[News] U.S. Political Consultants Are the Virtual Rapists of Atenco

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue May 16 08:46:55 EDT 2006

U.S. Political Consultants Dick Morris and Rob 
Allyn Are the Virtual Rapists of Atenco


Fox’s Government Tortured, Raped and Expelled 
Foreign Journalists as His Own Gringo Political 
Handlers Violated Article 33 of the Mexican Constitution

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

May 16, 2006

The Atenco atrocity has become the international 
news story that not even the most cynical U.S. 
political consultants could cover up. Here is 
part of the news that Dick Morris and Rob Allyn, 
U.S. citizens both, are frantically trying to keep you from knowing:

Mexican police raped 30 of the 47 women political 
prisoners arrested this month in San Salvador 
to legal complaints filed with Mexico’s National 
Human Rights Commission. And the Mexican 
government acknowledges that it expelled five 
foreign nationals (four of them women, each of 
whom has testified that she was sexually tortured 
by police) after the now-deported visitors 
heroically documented the police raids and 
brutality there on May 4. To cover up the 
atrocity, the government of Vicente Fox stole 
their cameras and film (along with their 
passports and money) then shipped them back to 
their home countries ­ Spain, Germany and Chile ­ 
on one-way flights, expelled, each of them, from Mexico for five years.

Hiding behind the political curtain as the women 
were raped and tortured were the two gringo 
political consultants: Dick Morris and Rob Allyn. 
They advise President Vicente Fox and his favored 
presidential candidate, Felipe Calderón, of Fox’s 
National Action Party (PAN, in its Spanish 
initials) on how to manipulate the mass media and 
in the art of “crisis management.”

The testimonies of sexual torture by the expelled 
journalists shock and compel. After the Atenco 
arrests, the same bestiality was inflicted on 
Mexican women and men, including one young 
Mexican man anally raped with a nightstick, but 
the foreigners ­ expelled before most of the 
Mexicans were able to tell their stories to the 
outside world ­ were merely the first voices able 
to speak about the horror inflicted upon them by 
Fox’s regime. The coming weeks will bring a 
cascade of similar horror stories. We will 
translate some of the testimonies already offered here.

But first, we offer a trip down amnesia lane: 
Because one of these U.S. political consultants, 
Rob Allyn, is, as we reported here six years ago, 
an electoral delinquent in Mexico, who admittedly 
broke the same Mexican law that was used, 
illegally, to expel the five foreigners this month.

The other gringo is Dick Morris, the very same 
political consultant who, while running U.S. 
President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 
1996, resigned in disgrace when it was revealed 
that he ­ a married man ­ paid a woman that was 
not his wife $200 an hour for sex.

So when Fox ­ advised by U.S. political 
mercenaries Dick Morris and Rob Allyn ­ sent 
federal police earlier this month to Atenco to 
wage an illegal (sans search warrants) 
house-to-house hunt for dissidents; when hundreds 
were rounded up, beaten, tortured and dozens were 
sexually penetrated, some by penises, others by 
fingers, billy clubs and other weapons; when, 
then, the Fox regime expelled the few foreigners 
swept up among the more than 200 arrested, all 
this occurred under the command of a president 
that doesn’t make a move without consulting his 
gringo handlers. At moments of crisis, Fox turns 
to the advice and counsel of the two gringos, 
Morris and Allyn, whose clients have also 
included U.S. presidents George W. Bush, George 
Herbert Walker Bush, and Bill Clinton.

There is no nice way to say it: Their role as 
advisors to Fox during the Atenco crisis makes 
Dick Morris and Rob Allyn into virtual rapists of 
at least thirty women this month by the police sent by their client.

And their other client, the candidate Felipe 
Calderón, now sputters to the press ­ in frantic 
denial of the evidence that now boomerangs back 
upon him ­ that the rapes never happened. In 
opting for this strategy of denial, he and his 
U.S. political consultants Allyn and Morris are 
gang-raping these women a second time.

