[News] Iraq War: 3/19 is 5 years - Direct Action in SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Feb 17 14:58:54 EST 2008

Friends and fellow activists,

Act Against Torture has been working with Direct Action to Stop the War
(DASW, http://bayareadirectaction.wordpress.com/) to gear up for a
"city-wide day of coordinated, decentralized, and nonviolent direct
actions on March 19, against government war makers and corporate war
profiteers in downtown San Francisco."  March 19th marks five years since
the Iraq war began.

AAT and friends will participate in this all-day series of actions (we're
taking the day off from work and school, and encourage you to do the
same).  Our general plan involves 'costumed' civil disobedience at a
location still to be decided, following the morning's marches and/or a
series of torture-dramatizations in downtown San Francisco.  There will be
roles for both those who are willing to risk arrest, and those who are

If you're interested in participating with us, please come to a planning
meeting on Wed., Feb 27th @ 7pm in Oakland (near the MacArthur BART
station), where we'll be fleshing out our plan with other groups and
individuals.  Please respond to this e-mail with questions and/or for the
meeting location.

If you prefer to join the 3/19 actions as an individual or in your own
affinity group, please check out the DASW site for more information.
Donations will also be very much appreciated (click the "DONATE" button at
the URL given below):


See you then...

- Act Against Torture
   actagainsttorture at riseup.net

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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