from Sheikh 
Zayed Hospital in Ramallah attempted to reach the area. However, the 
ambulance was stopped by at least 30 soldiers who prevented the 
medical crew from attending to the wounded child.  Meanwhile, dozens 
of Palestinian civilians gathered on the spot and attempted to help 
the wounded child, but Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters at 
the crowd. The ambulance driver, Usama Hassan Ibrahim al-Najjar, 37, 
was hit by a tear gas canister to the left leg.  'Ali Ahmed Mohammed 
Nakhla, 29, also sustained similar injuries.

Israeli Annexation Wall:

Israeli forces have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside 
West Bank territory. During the reporting period, Israeli forces used 
force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian 
civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in 
protest of the construction of the Wall.

Following the Friday Prayer on 28 August 2009, dozens of Palestinian 
civilians gathered in the center of Bil'in village, west of 
Ramallah.  They moved towards the Wall and immediately, Israeli 
troops fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas 
canisters at the demonstrators. Rani 'Abdul Fattah Bernat, 29, was 
hit by a tear gas canister to the thigh, and dozens of demonstrators 
suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 28 August 2009, dozens of 
Palestinian civilians and international and human rights defenders 
organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne'lin village, west of 
Ramallah, in protest of the construction of the Annexation 
Wall.  They clashed with Israeli troops positioned near the 
Wall.  Israeli troops fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs 
and tear gas canisters at demonstrators.  Dozens of demonstrators 
suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 28 August 2009, dozens of 
Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders 
organized a peaceful demonstration in protest of the construction of 
the Annexation Wall in al-Ma'sara village, south of 
Bethlehem.  Israeli troops closed the entrance of the village and 
attacked the demonstrators.  They fired sound bombs and tear gas 
canisters at the demonstrators and violently beat a number of them. 
As a result, two Palestinian civilians sustained bruises: Ussama Eyad 
Braijiya, 9; and Mohammed Hassan Braijiya, 38.

Israeli settlement activity:

Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank 
in violation of international humanitarian law and Israeli settlers 
have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On 27 August 2009, Israeli settlers attacked 3 Palestinian civilian 
vehicles belonging to the al-Za'tari family in al-Bawaira 
neighborhood in Hebron, between "Kiryat Arba" and "Kharsina" 
settlement.  The vehicles were damaged.  On the same day, Israeli 
settlers attacked Palestinian houses in the same area using stones 
and empty bottles.  A number of houses were damaged.

On 28 August 2009, 3 Israeli settlers living in "Ramat Yishai" 
settlement outpost in Tal Rumaida neighborhood in the center of 
Hebron chased and violently beat Shareef Mohammed Abu 'Eisha, 
12.  The child sustained bruises to the head and the back.  Israeli 
forces troops witnessed the attack, but did not intervene to stop it.

On 29 August 2009, Israeli settlers living in "Ramat Yishai" 
settlement outpost in the center of Hebron attacked Palestinian 
houses in Tal Rumaida neighborhood using stones and empty bottles.  A 
number of houses were damaged.  Israeli settlers from "Ariel" 
settlement, north of Salfit, released herds of pigs into the west of 
the town.  According to local sources, the pigs have damaged at least 
80% of arable lands in al-Yanabee' area.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

Three Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in Gaza this week, 
one of whom was a civilian.  Also, a body was discovered of a 
Palestinian killed by Israeli forces the previous week.

On 27 August 2009, Israeli forces gunboats fired an artillery shell 
at a number of Palestinian fishermen in the northern Gaza Strip, 
killing one fisherman.

On 01 September 2009, two members of the 'Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades 
(the armed wing of Hamas) were killed in the Gaza Strip, and Hamas 
accused Israeli forces of killing them.

On 29 August 2009, civil defense crews and a number of civilians 
found the body of a Palestinian near Salah al-Din Gate on the 
Egyptian border south of Rafah.  The victim and his two brothers were 
killed on Tuesday, 25 August 2009, when an Israeli forces warplane 
fired a missile at a tunnel on the Egyptian border.

On 30 August 2009, Israeli forces warplanes bombarded a building of 
the Palestinian Energy Authority in Gaza City.  The building was destroyed.

On 31 August 2009, Israeli forces gunboats opened fire at Palestinian 
fishing boats in the northern Gaza Strip.  A fishing boat was totally 
burnt and another one was damaged.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations 
this week, the PCHR made a number of recommendations to the 
international community.  Among these were a recommendation that the 
international community pressure Israel to lift the severe 
restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation 
forces on access for international organizations to the West Bank and 
Gaza Strip.

The PCHR reiterated that any political settlement not based on 
international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a 
peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question.  Rather, such 
an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in 
the region.  Any peace agreement or process must be based on respect 
for international law, including international human rights and 
humanitarian law.

For the full text of the report, click on the link

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