Meet Rob Allyn, Electoral Delinquent

Six years ago, during the 2000 presidential 
elections in Mexico, this newspaper reported that 
a United States political consultant named Rob 
Allyn was dishonestly meddling in Mexican 
politics. At the time, he was as a clandestine 
paid advisor to then-presidential candidate 
Vicente Fox. But he denied it ­ first to Narco 
News, and then to other media that inquired.


Rob Allyn
Allyn ­ 
a series of emails to your correspondent ­ at 
first tried to lie his way out of it. He had come 
to Mexico City in June 2000 where he had called a 
press conference, falsely representing himself as 
an impartial election observer for a paper 
organization he called “Democracy Watch.” Later, 
after Fox won the July 2000 election, Allyn, 
eager to take credit for the victory, 
boasted to the 
Morning News that, yes, he did work for Fox’s 
campaign clandestinely. He said he did so on a 
tourist visa and that, during three illegal years 
in Mexico, he also used at least three false sets 
of identification under the names “José de 
Murga,” “Francisco Gutiérrez,” and “Alberto Aguirre.”

Use of forged identification by foreigners in 
Mexico is a crime punishable by up to ten years 
in prison. But the law was never applied to Rob 
Allyn. To the contrary, he was rewarded 
handsomely for his crime. Allyn was paid millions 
of dollars as the agent who placed Fox’s 
advertisements on Mexican television, at the same 
time that he represented himself to the Mexican 
press as an “impartial election observer.” And 
now, in 2006, this electoral delinquent, Rob 
Allyn, is back, helping to run the campaign of 
presidential candidate Felipe Calderón, of Fox’s PAN party.

Allyn ­ a Republican Party consultant from Texas 
who has advised both George W. Bush and his 
father George Herbert Walker Bush, as well as a 
Texan energy billionaire with obvious interest in 
seeing Mexico’s electricity and oil privatized ­ 
is joined in Mexico today by U.S. political consultant Dick Morris.

Morris the Menace in Mexico

Morris was the top political advisor to U.S. 
President Bill Clinton until August of 1996, when 
Morris, a married man, was caught with a 
$200-dollar-an-hour prostitute and had to leave 
the Clinton campaign in disgrace.


Dick Morris
Photo: Fox News
Morris recently penned 
column in the New York Post in which he admitted, 
“I have worked as a consultant for Fox and PAN.”

A fish is caught from the mouth, first: Article 
33 of the Mexican Constitution prohibits 
participation by foreigners in Mexican electoral campaigns. It says:

“Foreigners may not involve themselves in any way 
in the political affairs of the country.”

This article of the Constitution prohibits 
involvement by foreigners in Mexican electoral 
politics. It says nothing about taking 
photographs or shooting video. But in recent days 
it was wielded ­ using an illegal interpretation 
of the law ­ by Morris’ and Allyn’s Mexican 
client, Vicente Fox, to expel five foreign 
journalists from the country, although the 
journalists were not involved in any way in this year’s election campaign.

Not content to merely expel two Spanish women, 
one German woman, and a woman and man from Chile 
who were photographing, filming and observing 
human rights in the town of San Salvador Atenco 
on the morning of May 4, the Fox government ­ 
according to documentation by respected human 
rights organizations and to the victims’ own 
testimony ­ first beat them savagely, tortured 
them sexually, stole their cameras, film and 
passports, kept them incommunicado and tortured 
for two days, and then dragged them onto 
airplanes that dumped them, bruises and all, in their home countries.

But these communicators have refused to be 
silenced. Read their words and listen to their 
sincerity, their conviction, their commitment 
against injustice, and compare that with the 
mercenary stance of virtual rapists Rob Allyn and 
Dick Morris. Because it is true that there are 
foreigners meddling in Mexican politics, in 
violation of Article 33. But it is not the 
journalists or human rights observers who 
volunteer their time to document the 
non-electoral Zapatista Other Campaign, or the 
atrocities of Atenco and other parts of the 
country. The violators of the law are Rob Allyn 
and Dick Morris. They are the bad foreigners 
responsible for what happened to the five good 
foreigners this month outside of Mexico City: the 
commanders-in-chief of the media war against human rights in Mexico.

