[News] The Israeli Colonial Conquest

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Fri Jul 14 14:54:06 EDT 2006



  NCA Position on Israeli Colonial Conquest

   July 14, 2006

The Sun Rises from the South

UNITED STATES, JULY 14, 2006 - Once again, 
Israeli colonial policies have engulfed the 
Palestinian and Lebanese people with massive 
destruction and mayhem. Through shocking actions 
that are clearly Crimes Against Humanity, the 
Israeli polity is continuing the Zionist project 
that it started nearly six decades ago. The 
Palestinian Catastrophe (Nakba) of 1948 is yet to 
see justice, refugees are yet to return, 
thousands remain imprisoned, and the systematic 
atrocities committed against the people of 
Lebanon are relived over and over again - all as the world watches.

US Destabilization of the Arab World

Fully supported by the United States, the current 
Israeli war against the people of Lebanon aims to 
destroy the popular resistance movement and 
ignite an internal confessional strife within 
Lebanon with the ultimate goal of creating a 
proxy state buffered with a "colonized zone" and 
severed from its Arab surrounding, particularly 
Syria and Palestine. Such has been the US-Israeli 
design for Lebanon for decades.

In its veto on July 12 of the United Nations 
resolution condemning the Israeli actions in 
Gaza, the Bush administration is sending a clear 
message that Israeli conquests complement US 
policies for the region, as manifested in the 
occupation and destruction of Iraq. Effectively, 
three Arab states (Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon) 
are now simultaneously under a violent siege and 
are being drawn into internal strives.

Remaining in the cross-hairs of destabilization 
are Syria and Iran. Pretenses have long been put 
forward as a prelude to various forms of action 
against these two states. In both cases, there 
are plans underway to plant US proxy forces 
within the political fabric of the society to 
function in sync with the overall plan of 
conquest for the area. US-Israeli strategists 
hope to ultimately control the remaining 
contiguous anchor of resistance to empire: 
Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran. With 
that control, US-Israeli hegemony over the Middle East would be complete.

The Role of Arab Regimes

Given that nearly all Arab regimes have already 
been transformed into proxy status, they are 
incapable of affecting any change in the 
political process, even if they chose. The roles 
for these regimes have been well defined and 
choreographed, hence their deafening silence and 
shameless complacency. Arab states would, at the 
very least, be expected to immediately severe all 
Israeli diplomatic relations and the economic 
exchanges they have fostered and to stand in 
support of the popular resistance movement. On 
the contrary, Arab regimes are striking with an 
iron fist against the Arab people who dare to rise against injustice.

The most atrocious of Arab positions thus far 
came from Saudi Arabia who shamelessly entered 
the conflict on the side of the colonizer. The 
Saudi monarchy is overtly blaming the resistance 
movement in Lebanon and Palestine and is holding 
it accountable for the ongoing Israeli 
destruction and mayhem. Fully supported by the 
Egyptian and Jordanian regimes, the Saudi 
position appears to be an attempt to provide an 
"Arab voice", albeit a token one, that would 
isolate the resistance in South Lebanon and 
Palestine as "illegitimate" and "adventurous" 
forces outside "acceptable behavior". This is a 
dangerous destabilizing role played on behalf of 
the US-Israeli alliance. It serves to open the 
gates for what is expected to come - widening the 
attacks to include Syria and Iran in some form or another.

In the same context, and in yet another serious 
development, President of the Palestinian 
National Authority, Mahmud Abbas, has attempted 
to disassociate the Palestinian flank from the 
Lebanese, hoping to strike a deal and exit the 
ongoing anti- colonial struggle. Abbas has stated 
that the Palestinian decision regarding the 
captured Israeli soldier is independent from 
developments in Lebanon and its forces, in a 
clear reference to the popular Lebanese 
resistance. This is a blow to the 
Palestinian-Lebanese solidarity and must be opposed.

Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq – Inseparable

The coming period is critical. Attempts to 
destabilize Iran and Syria are likely to 
escalate, along with an even larger attack on the 
resistance in South Lebanon and Palestine. The 
confluence of these policies with US designs in 
Iraq constitutes the overall defining strategy 
for the US-controlled "New Middle East". In this 
"New Middle East", the US hopes that natural 
resources, land and sea access, and political servitude would be at will.

The Arab American community and allies in the 
peace and justice movement can't afford to turn a 
blind eye to any of the elements of these 
colonial policies. It is vital that the support 
for boycott and divestment campaigns expand. We 
must jointly call for an end to the war on Iraq 
and an end to US funding of Israeli atrocities. 
Naiveté in the understanding of geopolitics is a 
hindrance to peace and justice - Iraq is 
inseparable from Palestine and Lebanon.

And as we build a movement to oppose war and 
occupations, it is also critical that we prevent 
any attempt to corrupt this movement from within 
by means introduced by US proxy regimes and 
institutions. These attempts are well under way, 
particularly within the Arab community. Millions 
of dollars are being offered to set up 
functionary think tanks and centers, all to 
introduce, or worse yet, to purchase defeatism. 
These attempts must be challenged.

We call on our community and the movement at 
large to join the NCA, MAS Freedom Foundation and 
the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition in a national emergency mobilization on August 12.

Assemble 12 Noon at the White House

Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon Stop the U.S.-Israeli War
 From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine: Occupation is a Crime
Support the Palestinian Peoples Right to Return
Money for Jobs and Education, Not War and Occupation

Despite all, the sun continues to rise from the 
South - from the camps of the Gaza Strip to the villages of South Lebanon.

NCA National Office
National Council of Arab Americans (NCA)

<mailto:nationaloffice at arab-american.net>nationaloffice at arab-american.net
phone: 530.756.5548

The Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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