[News] When Condi Came to Ramallah

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jul 28 12:21:03 EDT 2006


July 28, 2006

"Good Morning Beirut"

When Condi Came to Ramallah


West Bank, Palestine.

Ramallah turned its back on the Secretary of State when she arrived 
for her exclusive meeting with the President of Palestine. A meeting 
that totally excluded the government of this struggling people.

When we first dared the early morning heat we were surprised at the 
locked shop-doors and the empty streets and were a little angry. Why 
should these people lose a days work and income (small enough as it 
is) because this woman with no womanly feelings has decided to streak 
through the city in a bullet-proof windowless car?

But then on thinking a little deeper it became clear that the closed 
shops and the empty streets were the only means by which the people 
of Ramallah could say they did not want to acknowledge the presence 
of the Secretary, or allow her in any way to participate in the life 
of the city. It was their way of turning their backs on American 
policy in this region, too closely allied with Israel's. The people 
of Ramallah have precious little except the vibrancy of their always 
lively streets, and in protest that vibrancy was put behind locked 
doors to preserve it from the woman of America who had come smiling 
to gloat over their poverty.

I am sure that Condoleezza Rice, (called Kundara by many people here, 
which is Arabic for shoes) has no need for the pulsing life of 
Ramallah but I was glad all the same that she would only see it at 
its most depressing.

When the new front of Israel's war opened two weeks ago there was a 
strange mixture of relief and sadness in the West Bank, outweighed 
most noticeably by total sympathy for the people of Lebanon who were 
about to be bombed out of their homes and villages and cities. The 
relief was two fold for the people of Ramallah. Relief that the 
people of Gaza were not totally alone in their desperate need to 
fight a military regime so much stronger than them, and relief that 
the Israelis, occupying their land and interfering so much in their 
daily lives, were not totally untouchable.

There were just a few hours of thanksgiving.

Of course no one doubted there would be reprisals, but the action of 
Hezbollah in capturing two Israeli soldiers was an act directed 
specifically against a military target and it was against the 
military regime which has caused so much bloodshed in Gaza and so 
much of it here in the West Bank as well. For a few brief hours the 
people of Palestine were grateful.

The second reason for relief was far more specific and short-lived: 
the Atara checkpoint leading in and out of Ramallah has caused hours 
of delay everyday for all Palestinians who need to enter Ramallah, 
whether to work or study or stock-up on supplies that are sorely 
lacking in the villages. This checkpoint has been constantly manned 
for the past 6 months and was unmanned for ten hours on the day that 
Hezbollah attacked the military outpost on the northern border of Israel.

By the time I passed through it at 9 pm on my way to a village for 
the weekend, it was manned again; and by very angry soldiers. But it 
was impossible to ignore the relief in the village that evening when 
Atara was talked about; how services had passed straight through to 
Ramallah and how the younger men from the village did not have to get 
out and be searched and interrogated at will and maybe sent back home.

For ten brief hours the people in the Ramallah region of the West 
Bank could travel unstopped between their homes and the city in which 
they worked or studied.

But it is heartbreaking to realize at what cost these few hours of 
relief for the people of the West Bank came.

A cartoon has started circulating again in Palestine.

A poignant and tragic reminder of how much these two countries have 
suffered in like at the hands of a U.S backed Israel.

It shows Hamoodi, that strange little symbol of Palestinian 
resistance offering a flower to a maiden who is gazing down at 
Hamoodi through a gaping hole in a wall, caused by an exploding shell.

''Good Morning Beirut'' little Hamoodi says to the maiden.

''Welcome to our struggle.we weep with you we, we suffer with you, we 
know how brutal your enemy can be.

We too are suffering.

Our sisters and brothers in Gaza are being buried every day.

Buried beneath the rubble of collapsing buildings, and beneath the 
sands blown by the desert winds in anger against the failure of the 
World leaders to act.

We have been waiting here for a long time.

We greet you and offer you a flower. The ruins left by the inhuman 
military machine has devastated your people as it has ours. And now 
all we in Palestine have to offer you is a flower.

We have nothing else.

I have not faced the world for a long time, because the world does 
not want to know what I have to say. Nor could it bare to see the 
scars on my face. But you, sweet maiden, can see my face because you 
are suffering like us''

The soldiers of Israel are suffering too.

I can scarcely bear to see them loading their weapons into their 
tanks and jeeps and airplanes, and having to live out in reality, the 
action-movie unreality of war.