Sexual Torture and Tourism Under Fox


Valentina Palma Novoa
Photo: La Jornada
Doctors at the Emergency Public Assistance 
Hospital in Santiago de Chile examined 
30-year-old film student Valentina Palma Novoa 
upon her imposed return to her country last week. 
to the Mexico City daily 
Jornada, she suffered, at the hands and batons of 
Mexican police, “contusions and hemotomas in the 
abdomen, the left rib region, right shoulder and 
breast, as well as on her thumb and leg.” The 
accompanying photo documents many of those wounds.

Her eye-witness account ­ 
Ordered Me to Lay My Head in a Pool of Blood” ­ 
vividly documents the beatings she received upon 
arrest, in the bus transporting her and other 
prisoners to jail, and once inside the prison.

She had lived 11 years in Mexico, at every moment 
her migratory status in the country legal and 
covered by visas. A student of cinematography at 
the prestigious Center for Cinematographic Study 
at Mexico’s National School of Anthropology and 
History (ENAH, in its Spanish initials), she 
studied with world-renowned director 
Novaro, who, according to the 
York Times, “has created an impressive body of 
work that is outstanding for its often political 
portrayals of women living within two realities.”

Palma’s Mexican visa specifically authorized her 
to study cinema and make films. And that’s what 
she was doing on the morning of May 4, in Atenco, 
when Vicente Fox’s regime grabbed her, beat her, and deported her from Mexico.

It was politics, and not law, that led the Fox 
government to expel her. Who made the decision to 
send her ­ and her testimony ­ far from Mexican 
soil? The gabacho Rob Allyn? The gringo Dick 
Morris? Her deportation occurred in violation of 
a court protective order, known under Mexican law 
as an amparo. That is the authoritarian Mexico of 
Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón, as guided by the 
U.S. political consultants Allyn and Morris: a 
plea for “law and order” that disregards its own judicial decisions.

The other Chilean expelled, Mario Aguirre, fared no better.

Also student at Mexico’s National School of 
Anthropology and History, upon his return to 
Chile, Aguirre reported to the same hospital, 
which found “bruises on the thorax, contusions 
under his scalp, lesions on the left knee and 
scrapes on the right knee, all as the result of an aggression.”

corroborates that of the four women expelled from 
Mexico and that of many Mexicans who are 
beginning to be released either for lack of 
evidence against them or on bail. Regarding the sexual tortures, he writes:

“I am an eyewitness to the abuses to which a 
woman seated beside me was subjected. She was 
stripped naked at the chest while the officers 
insulted and beat her on her breasts. Another 
woman who was on top of me in the pile of bodies 
that we were stuck in was brutally beaten and her 
head slammed repeated times against my back. The 
beatings she received were with kicks, slaps, she 
was stamped upon and beaten with a nightstick.”

“We were witnesses to another case of abuse, 
against one of the Spanish women who screamed, 
please, that they leave her alone because they 
were suffocating her. After a few minutes her 
legs had numbed and so she needed to move them. 
But each time she tried the police hit her hard 
with the nightstick. The time that it took for 
all this to happen was too long to justify a trip 
to the nearest jail. The torture began to be 
psychological: as if they were taking us to an 
unpopulated place to be killed and disappeared.”

Compare the treatment that these good people 
received at the hands of the Fox administration 
to the testimony of Fox’s gringo political 
consultant Rob Allyn about the “hardships” he 
faced while running Fox’s 2000 presidential 
campaign, in the breathless prose of the Dallas Morning News on July 9, 2000:

MEXICO CITY ­ Oftentimes, Rob Allyn’s biggest 
challenge was trying to remember his covert 
identity. If he slipped, he risked his role in a 
secret mission to push along Mexico’s first bloodless revolution.

