[News] Hezbollah chief threatens a wider war

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Wed Jul 26 08:57:19 EDT 2006

Hezbollah chief threatens a wider war

Wednesday 26 July 2006 1:53 AM GMT

The leader of Hezbollah has threatened a new phase in the war with 
Israel and said his fighters will not accept any "humiliating" 
conditions for a ceasefire.

In a televised address on the eve of an international conference in 
Rome designed to find a solution to the two-week-old conflict, Sayyed 
Hassan Nasrallah said Hezbollah would reject any deal that 
compromised Lebanon's sovereignty.

"We cannot accept any condition humiliating to our country, our 
people or our resistance," Nasrallah said.

Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, had put forward peace 
proposals during a visit to the region this week. Lebanon's 
parliament speaker said these involved Hezbollah's withdrawal from 
the border and the deployment of an international force.

In the conflict, Hezbollah has hit Haifa, Israel's third-largest city 
35km (20 miles) south of the border, with rockets for the first time.

"In the new period, our bombardment will not be limited to Haifa," 
Nasrallah said. "If matters develop, we will choose the time when we 
will move beyond, beyond Haifa."

Psychological war

Israel has launched an incursion into southern Lebanon against 
Hezbollah fighters.

"Whatever the incursion, it will not stop rocket fire into Israel," 
Nasrallah said.

He said that the Shia Muslim group would take back any land Israel occupied.

Nasrallah accused Israel of launching a psychological war to 
undermine Lebanese morale and of exaggerating casualties inflicted on 

"We do not hide our martyrs. If any of our leaders or ranks were 
killed, we announce that and take pride in that," he said.

Israel has said it plans to create a security zone in the south that 
it would keep until international forces arrive.

"Any coming of the Zionist army to our land will more enable us to 
damage its troops, officers and tanks," Nasrallah said.

Hezbollah attacks on Israeli forces helped to remove the Israeli army 
from south Lebanon in 2000 after 22 years of occupation.

"It will give us a wider and bigger chance for direct confrontation 
and to bleed the forces of this enemy," he said.

The US 'project'

Nasrallah said Israel had prepared to launch a war on Hezbollah and 
would have done so regardless of the group's capture of the soldiers. 
He said the United States wanted to wipe out Hezbollah as part of its 
plan for a new Middle East.

"The project upon which the war was planned is the return of Lebanon 
to the sphere of American-Israeli control," he said.

"In the view of the Americans, there are barriers to the new Middle 
East, meaning the area which the US administration controls.

"The main barriers ... are the resistance movements in Palestine and 
Lebanon and at the level of governments, Syria and Iran." Both 
countries back Hezbollah.

"Therefore what is required [by the United States] is work to end 
these barriers and their removal by way of the historic American 
project being prepared for this region."


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