[News] University of the Philippines declared a state of emergency-free zone

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 1 16:35:34 EST 2006

'Diliman Republic' declares self as emergency-free


by R. Padua 2006-02-28 5:54 PM +0800
STUDENTS and professors yesterday declared University of the 
Philippines as a state of emergency-free zone, saying their academic 
freedom would not be muzzled by Arroyo's Proclamation 1017.
Professors said they would hold alternative classes to explain the 
effects of the proclamation, especially on people's rights.

"Kakausapin natin ang mga faculty members to still hold classes so we 
can discuss the meaning of this proclamation, our rights and what we 
should do," Maris Diokno, a professor of history, said in a press 
conference at the Palma hall.

The Palma hall, formerly known as the Arts and Sciences building, was 
the center of student protest actions during the dictatorship of 
Ferdinand Marcos.
"Hindi ko alam kung pasasalamatan ko si GMA (Arroyo) for 1017 because 
now we can explain what martial law was. Pagkakataon ito para 
maunawaan natin ang sitwasyon," she said.

UP president Emerlinda Roman in a statement dated February 26 said 
the administration affirms its commitment to the fundamental and 
human rights of its students.

These include the right to freely express their views either 
individually or collectively, through speeches or through various 
forms of media including student publications and radio; to peaceably 
assemble to petition the government for redress of grievances; to 
pursue and realize academic freedom; to decide on the content of 
their classroom discussions as well as their publications; and to be 
free from arbitrary and form of illegal arrests and detention.

"Consistent with our traditions as the University of the Philippines, 
we expect that forums which will provide information, catalyze 
analysis and debate on the current state of affairs will not be 
suppressed. We find ourselves at an important historical conjuncture. 
Let us not miss out on this chance to remain relevant as a University 
of our people," Roman said.

Former UP president Francisco Nemenzo Jr. said the UP community 
should embrace other schools which would like to hold protest actions 
in its campus.
"You have the duty to carry on the struggle of your predecessor," 
Nemenzo, who is chairman of Laban ng Masa, told students.

Sociology professor Randy David said the lifeline of a real 
university is academic freedom.

"A real university should stimulate social consciousness. And that is 
impossible without academic freedom. We can't function as a 
university for as long as 1017 is there," David told the students, 
whom he addressed as "citizens of the Republic of Diliman.

David, lawyer Argee Guevarra and Akbayan president Ronald Llamas were 
briefly held for questioning at Camp Karingal in Quezon City after 
they, along with 2,000 members of the Laban ng Masa, tried to march 
to the People Power Monument last Friday.

"Hindi tayo mawawala sa loob ng UP. May klase tayo at tayo'y papasok 
para talakayin ang sitwasyon at ang ating mga gagawing kilos hanggang 
sa i-lift and proclamation na ito," said Juan Paolo Alfonso, head of 
the Student Council's Students Rights and Welfare Committee.

The university Student Council condemned the deployment of military 
and police personnel at the campus supposedly to "conduct inquiry."
Alfonso said that SWAT and military teams were seen roaming the 
campus over the weekend.

He said these teams inquired about the location of the Office of the 
Student Council, the Office of the Student Regent, and the identities 
of student leaders.

"Arroyo knows the influence of UP's student leaders in harnessing 
mass support for the ever-growing dissent of the people against her 
regime. That's why it's on a double lookout for us," said Alfonso.

The Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP 
(Stand-UP) said government cannot turn campuses into garrisons.

"We will not allow her to relive the martial law paranoia. If the 
Arroyo regime is hell-bent on dispersing mass actions in the streets, 
let's see if she can try it in UP," said Stand-UP chair Isa Artajo.

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