Puzzled waiters and hotel receptionists would 
stare as Mr. Allyn, a well-known Republican 
political consultant in Dallas, painfully 
pondered the many fake names before signing a 
bill. Who was he this time, José de Murga, 
Francisco Gutiérrez, or Alberto Aguirre?

“Basically, for three years I’d go home from my 
real job to a secret job,” Mr. Allyn said. “I led 
a second life for that period.”

As foreigners like Allyn face the dilemmas of 
which credit card to whip out (in those 
restaurants that accept them) and how to spend 
the fortunes he makes off of Mexico’s corrupt 
political system, others, like the Chileans 
Valentina Palma and Mario Aguirre make a lie out 
of the political consultant’s claim to be 
participating in a “bloodless revolution.”

Or take the testimony of Catalonian citizens 
Maria Sostres and Cristina Valls, deported the 
same day as the Chileans ­ on El Cinco de Mayo ­ 
back to their home city of Barcelona.


Maria Sostres and Cristina Valls
Photo: El País
“It was a fiesta for the police,” Sostres told 
the Madrid daily 
País, about her experience being arrested in 
Atenco May 4, in an interview published on 
Sunday, May 14. “They passed us from hand to hand 
and enjoyed themselves as they beat us.”

“I tried to run but every street was full of 
police. Getting out of there was impossible. They 
began to beat up everyone they found passing by,” 
Valls recounted to the newspaper.

“My face was over a pool of blood and there were 
six people piled on top of me who were being violated,” testified Valls.

Sostres witnessed various rapes by police against 
the detainees: “They stuck objects, fingers and 
keys in their vaginas. They forced one girl to 
say ‘Cowboy! Cowboy!’ while a police officer smacked her ass.”

They spoke of people that the authorities allowed 
inside the jail who claimed to be attorneys, 
offering free advice to the women: “One told me 
not to file a complaint for the sexual abuse 
because it would cause more problems for me in 
going free and could lead to my being in prison 
for a year. I believed him. Later I retracted and 
wanted to widen my declaration but they wouldn’t let me,” said Sostres.

“We have photos of girls with their thighs black 
and their breasts covered with bruises from the 
blows,” said Guillermo Ibarra of Mexico’s 
National Human rights Commission to the Spanish daily.

Think about the treatment that these Spaniard 
women, both human rights activists, received as 
tourists in Mexico compared to that of Fox’s 
foreign political consultant Rob Allyn. From his 
2000 interview with the Dallas Morning News:

The campaign over, the media savvy strategists 
talked of once drinking brandy ­ Mexico’s 
Presidente label ­ with the future president of 
Mexico in the back of a bullet-proof Suburban and 
of the many safe houses, which always included an empty swimming pool.

As Rob Allyn was back on the Mexican campaign 
trail, guiding Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón in 
their every move this election season, another 
foreigner, Samantha Dietmar, 27, of Germany, was 
paying a high price for the crime of
photographs. As she left her 100-peso (less than 
ten dollars) hotel room early the morning of May 
4, in Atenco, she was immediately attacked by a horde of club-swinging police.

This is part of her testimony, published on 

“‘She’s not from here,’ they shouted. My 
identification papers fell to the ground and I 
was brought toward a vehicle. There, my hell began

“I was pulled by my arms and hair to be put into 
the vehicle, where a mountain of people were 
already piled on top of each other. There was 
blood everywhere, and the people cried out in pain

“The police insulted us and spit on us
stepped on top of me and others with their boots
beating our backs, heads and feet with their 
nightsticks. I felt hands upon my buttocks and 
back that were trying to pull my skirt up. When I 
tried to put my clothing back on, they shouted at 
me, ‘Gringa,’ and someone hit me in the face. My nose bled

“Again and again police came onto the bus and 
asked for the German girl
 they wanted to see my 
face. I was told not to move. Some hands were 
touching my breasts. They asked me what I was doing there

“They said I had pretty eyes, and asked if I 
wanted to go out with one of the police, and 
immediately they began to beat a man behind me, 
who doubled over in pain. They pulled my hair and 
strands of it flew all over the bus

This is Rob Allyn’s Mexico and this is Dick 
Morris’ Mexico: the return of the authoritarian 
state that rules with fear and violence, 
arbitrarily, with two sets of laws: one that 
afflicts the good people, and another that comforts the bad.

