[News] Now is the Time to Speak Out about Ward Churchill

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Thu Jun 21 19:12:12 EDT 2007


June 21, 2007

Now is the Time to Speak Out!

The Regents and Ward Churchill


In the next few weeks, the Board of Regents of the University of 
Colorado (CU) will vote on the dismissal of Professor Ward Churchill. 
This is the final opportunity for public input in this process.

Over the past two and a half years, many of you have opposed CU's 
attempts to fire Ward. Ward and I have engaged in this struggle not 
for the sake of his job (he will always write, speak and teach), nor 
because we enjoy battling bureaucracy, but because it has become 
emblematic of contemporary efforts to silence those who insist on 
discussing uncomfortable truths.

Since February 2005, CU administrators have been under intense 
political and financial pressure to fire Ward for his statements 
about the 9/11 attacks. To avoid blatantly violating the First 
Amendment, they have resorted to a pretextual investigation of his 

After combing through a media barrage of unfounded allegations and 
his more than 20 books, 100 articles, and over 12,000 footnotes, CU 
has settled for firing Ward Churchill, a tenured full professor, for 
six instances of alleged improper footnoting or author attribution 
(see details below).

Predictably, this has provided sufficient excuse for those who wish 
to distance themselves from this "controversy" and still believe they 
support academic freedom. For organizations like Lynne Cheney's 
neoconservative American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), it is 
a major victory for the corporatization of higher education.

However, those who look beyond the headlines and CU's self-serving 
pronouncements have recognized it as a charade.

First, the evidence has established that all of the charges 
investigated were solicited or invented by University administrators. 
None were filed by the allegedly aggrieved parties.

The specific charges against Ward have been debunked. Recently, 
fifteen professors and two attorneys filed two sets of formal 
research misconduct allegations against the investigative committee 
which wrote the report used to justify sanctions. These illustrate 
that the committee members were so determined to convict Ward that 
they engaged in falsification and fabrication of evidence, twisting 
the facts to fit their conclusions. In addition, CU Professor Tom 
Mayer has exposed the pretextual nature of the so-called plagiarism charges.

More generally, Indigenous scholar/activists and their allies have 
recognized that this is an attack on those who challenge mainstream 
"truths" about U.S. history, as well as an attempt to eliminate 
ethnic and gender studies. Public intellectuals including Derrick 
Bell, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Howard Zinn, and Immanuel 
Wallerstein published an open letter in the NY Review of Books 
denouncing CU's actions as part of the repressive post-9/11 
"militarist reflex." A petition opposing Ward's dismissal was signed 
by nearly 500 scholars and activists with Teachers for a Democratic 
Society. Many other groups have submitted letters and petitions 
denouncing CU's tactics and calling for Ward's reinstatement.

What has meant the most to us, however, has been the support of 
elders like Carrie Dann of the Western Shoshone and Japanese American 
activist Yuri Kochiyama, young people who are searching for a way to 
cope with an uncertain future, and regular people on the 
street--parking lot attendants, baggage handlers, homeless 
people--who consistently express their appreciation that Ward refuses 
to be silenced. They know this is not about footnotes.

I hope you will take the time to e-mail the CU Regents and urge them 
not to fire Ward Churchill. They can be reached c/o 
<mailto:Millie.Cortez at cu.edu>Millie.Cortez at cu.edu , or individually at

<mailto:Steve.Ludwig at cu.edu>Steve.Ludwig at cu.edu,

<mailto:Cindy.Carlisle at cu.edu>Cindy.Carlisle at cu.edu,

<mailto:Patricia.Hayes at cu.edu>Patricia.Hayes at cu.edu,

<mailto:Michael.Carrigan at cu.edu>Michael.Carrigan at cu.edu,

<mailto:Tom.Lucero at cu.edu>Tom.Lucero at cu.edu,

<mailto:Steve.Bosley at cu.edu>Steve.Bosley at cu.edu,

<mailto:Kyle.Hybl at cu.edu>Kyle.Hybl at cu.edu,

<mailto:Paul.Schauer at cu.edu>Paul.Schauer at cu.edu,

<mailto:Tillie.Bishop at cu.edu>Tillie.Bishop at cu.edu

(For maximum effectiveness, please cc: 
<mailto:wcsn at wardchurchill.net>wcsn at wardchurchill.net.)

We have no illusions that the Regents will suddenly wake up and 
decide to take academic freedom seriously. However, the resistance 
they encounter in firing Ward Churchill will determine how readily 
others will be subjected to similar treatment. Resistance is never 
futile, for it defines the terms of the next struggle.

