[News] Suit filed in the Hague for Israeli crimes against humanity

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 14 11:49:04 EST 2009

Suit filed in the Hague for crimes against humanity

14.01.09 - 14:30

Brussels / PNN - Lawyers and jurists from several countries filed on 
Wednesday a lawsuit before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

This is the first in an expected string of suits against the Israeli 
government and senior political and military officials for crimes 
against humanity, war crimes and genocide stemming from the current 
military operation against the Gaza Strip.

As part of a series of claims against the Israelis, the "Palestinian 
Forum" in the Netherlands and the Brussels-based "European Campaign 
to Lift the Siege on Gaza" are involved in the cooperative effort.

In conjunction with the date of the lawsuit the "Palestinian Forum" 
called for a mass protest and sit-in in front of the International 
Criminal Court, affirming the need for leaders to condemn the Israeli 
occupation for crimes against humanity in Gaza.

Amin Abu Rashid, Secretary General of the Palestinian Forum in the 
Netherlands and a founding member of the European Campaign, said the 
move comes in light of the actions of Israeli forces including "the 
ugly massacres." He also noted the "collective rights of the 
Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip," drawing attention to the 
nearly 1,000 killed and over 4,000 wounded.

Abu Rashid stressed that "the continuation of this war imposes 
obligations on all human rights defenders and those involved in 
justice." He called for the intensification of collective efforts to 
stop this aggression and to ensure that those involved in 
perpetration will be held accountable.

"It is no longer possible for people of conscience to stand idly by 
in the face of this chilling aggression and these rising massacres. 
Now is the time for urgent moves in every direction to curb the 
aggression and to curb the Israeli war machine that in the past has 
committed mass murder with impunity."

The Netherlands-based Palestinian Forum leader added that inaction 
"makes us witnesses to the brutal aggression perpetrated by the most 
powerful military force in the Middle East."

Suits are planned to be filed for all of the one and half million 
residents of the Gaza Strip.

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