It’s a Mexico that many a commentator in the 
Commercial Media recently has complained about, 
blaming the atmosphere of violence on the people who resist and protest.

But the real blame for the heightening of tension 
and violence rests on the shoulders of Dick 
Morris and Rob Allyn and the tone that they set 
for the 2006 campaign. The truth is ­ and the 
record reflects ­ that the political climate in 
Mexico began to rarify weeks prior to the bloody 
conflicts of early May in Atenco and nearby 
Texcoco. It began before the police displaced 
peaceful flower sellers and attacked those who defended them. It began
 on TV

The Gringos Who Opened Pandora’s Box

When this year’s presidential campaign began, 
some hoped for a peaceful and democratic process. 
After all, this is the first presidential 
election to be held after Fox’s 2000 victory 
ended seven decades of one-party rule. At first, 
the Fox administration welcomed the Zapatista 
“Other Campaign” and national tour by 
Subcomandante Marcos as the peaceful protest and 
fact-finding mission that it is.

But under all this flowery waxing about love and 
peace and democracy, the injustices continued to 
seethe. And when the polls revealed that former 
Mexico City Governor Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 
of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD, in its 
Spanish initials, a party that represents itself 
as “center-left” in ideology) is headed to an 
irreversible victory on July 2nd, Fox and his pet 
candidate, Calderón, called in the dogs from the North.

Dick Morris and Rob Allyn set to work feeding red 
meat to the corrupt Commercial Media in Mexico: 
incendiary television spots, falsified public 
opinion polls, and “reports” based on rumor and 
innuendo, to sow fear and loathing into the 
election campaign. And to ensure that the Fox 
administration would get the spin it wants out of 
the two national TV networks ­ Televisa and TV 
Azteca ­ it rammed a new law through Congress 
giving special privileges and monopoly powers to 
the two networks, disintegrating the smaller media competitors.

The Washington Post 
on May 3rd, as the police-incited violence began in Texcoco and Atenco:

A solid dose of negative campaigning has 
tightened up Mexico’s three-way presidential 
race, generating a spate of stories about the 
influence of controversial U.S. political strategist Dick Morris.

Reports in the Mexican press are raising 
questions about how connected Morris might be to 
the campaign of Felipe Calderon. The conservative 
Calderon is competing with leftist Andres Manual 
Lopez Obrador and populist Roberto Madrazo in a 
contest to lead a nation of 105 million people 
whose exodus of migrants, legal and illegal, are 
reshaping U.S. politics and society.

Last month, Calderon overtook Lopez Obrador for 
the first time in the polls when a survey done by 
the Reforma newspaper gave him a 38 to 35 percent 
edge over Lopez Obrador. Madrazo held 23 percent. 
Lopez Obrador has retained a slight lead in other 
recent polls compiled by opinamexico.org.

Calderon’s surge followed a saturation television 
advertising campaign aimed at eroding the 
positive image Lopez Obrador has forged as a 
popular mayor of Mexico City by linking him to 
Venezuela’s leftist president Hugo Chavez. In a 
story headlined “Mercenary Strategists Without 
Rival,” the newsweekly Proceso (in Spanish by 
subscription) reported this week that Calderon 
has contracted Morris and Texas-based political 
consultant Rob Allyn “to handle not only his 
image, but the development of his campaign.”

But Morris’ advocacy on behalf of Fox and 
Calderón was visible a month earlier, on April 3, 
when he penned 
column for the New York Post that sums up 
perfectly his inflammatory approach to political 
campaigning. It was titled “Menace in Mexico” and 
sounded like a Red Scare tract from the 1950s:

On July 2, the Mexican people will decide whether 
to elect ultra-leftist Andres Manuel Lopez 
Obrador (known as AMLO) as their next president.

