[News] Protest Feinstein's Support Of Israel's War Crimes - SF - Thurs, July 27 @ 4:30

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jul 26 08:43:20 EDT 2006


Press Conference at 4:30
Rally and Protest at 5 PM
Thursday, July 27
Senator Feinstein's Office
1 Post (at Montgomery and Market streets -Montgomery BART)
San Francisco, CA

Senator Dianne Feinstein fully supports Israeli war crimes and 
terrorism against Lebanese and Palestinian civilians.  Feinstein 
speaking at rally on Sunday vowed to continue her support for 
Israel's widespread violations of international and humanitarian law 
that are causing hundreds of civilian deaths and destroying critical 
civilian infrastructures.  With Feinstein's support, the U.S. 
Congress approved a resolution giving Israel its full support just 
days after the U.S. government used its power to veto a UN resolution 
critical of Israel.
The Israeli military is collectively punishing the Lebanese and 
Palestinian populations by killing hundreds of civilians and 
destroying critical civilian infrastructures.  There have been over 
400 Lebanese civilians killed by Israeli military over the last 2 
weeks including many children.  There have been verified reports of 
the use of phosphorus bombs on civilians fleeing the Israeli siege in 
Lebanon.  Gaza is with out adequate food and water and not only faces 
daily incursions by the Israeli occupation forces but has also been 
put under an economic embargo for months that targets the most 
vulnerable in Gaza.
On Thursday we will mobize to demand that Feinstein and the US 
government support human rights and justice instead of their 
perpetuation of racism and violence.  We demand that the US 
immediately pressures Israel to stop its aggression on Palestinian 
and Lebanese civilians.  We demand the US government end the use of 
our tax dollars for enabling on-going Israeli oppression of 
Palestinians and attacks on the people of Lebanon.  Please join us 
for a Press Conference and Protest at Senator Feinstein's office 
building this Thursday.
    * Senator Feinstein stop supporting Israeli state terrorism
    * An end to US taxpayer support of Israeli war crimes.
    * The US government stop encouraging and participating in 
militarism and war in the Middle East.
    *  The US Congress stop violating the US export control act and 
international laws.
    * Reparations for the Palestinian and Lebanese people for death 
and destruction of their countries.
    * That Israel be held accountable for war crimes and the 
humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Lebanon.
For more information please go to our website 
<http://www.adcsf.org/>www.adcsf.org or email us at 
<http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/Compose?To=adcsf@adcsf.org>adcsf at adcsf.org 

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
522 Valencia St  San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 861-7444  adcsf at adcsf.org

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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