[News] Palestinian Women call for unity government or interim government

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Oct 16 08:53:27 EDT 2006

Women call for unity government or interim government; anything to 
engender reform

(Bethlehem) Najib Farag
Monday, 16 October 2006

In an appeal "for the sake of Palestine," the collective Palestinian 
women's organizations called for intensified dialogue to form a 
national unity government.

The women condemned internal fighting and violence, and called to 
remove armed persons from the streets and remove the political 
affiliations from security organizations. The organizations said 
today that the coalition government should be formed on the basis of 
the National Accord Document, which all parties agreed upon during 
the several-day national meetings earlier in the year.

The women's organizations pointed out the President Abbas and Prime 
Minister Haniya have already agreed on the Accord Document and so 
there is no need to hash through other agreements or external 
conditions. The two have agreed on something, and that is enough. The 
call is for the new government to be formed as early as the end of Ramadan.

The women's memo was signed by dozens of institutions and female 
officials, professional, and educators. Included was an additional 
call to create an interim government to function for one year, 
working to address internal affairs. The players should be 
independent in order to leave behind as much political muckraking as possible.

The issues of the economy and social deterioration must be dealt 
with, poverty and unemployment addressed, and the political and 
economic blockade must be broken to ensure that international aid can 
begin to flow and that the Israelis will pay taxes on the funds they 
froze. Administrative and financial reform is also required. These 
points are crucial, wrote the women, "for the good of Palestine." 
They continued to say that "organizing against occupation as the Wall 
takes more land, working to end occupation and human rights 
violations, these are the issues we should be dealing with."

The women also supported the role of the Palestine Liberation 
Organization as the source of the political authority to follow-up on 
the political file. Monday's memo called for immediate reform as "the 
country can no longer wait."

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