Rumors have abounded for months that Lopez 
Obrador’s campaign is getting major funding from 
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. And last month 
Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz), a moderate Republican, 
told several Mexican legislators that he had 
intelligence reports detailing revealing support 
from Hugo Chavez to AMLO’s Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD)

Chavez is a firm ally of Cuba’s Fidel Castro. 
Lopez Obrador could be the final piece in their 
grand plan to bring the United States to its 
knees before the newly resurgent Latin left

Based on what he himself called “rumor,” Morris screeched:

Think we have security problems now, with Vicente 
Fox leading Mexico? Just wait until we have a 
2,000-mile border with a chum of Chavez and Castro.

That was essentially the script for what came 
next in Mexico: TV spots claiming that López 
Obrador was a stooge of Chávez and Castro, 
followed by polls which claimed that Calderón was 
gaining on, and, later, leading the opposition candidate.

Another U.S. political consultant, pollster Dan 
Lund, wrote 
column for the Miami Herald’s Mexican edition, an 
English-language insert in the national daily El 
Universal, analyzing the influence of Dick Morris 
on this year’s Mexican campaign:

Dick Morris, the well-known consultant who boasts 
a brilliant track record in electing Republicans 
and Democrats in the United States. He is most 
well known for the 1996 Clinton re-election 
campaign and an interesting sexual preference for 
which he was busted in a Washington hotel. By the 
way, it is fair game to mention such things, for 
after all he is the master of the negative 
campaign, featuring the use of personal at tacks; 
actually, I could have used more innuendo or just 
made something up, and that would have been fair game on his terms as well.

Morris is the guy who claims to have written the 
“campaign book” for Fox in 1999-2000, and is now 
spreading tail feathers about his role in the Felipe Calderón campaign

With this conflictive operation, the Morris book 
is the script keeping it together for now, 
because it is all about winning, no matter how.

The book is that of a relentless negative 
campaign, using all forms of media, electronic 
and informal ­ all, at a cost that simply cannot 
be met by other campaigns. This campaign book has 
become the choreography of a strange Morris dance 
that enables the very different factions and 
interests to hold together and focus on the real 
enemy, namely Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

And yet all of this was predictable: the 
Gringotization of the Mexican election and the 
primacy of negative campaigning based on rumor 
and innuendo at the hands of U.S. political 
consultants was the script from the beginning. 
The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN, 
in its Spanish initials) warned of it almost a 
year ago, in the 
Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, and set to 
work building the “Other Campaign” ­ a 
non-electoral effort ­ to pull the cloak off the scam.

On January 1st, Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos 
began what was originally slated as a six-month 
visit to all of Mexico to hear the testimony of 
the people who struggle “below and to the left.”

The recent violence in Atenco led to the 
suspension of the Other Campaign while Marcos 
holds what is essentially a kind of sit-in at the 
true seat of power: the media capital of Mexico 
City. He has gone on the offensive, selectively 
granting interviews to Commercial Media outlets 
on the condition that they broadcast his words 
“uncut and unedited.” (That the rebel spokesman 
has been able to impose this condition, so far, 
on Televisa, CNN and Telesur, as well as the 
daily La Jornada, is an important fact that goes 
unspoken by some who complain about Marcos’ media 
blitz: Who has been able to impose that condition before? Who has even tried?)

What the “Other Campaign” has accomplished is to 
rip up the gringo consultants’ script. Because 
while Dick Morris and Rob Allyn believe that they 
can hear public opinion mediated by pollsters, 
Marcos has just spent more than 120 days 
listening endlessly to the voices of people from 
every sector of Mexican society ­ in 19 of its 31 
states plus the Federal District of Mexico City ­ 
and has developed a keener ear for what is 
happening on the ground than the candidates or 
their consultants are able to hear.

