[News] Free Gaza Ship to sail to Gaza on Wednesday morning

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Wed Jan 14 11:44:09 EST 2009

Free Gaza Ship to sail to Gaza on Wednesday morning

  Wednesday January 14, 2009 02:46
 by Press Release 
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This is a press release issued for circulation by the Free Gaza 
Movement. The movement is sending a new ship to Gaza carrying 
physicians, journalists, human rights workers and members of 
parliament. The ship sailing to Gaza carried the name "Spirit of Humanity".

Free Gaza

Free Gaza


[Larnaca, Cyprus] The Free Gaza Movement vessel, SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, 
will resume its emergency mission to the besieged Gaza Strip at 9:00 
a.m. on Wednesday, January 14, 2009. The ship will carry desperately 
needed doctors, journalists, human rights workers, and members of 
parliaments as well as medical supplies donated by the people of 
Greece and the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza.

After departure on January 12 at 3 pm from Larnaca Port the boat 
encountered problems with one of its two generators that was 
compounded by rough weather. For the safety of the passengers, the 
captain decided to return to port and the boat docked in Larnaca at 
about 9 pm on January 12. Thanks to the generosity and support of the 
people of Cyprus, the problem has been quickly repaired and the boat 
ready to depart.

Israeli authorities have threatened to use "any means" to keep the 
SPIRIT OF HUMANITY from reaching Gaza. Despite this threat and a 
previous attack by an Israeli war ship on our motor vessel DIGNITY, 
the Free Gaza Movement is determined to continue nonviolently 
challenging Israel's aggression and break the siege on the 1.5 
million Palestinians being terrorized and slaughtered by Israel in 
the Gaza Strip.

Free Gaza Movement organizer Huwaida Arraf said, "We will not let 
Israel's threats deter us. The Israeli authorities have been put on 
notice again of our mission; any attack by Israel on the boat will be 
considered a deliberate attack on unarmed civilians engaged in a 
humanitarian action."

The medical supplies being taken in include essential parts for 
ventilators, which will allow the only burn center in the Gaza Strip, 
at Shifa Hospital, to double its capacity, as well as medicines and 
basic medical supplies requested by area hospitals in Gaza.


(Cyprus) Lubna Masarwa, +357 97 625 828 lubnna [at} gmail.com

(Cyprus) Mary Hughes, +357 99 081 767 friendsofgaza [at} gmail.com

(Gaza) Ewa Jasiewicz, +972 598 700 497 freelance [at} mailworks.org

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