[News] Kidnapped by the Israeli Navy

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Nov 18 10:54:54 EST 2008


Caoimhe (Gaza) + 972 598 273 960
Donna (Gaza)  + 972 598 836 420
Fida (Gaza - Arabic) – + 972 599 681 669
ISM Media Office - + 972 2-2971824

Fifteen Palestinian fishermen along with three 
internationals have been kidnapped in Palestinian 
waters by the Israeli Navy. They were fishing 
seven miles off the coast of Deir Al Balah, 
clearly in Gaza fishing waters and well within 
the fishing limit detailed in the Oslo Accords of 1994.

The fishermen and the human right's observers 
were transferred from 3 separate boats to the 
Israeli warships. Other Palestinian fishermen 
reported that the 3 boats were seen being taken north by the Israeli Navy.

The three internationals are Andrew Muncie from 
Scotland, Darlene Wallach from the United States 
and Victor Arrigoni from Italy. The U.K., U.S. 
and Italian embassies in Tel Aviv have been 
contacted and know about the abductions.

Please call the Israeli Ministry of Justice at 
+972 26 46 66 66 and register your outrage over 
these illegal actions by the Israeli Navy. Then 
call the Embassies in Jerusalem and make sure 
they know that many of us are appalled by Israel's illegal search and seizure.

Stephen Brown, UK Consulate +972 25 41 41 00
U.S. Consulate General + 972-2-6227230
Luigi MATTIOLO, Italian Ambassador +972 3 5104004

Greta Berlin
Media Team
Free Gaza Movement
357 99 08 17 67
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/29205195@N02/>www.flickr.com/photos/29205195 at N02/ 

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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