These poor men who we see, rushing to evacuate wounded friends and 
press -- reporting their successes against the ''terrorists'' they 
have been conditioned to hate, are inadvertently being forced to 
serve a cause that is bent on destroying the very basis of justice 
and equality and humanity.

''We blow up their tunnels if we can, but we know that we will have 
to enter as well, at some time, and in the dark tunnel come face to 
face with a terrorist,'' some soldier reported to BBC.

It is frightening to witness how the education of these young Israeli 
soldiers has dehumanized their neighbors into a term: one single word 
they use to describe a whole people. A word that justifies killing 
and maiming and terrorizing.

Used to justify in the eyes of the common soldier as surely as in the 
eyes of the International world of Diplomats who have to sit and 
listen to Condoleezza Rice as she uses this word to justify calling 
for a cease-fire that is not immediate.

How can a cease-fire not be immediate?

Next week, next month there will need to be a cease-fire. After a 
week, a month of useless bloodshed and horror. It is like some 
horrible nightmare that two weeks of the onslaught in Lebanon has 
passed and one month of the killing in Gaza has passed and the 
leaders of the US and Britain have not enough humanity to say enough is enough.

And the leaders of the EU have not enough clout to be heard, and the 
leaders of the UN have been targeted because they were too vocal.

(The UN personnel based in south Lebanon were in the process of 
investigating claims by Lebanese doctors that the Israelis were using 
phosphorous in their air-attacks when their building was hit and four 
UN personnel were killed. Will the UN continue this investigation?)

Let there be a cease-fire and allow a channel of assistance to reach 
the unreached civilians in this tragedy and then see what to do next!
Sometimes the priority of being a human being ought to override the 
desperation of being the toughest and most powerful regime in the area.

Of course the Lebanese and the Palestinians are not the only ones 
suffering at the moment. The citizens of Israel are suffering too. 
But still the World Leaders allow Kundara to speak only about a 
cease-fire that is not immediate.

The word Terrorist has been strategically placed alongside the names 
of Hezbollah and Syria and Iran and, up until last week, Hamas as 
well. But a knew strategy has emerged this week which sees Hamas no 
longer being named with the other members of the ''Axis of Evil''. 
This is cause for concern.

It is as if, by mentioning Hamas, people might get a vague pang of 
conscience or sadness about that devastated strip of land they had 
forgotten since the Lebanese crisis. Maybe the World Leaders don't 
like to deal with the conscience of the International Community on 
too many issues at once. And Gaza is an easy place to forget.

This frightens us in the West Bank. And people are growing angry too, 
as Gazans continue to die.

There is precious little safety routes for the people of Lebanon to 
take, bombed out of their homes and off the roads if they attempt to 
escape, but there is even less possibility for the people of Gaza.

As foreign nationals are rescued from the bloodshed on the northern 
front of this war, there are all but no foreign nationals in Gaza to 
be focused on. No rescue ships will drop their anchors off the 
blood-stained beaches of Gaza. There is no road to Damascus for these 
terrorized people.

Yesterday 23 more people were killed in Gaza and shocking pictures 
are being aired on Aljazeera of the continual violence. Today a 
medical Relief team has been denied entry into that war-zone whose 
only wish is to provide assistance to the population who are being killed.

Our call from the West Bank is that Gaza be not forgotten. It is hard 
to focus on too many horrors at once but we are obliged to do this.
The morality of the western world is at stake; while the leaders and 
heads of state and secretaries continue to neglect the human aspect 
of this conflict, the rest of the community has to work harder to focus on it.

Unfortunately at this time I have little of good-cheer to report on. 
The people of the West Bank are in daily mourning for the deaths in 
Gaza and Lebanon and are waiting to see where Israel will turn next. 
Maybe Syria and maybe here.

As I finish writing the drone of a reconnaissance plane is keeping me 
company. It has been circling and circling for hours overhead. It has 
no lights and its grey bulk in the midnight sky is a little unnerving.

Some friends have left for the mountains an hour since saying that 
the assassinations of people from Nablus and Ramallah will begin 
again. A local policeman just called to say that the men in the 
station up the road might take to the park for the night

The streets are often quiet now and there is far less bravado around 
And this too is saddening.

The war machine seems to be grinding away at the very fabric of human 
life. Here, in Lebanon, in Gaza and in all countries where 
indifference has started to take hold

Hamoodi wants to show you his face, but for the moment as the flower 
of sympathy is offered to the people of Lebanon by those of 
Palestine, the face of Hamoodi remains hidden.

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