[News] Sumoud Notes on the Israeli Raid on the Jericho Prison

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Thu Mar 16 13:36:04 EST 2006

Sumoud Notes on the Israeli Raid on the Jericho Prison

By Rafeef Ziadah and Hazem Jamjoum

Sumoud, March 16, 2006

Sumoud Political Prisoners Group strongly 
condemns the Israeli attack and 9-hour siege on 
the Jericho prison that took place yesterday. 
Three Palestinians were killed and tens injured 
during the siege. Ahmad Sa’adat, Ahed Abu Ghoulmi 
and four other prisoners were kidnapped during the siege by Israeli forces.

Sumoud notes the following:

• The kidnapped prisoners are legitimate, 
well-respected political leaders of the 
Palestinian people who have consistently fought 
to defend their people against Israeli attacks 
and occupation. Ahmad Sa’adat was elected to the 
Palestinian Legislative Council at the head of 
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) ticket.

• During the siege, Israeli military and 
political leaders openly announced their 
intention to commit war crimes. One Israeli 
colonel involved in the operation told the 
newspaper Ha’aretz "The objective is to arrest 
them, but there are no negotiations. Either they 
come out or they will be killed." The willingness 
to simply surround a Palestinian prison and 
assassinate those inside is an indication of the 
barbaric and racist nature of the Israeli state. 
It is remarkable that statements such as these - 
an open call to commit war crimes - can pass 
without comment within the Canadian media. It is 
one further confirmation of the cheapness with 
which Palestinian life is viewed by those in the West.

• The Palestinian Authority bears complicity in 
the kidnapping of the six prisoners and the 
killing of the three Palestinians during the 
arrest. Sa'adat was never tried or accused before 
a court of law. His arrest was illegal and his 
release had been demanded by the Palestinian High 
Court, Amnesty International and other! human 
rights organizations. The other prisoners had 
been tried in a kangaroo court that did not meet 
the minimum standards of due process. Despite 
this travesty, the PA continued to submit to 
British, American and Israeli pressure and refused to release the prisoners.

• We note that the Israeli raid on the Jericho 
prison took place with the full consent of 
British and American forces. The fact that 
“international monitors” simply disappeared from 
the prison prior to the raid is a striking 
indication of this fact. Once again, the 
Palestinian people are reminded that they should 
have no faith in the false “neutrality” of the international community.

• Israel is renowned for its use of violent 
torture against Palestinian political prisoners. 
There is no doubt that those kidnapped from 
Jericho will face this type of torture and we 
hold the British and US governments responsible 
for their conditions in detention.

Sumoud demands the immediate release of those 
kidnapped from Jericho along with the 8000 
political prisoners currently held by Israel.

For more information contact Sumoud

Email: <mailto:sumoud at tao.ca>sumoud at tao.ca  or 
see <http://sumoud.tao.ca>http://sumoud.tao.ca

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