[News] Palestine - International Women's Day

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 7 12:17:55 EST 2007

International Women's Day: Yes to Life, No to Death

Press Release, PCHR, 7 March 2007


Palestinian women demonstrate during a rally against the security 
disorder in the West Bank town of Ramallah, 15 June 2006. 
(<http://www.maanimages.com/>MaanImages/Mushir Abdelrahman)

Women around the globe celebrate International Women's Day tomorrow, 
8 March 2007. This event is one of the most distinguished ones that 
renews commitment and stresses the importance of women's enjoyment of 
all their rights in accordance with international standards and 
conventions. In addition, this day comes as a reminder of the 
pioneering role of women in different social, cultural, economic, and 
political spheres.

The 8th of March comes this year upon Palestinian women as they face 
very difficult and harsh circumstances. On the one hand, Israeli 
occupation forces (IOF) continue to perpetrate human rights 
violations and war crimes, including killing and destruction of 
property, that have a direct impact on Palestinian women. On the 
other hand, the suffering of these women is worsened by the continued 
deterioration of the human rights situation under the Palestinian 
National Authority (PNA). The rule of law is undermined; and security 
chaos escalates. Furthermore, Palestinian women have suffered the 
deteriorating economic and social situation stemming from these 
factors and from the international suspension of aid to Palestinians.

Over the past few months, IOF escalated their war crimes throughout 
the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) through the policy of 
killing, destruction of property, and imprisonment. From the 
beginning of 2006 till the end of February 2007, IOF killed 36 
Palestinian women.

On the Palestinian front, security chaos has taken a toll on 
Palestinian women, who became more vulnerable to violence as a 
result. From the start of 2006 till the end of February 2007, the 
number of women killed stood at 58. This includes 12 women killed in 
"honor killings," three killed in suspicious circumstances, and two 
killed for alleged collaboration with IOF.

Furthermore, statistics indicate that there is an increase in 
domestic violence, including physical, psychological, and sexual 
violence. This is attributed to the absence of rule of law, security 
chaos, vigilante justice, and the lack of will by authorities to 
fight these crimes.

On the 8th of March, PCHR renews its unconditional commitment and 
support to Palestinian women who are facing exceptional circumstances 
due to IOF crimes and internal security chaos, which have led to an 
increase in the number of women killed. The Centre stresses the 
following points:

On the International Level:

a. Call for immediate intervention to take the necessary steps to put 
an end to the suffering of Palestinian women stemming from IOF 
policies and practices;
b. Call to end the international sanctions against Palestinians that 
harm Palestinian civilians, including women.

On the PNA Level:

a. Call for the PNA to fulfill its responsibility towards 
Palestinians in general and women in particular, with regards to 
combating security chaos and misuse of weapons;
b. Call for combined efforts by society and institutions to ensure 
serious work against all forms of violence against women;
c. Call for opening investigations into the files of all women who 
were killed by security chaos crimes, and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

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