[News] Palestine - report on human rights violations this week

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Thu Jan 18 13:33:02 EST 2007

PCHR report on human rights violations this week

(Gaza City) PCHR
Thursday, 18 January 2007

PCHR issued its report of Israeli human rights 
violations against Palestinians in the West Bank, 
including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip for 
the week of 11 through 17 January. This week 
Israeli forces arrested 54 Palestinians, 
including five children, a woman and her daugher.

The photo ran with the caption, "Jamal Hasan 
al-Sarahin, 37, a Palestinian prisoner who has 
died in an Israeli jail due to medical 
negligence." The full text of Palestinian Centre 
for Human Rights report follows:

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue 
Systematic Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and 
Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

Two members of the Palestinian resistance were 
killed by IOF in the Gaza Strip.

A Palestinian detainee died in an Israeli prison.

IOF conducted 30 incursions into Palestinian 
communities in the West Bank and two into the Gaza Strip.

IOF arrested 54 Palestinian civilians, including 
5 children and a woman and her daughter.

IOF transformed two houses into military sites.

IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the 
OPT; IOF have isolated the Gaza Strip from the 
outside world and IOF positioned at various 
checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 3 
Palestinian civilians, including a girl.

IOF have continued to construct the Annexation 
Wall inside the West Bank; IOF razed areas of 
land in Um Salamouna village southwest of 
Bethlehem to construct a section of the Wall and 
15 demonstrators were injured when IOF used force 
against peaceful demonstration organized in 
protest to the construction of the Wall.

IOF have continued settlement activities in the 
West Bank; Israeli settlers razed areas of land 
in Yatta village, south of Hebron, to establish a 
settler road, and an invitation for bids to 
construct 44 new housing unit in “Ma’ale Adomim” 
settlement near Jerusalem was published in Israeli newspapers.


Israeli violations of international law and 
humanitarian law continued in the OPT during the 
reporting period (11 – 17 January 2007):

Killing: On 14 January 2007, IOF killed two 
members of the Palestinian resistance  in the 
northern Gaza Strip. IOF fired at them when they 
were 20 meters away from the border between the 
Gaza Strip and Israel. In the West Bank, on 16 
January 2007, a Palestinian detainee died in the 
Negev Prison inside Israel due to medical negligence.

Incursions: During the reporting period, IOF 
conducted at least 30 military incursions into 
Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During 
these incursions, IOF raided houses and arrested 
54 Palestinian civilians, including 5 children 
and a woman and her daughter. IOF also 
transformed two houses into military sites. In 
the Gaza Strip, on 14 January 2007, IOF moved 
nearly 200 meters into ‘Abasan village, east of 
Khan Yunis, and leveled areas of land. On 15 
January 2007, IOF moved nearly 300 meters into 
al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis, and leveled areas of land.

Restrictions on Movement: IOF have continued to 
impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed 
severe restrictions on the movement of 
Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the 
West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

IOF have imposed a strict siege on the Gaza 
Strip. They have closed its border crossings as a 
form of collective punishment against Palestinian civilians.

IOF have closed Rafah International Crossing 
Point since 25 June 2006, even though they do not 
directly control it. The crossing point was not 
opened. IOF have partially reopened commercial 
crossings, especially al-Mentar (Karni) crossing, 
but many goods and medical supplies have been 
lacked in markets in the Gaza Strip. IOF have 
also continued to close Erez crossing in the 
northern Gaza Strip. Hundreds of thousands of 
Palestinians from the Gaza Strip have been 
prevented from traveling through this crossing. 
IOF have allowed international workers to pass 
through the crossing.  With this closure, only 
few Palestinian patients have been able to travel 
to hospitals in Israel and the West Bank.  In 
addition, IOF have continued to prevent 
Palestinian fishermen from fishing for nearly 7 months.

West Bank

IOF have tightened the siege imposed on 
Palestinian communities in the West Bank. They 
have isolated Jerusalem from the rest of the West 
Bank. IOF positioned at various checkpoints in 
the West Bank have continued to impose severe 
restrictions on the movement of Palestinian 
civilians. Contrary to Israeli claims, IOF have 
continued to impose severe restrictions on the 
movement of Palestinian civilians. During the 
reporting period, IOF soldiers positioned at 
various checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 3 
Palestinian civilians, including a girl.

Annexation Wall: IOF have continued to construct 
the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank. On 
Monday morning, 15 January 2007, IOF razed large 
areas of land in Um Salamouna village, southwest 
of Bethlehem, to construct a section of the Wall. 
IOF also used force to disperse peaceful 
demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians 
and international and Israeli solidarity 
activists in protest to the construction of the 
Wall in Bal’ein village, west of Ramallah, and Um 
Salamouna village, southwest of Bethlehem. As a 
result, 14 demonstrators and a journalist were injured.

Settlement Activities: On Thursday morning, 11 
January 2007, Israeli settlers escorted by IOF 
started to raze large areas of agricultural land 
in Yatta village, south of Hebron, to establish a 
settler road near “Sousi” settlement. On 15 
January 2007, the Israeli Ministry of Housing 
published an invitation for bids to construct 44 
new housing units in “Ma’ale Adomim” settlement, 
east of occupied Jerusalem. This bid aims at 
expanding the settlements around Jerusalem and 
accelerate the Judaization of the city.

The outcome of crimes committed by IOF since 25 June 2006:

o     491 Palestinians, 312 of whom are 
civilians, including 92 children and 30 women, 
have been killed by IOF. In the Gaza Strip alone, 
408 Palestinians, 244 of whom are civilians, 
including 84 children, 28 women and 4 paramedics, have been killed by IOF.

o     At least 1663 Palestinians, mostly 
civilians, including 351 children, 110 women. In 
the Gaza Strip alone, 1285 Palestinians, mostly 
civilians, including 349 children, 104 women, 4 
paramedics and 7 journalist, have been wounded by the IOF gunfire.

o     At least 328 air-to-surface missiles and 
hundreds of artillery shells have been fired at 
Palestinian civilian and military targets in the Gaza Strip.

o     Buildings of the Palestinian Ministry of 
Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the 
Ministry of National economy, the office of the 
Palestinian Prime Minister and a number of 
educational institutions have been destroyed.

o     The electricity generation plant, providing 
45% of the electricity of the Gaza Strip, was 
destroyed, and electricity networks and 
transmitters have been repeatedly attacked.

o     6 bridges linking Gaza City with the 
central Gaza Strip and a number of roads have been destroyed.

o     Hundreds of donums of agricultural land and 
dozens of houses have been destroyed.

o     Hundreds of Palestinian civilians, 
including 10 ministers and 31 members of the 
Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), including 
the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Secretary, have 
been arrested. Minster of Prisoners’ Affairs, 
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labor and 
Second Deputy Speaker of the PLC were released.

o     The Palestinian governmental compound in Nablus has been destroyed.

o     Many families in Rafah, Beit Hanoun and 
Beit Lahia have been forced to leave their houses.

o     IOF intelligence has warned some 
Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by phone 
to evacuate their houses, which would be attacked.

o     73 houses belonging to activists of 
Palestinian factions have been destroyed by IOF warplanes.

o     IOF have imposed a strict siege on the OPT, 
and have isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

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