In solidarity,

Natsu Taylor Saito
Boulder, Colorado
June 20, 2007

p.s. A brief outline of key facts and links follows. See also 
<http://www.wardchurchill.net/>www.wardchurchill.net and 

Key Facts in the Ward Churchill Case

The Charges:

CU's grounds for dismissal now consist solely of the charges that 
Prof. Churchill:

(1) failed to provide sufficient evidence that in the 1837 smallpox epidemic
(a) infected blankets were obtained from an infirmary;
(b) an Army doctor or post surgeon told the Mandans to scatter; and
(c) 400,000 people, as opposed to possibly 300,000, ultimately died;
(2) cited to material he has consistently acknowledged as ghostwritten;
(3) published an article in Z Magazine in which the editors, without 
telling him, deleted his attribution of co-authorship to "Dam the Dams;" and
(4) copyedited a piece in a book edited by a third party which, 
unbeknownst to him, plagiarized Fay Cohen.

The invalidity of each charge has been shown demonstrated by Prof. 
Churchill and numerous other scholars. But even if they were true, 
they illustrate the pretextual nature of the process. No prolific 
scholar could withstand such fine-tooth combing of his or her work.

The Bottom Line: Recognizing that they could not fire Prof. Churchill 
directly for his political speech, CU administrators created a 
pretext to do so by soliciting/inventing "research misconduct" 
allegations. A biased investigation generated a handful of technical 
charges which the University has falsely labeled "plagiarism" or 
"fabrication of evidence." To date, external political and financial 
pressures have trumped the First Amendment and the principle of 
academic freedom at the University of Colorado.

Key Developments:

Feb. 2, 2005: Then-Colorado Governor Bill Owens demands that 
Professor Ward Churchill be fired for his 2001 op-ed web posting on 
the 9/11 attacks.

Feb. 3, 2005: The Regents denounce Ward Churchill's statements and 
authorize then-Interim Chancellor Philip DiStefano to investigate 
"every word" he has published. Though billed as a public meeting, two 
people are arrested and prosecuted for attempting to speak in support 
of Prof. Churchill.

Mar. 3, 2005: Then-President Betsy Hoffman warns the Boulder Faculty 
Assembly of a "new McCarthyism," pointing out that there is "no 
question that there's a real danger that the group of people [who] 
went after Prof. Churchill now feel empowered." Within 5 days Pres. 
Hoffman announces her resignation.

Mar. 24, 2005: Interim Chancellor DiStefano, who has never bothered 
to inform Prof. Churchill of the investigation, publicly announces 
that although all of Prof. Churchill's writings and speeches are 
protected by the First Amendment, the University has received other 
allegations which require investigation. Subsequently it comes out 
that all of the allegations actually investigated were either created 
or solicited by University administrators.

Spring 2005: The University feeds the media frenzy, holding press 
conferences to announce each step of the "investigation" in direct 
violation of confidentiality rules. In turn, news coverage is 
submitted for investigation by Interim Chancellor DiStefano as "complainant."

Fall 2005: An Investigative Committee is appointed, chaired by CU law 
professor Mimi Wesson. Prof. Churchill is not informed that Prof. 
Wesson had circulated a memo in Feb. 2005 comparing Prof. Churchill 
to "charismatic male celebrity wrongdoers" like OJ Simpson, Bill 
Clinton, and Michael Jackson. The Committee includes no American 
Indians and no one specializing in American Indian or Indigenous Studies.

May 9, 2006: The Investigative Committee holds a press conference to 
release its Report, claiming to have found 7 instances of research 
misconduct. One committee member recommends termination, four 
recommend suspension.

June 16, 2006: Interim Chancellor DiStefano, the "complainant," now 
becomes sentencing judge, recommending dismissal.

May 3, 2007: An internal faculty appeal panel finds the University 
has not met its burden of proof on some charges, but upholds others 
(documentation of the 1837 smallpox epidemic and questions of author 
attribution). Two members of the panel support dismissal; three 
recommend a 1-year suspension.

Prof. Churchill requests that CU President Hank Brown recuse himself 
from the dismissal process, based upon Brown's biases, including his 
close ties to ACTA, which has consistently denounced Prof. Churchill 
(see ACTA's How Many Ward Churchills?).

May 10 and 28, 2007: Two groups of professors and attorneys file 
research misconduct charges against the Investigative Committee for 
falsifying and fabricating evidence against Prof. Churchill in their 
Report . The governing board of the Colorado Conference of AAUP 
chapters calls on the University not to take action against Prof. 
Churchill until the legitimacy and objectivity of the Report has been 

June 7, 2007: CU President Hank Brown refuses to recuse himself or 
delay action, and overrides the majority of both the Investigative 
Committee and the faculty appeal panel to recommend that the Regents 
fire Prof. Churchill.

July/Aug 2007: The CU Regents will vote on dismissing Prof. Churchill.

Quick links :

Two sets of research misconduct charges filed against CU 
Investigative Committee:


Debunking plagiarism charges: 

The ACTA connection: 

Indigenous Studies: 

NY Review of Books Open Letter: 

Teachers for a Democratic Society petition: 

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