[News] 2 Women from Haiti - Sat, Nov 21 Berkeley

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Nov 6 10:05:22 EST 2009

Two women from the front lines of the struggle in Haiti

Two Haitian women active in the struggle for democracy in Haiti will 
be here in the Bay for a short visit.  Don't miss this opportunity to 
learn what's going on and "What's Next for Haiti."

What Next for Haiti?
With: Rea Dol and Euvonie Georges Auguste

Saturday, November 21st

La Pena Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA

$7-25 no one turned away for lack of funds

For more information, (510) 483-7481 or 
Contact: <mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>action.haiti at gmail.com

Join Haiti Action Committee for a rare opportunity to hear from two 
courageous women who are at the center of the struggle for democracy 
in Haiti. Rea Dol and Euvonie Auguste are Haitian women educators who 
have devoted their lives to empowering the poorest communities in 
Haiti, fighting for a society where discrimination and injustice will 
be banished forever. They are leaders in the movement for literacy 
among women.

They will speak about their work, and about the current situation in 
Haiti, the impact of the US/UN occupation, and the popular demands 
and ongoing resistance of the grassroots movement.



Euvonie Georges Auguste is a leading fighter for human rights, the 
rights of women, and literacy in Haiti.  She has also been in the 
forefront of the battle for recognition and respect for Vodou, the 
indigenous religion of the Haitian people.

Euvonie is a member of Fanmi Lavalas, the largest  grassroots 
movement in Haiti. Throughout her life as a militant, Euvonie Georges 
Auguste has always fought on the side of the dispossessed, for a just 
society where discrimination and injustice will be banished forever. 
 From 2001 to 2004, she took an active part in the literacy campaign 
launched by the Aristide government on September 7, 2001.

After the U.S.-orchestrated coup against the democratically elected 
government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Euvonie continued to 
organize for democracy and women's rights.  She spoke at the World 
Social Forum in Venezuela in 2006, focusing on the movement for 
popular education in Haiti and its connection with similar efforts in 

When Euvonie talks about her experiences in promoting literacy among 
the poor in Haiti, she speaks not only as a theoretician but as a 
practitioner, someone who has never stopped believing in the power of 
education, even in the midst of terrible repression.


Rea is the founder and director of SOPUDEP school. Located in 
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, SOPUDEP is a comprehensive public school 
serving the poorest residents of the city. Founded in 2002, the 
school has grown to over 480 students, many of whom receive their 
only regular meal through the school's hot lunch program.

Not only is Rea the founder and director of SOPUDEP; she also is a 
community organizer and a grassroots leader. She has headed up an 
adult literacy program, a women's economic empowerment organization, 
HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention program, and many more. She 
coordinates a federation of grassroots women's organizations fighting 
for survival in Haiti's harsh economy.

Rea is determined to improve the lives of the poorest people in her 
community through education. Most of all she wants her people to have 
a sense of pride and hope.

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