[News] Ex-Cons (and Friends) Against the War - SF

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Mar 16 13:24:54 EST 2006

Ex-cons (and friends),

March behind the banner "Ex Cons Against The War" on Saturday, March 
18th at the big anti-war demonstration. We will be gathering at 11am 
at the Civic Center for an opening rally followed by a march at about 
Noon through downtown. Meet us at the SOUTHWEST corner of GROVE and 
LARKIN, near the children's play area. We want as many ex-cons as 
possible behind the banner so we can take pictures of us all and 
print them in publications going in to the inside. Look for the big 
white banner "Ex Cons Against The War!" in black letters. See you there.

Ed Mead

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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