[News] Cynthia McKinney: Wear Black; Join US 10:30 am; Jena 6, USA in General!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Sep 19 19:32:37 EDT 2007

I know you've heard from me a lot this week.  But I hope you agree 
that these messages and updates are important.  I promise to slow 
down when the Empire disintegrates under the weight of the people's 
collective struggle against it!

For those of you who are not going to Jena, but who want to do 
something to express your solidarity, please wear black tomorrow.  If 
you are in one of the cities that will host a press conference, show 
up for the press conference with the appropriate signage.  For those 
of you in the Atlanta area, join me for the press conference tomorrow 
morning at 10:30 in front of the Rush Memorial UCC Church on James P. 
Brawley Drive on the campus of Clark Atlanta University!  See ya in 
the morning!

Here's the Atlanta area Press Release:


September 19, 2007

Mawuli Mel Davis, Esq.              -or-         Dr. Kwame Kalimara

The Davis Bozeman Law Firm, P.C.              NAPO

<mailto:mdavis at davisbozemanlaw.com>mdavis at davisbozemanlaw.com 
<mailto:dr_kalimara at yahoo.com> dr_kalimara at yahoo.com

(404) 244-2004                                             (404) 552-2442

Georgians Stand in Solidarity with Activists Nationally:
Demanding Real Justice In Jena, Louisiana

Atlanta, Georgia- Activists, organizers, students, and community 
members throughout Georgia are called to participate in a Public 
Demonstration and Press Conference in solidarity with the "Jena 6" at 
10:30 a.m . Thursday, September 20, 2007, in front of Rush Memorial 
UCC Church at 150 James P. Brawley Drive located on the campus of 
Clark Atlanta University in  Atlanta, Georgia.  Speakers include 
Professor Kathleen Cleaver, former Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney, Senator Vincent Fort, Reverend Timothy McDonald, 
John Evans, and Reverend Derrick Rice.  We are encouraging all 
participants to wear black to demonstrate solidarity with those 
demonstrating around the country.

The ongoing legal battle of six African American teenagers against 
trumped up charges in Jena, Louisiana makes it even clearer that 
racism and its systemic aggression against Black Americans continues 
to grow in this country. In Georgia, over two thousand people rallied 
in Douglas County to demand justice for Genarlow Wilson. On September 
20th, we will put tens of thousands more in the streets in Jena, to 
demand justice for Mychal Bell and the Jena 6. This time the demand 
for justice will resonate throughout the land.

In addition to the over thirty organizations and churches that have 
endorsed this effort, students and community members throughout the 
state will join in solidarity with a national coalition for justice 
called for by Detroit City Councilman Kwame Kenyatta and activist 
radio personality, Bob Law.

This national coalition not only stands in solidarity with the Jena 6 but
also with The Katrina International Tribunal and the many others 
fighting for justice in Louisiana.

While the conviction of Mychal Bell, one of the six Black youngsters in
Jena, has been thrown out by the Third District Court of Appeals, the
struggle for justice is far from over.  Our concern is that the racist
double standard remains in tact allowing whites to commit acts of 
aggression against Blacks with impunity, while Black youngsters face 
unjust prosecutions and harsher prison sentences.

We will stand in solidarity on September 20th, the day Mychal Bell was
scheduled to be sentenced for a bogus second degree battery 
conviction, with not only the tens of thousands that will march in 
Jena, but with those gathering around the country including St Louis, 
Kansas City, New York, Detroit,  Philadelphia, Newark, and more.  We 
stand in solidarity with activists nationally calling on the mayor of 
each American city, as well as everyone with a national voice and 
influence, to publicly denounce the judicial farce taking place in 
Jena, Louisiana. We encourage city councils nationwide to follow the 
lead of Atlanta, Georgia, Cambridge, Maryland and Detroit, Michigan 
and pass resolutions in the interest of justice, calling for the 
dismissal of all charges against the Jena 6 and not just another 
trial in juvenile court.

Additionally, we call on the corporations in Louisiana that are the 
recipients of millions of Black consumer dollars, to
denounce the injustice and blatant racism in Jena, Louisiana, in New 
Orleans generally, and in the Ninth Ward in particular. Some 
communities have already begun to say, "No justice, No profit!"

Across the country we say, "Enough is Enough!" We draw the line 
against racism and injustice here and now.  We will continue to 
strengthen this coalition of organizations across the country, 
fighting to challenge racism, whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head.

Supporting organizations include:  First Afrikan Presbyterian Church,
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM), The Avarita L. Hanson Chapter 
of the Black Law Students Association, New Afrikan People's 
Organization (NAPO), Let Us Make Man, The Davis Bozeman Law Firm, 
Sankofa Society of Georgia State University, International Action 
Center, Foreverfamily, AfriSalsa Cultural Organization, N'COBRA Youth 
Commission, Operation LEADS, African American Ministers in Action, 
Sankofa UCC Church, The Law Office of Chris Leopold, N'COBRA at 
CAU,  < <http://www.ayaed.com/>http://www.ayaed.com/> AYA Educational 
African Community Centers, Minister Kenyatta Bush, Youth Pastor, 
Shiloh Baptist Church & Chair, Henry County Democratic Party, Youth 
Task Force, Campaign for Juvenile Justice, Grassroots Link, Armstrong 
& Associates, Law Offices of Robert Daniel, LLC, The Secret Firm, 
P.C., Georgia Alliance of African American Attorneys (GAAAA).

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