That, according to national columnist Carlos 
Ramírez (not at all an adherent, nor sympathizer, 
of the Zapatista “Other Campaign,” but a keen 
political analyst), has taken the Mexican 
zeitgeist out of the hands of the parties and 
their consultants, and put it squarely in those 
of the rebels. Ramírez 

The most relevant fact is that the 2006 
presidential campaigns are alienated from the 
reality that bothers the citizen. The promises to 
create jobs, lower prices and taxes, and raise 
subsidies for popular programs are far from the 
reality of the citizens. Atenco exploded as the 
most serious problem for governability, for the 
administration, and for the stability of the 
country, but the candidates have turned their 
backs. Marcos jumped into the electoral process, 
assumed the initiative and is dictating the 
political points of reference. And none of the 
candidates have dared to analyze the role that 
the chief of the EZLN has assumed or warned of 
the possibilities and limitations

This is the hour in which they have not 
understood that the political analysis of Marcos 
is different than the traditional one of weights 
and counter-weights. His strategy is to take 
advantage of the space created by Atenco to 
construct a network of uncontrollable social groups

In spite of it all, Marcos is the only one who 
knows what he wants and what he must do to obtain 
speech yesterday in the Che Guevara auditorium of 
UNAM (the National Autonomous University of 
Mexico) is coherent with his goal of social 
organization. He is going to stay here in the 
Federal District until the authority of the State 
collapses. And each day small social 
organizations with goals that don’t include 
negotiating with the state are joining him

The True Foreign Meddlers in Mexico

The true foreign meddlers in Mexican politics are 
Dick Morris, Rob Allyn and their ilk. They not 
only seek to rarify the air with conflict and 
rumor, creating a cloud of dust, confusion and 
fear out of which their clients emerge. They do 
it with brazen willingness to violate the law, to 
invent facts out of dark fantasies and fictions, 
to falsify polls, to unleash violent police 
offering them the opportunity to rape and 
sexually torture women as the booty of war, and, 
if need be, to do what was done in Mexico’s 1988 
elections, as occurred in recent years in the 
United States: they and the Fox administration 
will resort even to computer-generated election 
fraud to impose their regime’s continuance.

And they do it in clear violation of Article 33 
of the Mexican Constitution, against foreign involvement in electoral politics.

But the gringo electoral delinquents in Mexico, 
Dick Morris and Rob Allyn, are in over their heads.

The victory they seek on July 2nd, no matter how 
achieved, will be pyrrhic, in that Fox, following 
their advice by promoting violence, fear and 
repression, has ensured the ungovernability of 
the country, post-election, by his rooster 
Calderón and probably by anyone else.

As the Other Campaign has showed, day after day, 
for the past four and a half months, the lid 
simply is not on tight when it comes to 
controlling the Mexican populace from above. The 
false promises of change by the Morris-Allyn 
Frankenstein named Fox raised expectations and 
then broke them. And for anyone who still clung 
tight to that illusion by May 2nd, the violence 
of May 3rd and 4th has ripped from them that 
innocence with the speed at which Fox’s police 
raped and sexually tortured a majority of the women they arrested in Atenco.

The protestors chant “We Are All Atenco.” The 
truth is that those words also translate to “We 
Have All Been Raped.” The virtual rapists of 
political technique and manipulation have violated democracy itself.

And the nation that exists below, under their 
technocratic radar, cannot, will not, rest until 
justice be done. Fox and his police, Calderón and 
his gringo consultants, had their fiesta ­ as 
Maria Sostres testified ­ on May 4th. Now comes 
the response. The Other Mexico that rises from 
these ashes will include a space, anew, for 
Valentina Palma Novoa, for Mario Aguirre, for 
Samantha Dietmar, for Cristina Valls, for Maria 
Sostres, and for every decent Mexican citizen and 
internationalist in solidarity with them.

But the Mexico to come, as a result of what 
happened this month in Atenco, will not include a 
place ­ not even a cabaña on the beach ­ for the 
virtual rapists Dick Morris or Rob Allyn.

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