[News] HIP predicts Preval winner in Haiti

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Feb 9 08:55:32 EST 2006

HIP predicts Preval winner in Haiti with 63% of the vote

Wednesday, February 28, 2006 - 9:00 PM Haiti Time

HIP - Haiti ­ Based upon exit polls and initial 
results, the Haiti Information Project (HIP) 
predicts that Rene Garcia Preval has won the 
presidency of Haiti with a handy 63% of the vote.

Rene Garcia Preval was the former prime minister 
for six months under Aristide's first 
administration before a brutal military coup in 
September 1991. An agronomist educated in Europe, 
he is also a former president of Haiti whose term ran from 1996 to 2001.

Preval's closest rival in the electoral contest, 
industrialist Charles Henry Baker, is not 
expected to poll with more than 10%. Leslie 
Manigat, a former president elected as a military 
favorite in 1988, actually polled ahead of Baker 
with an estimated 13% of the votes tabulated.

Baker represents the movement that ousted 
president Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Feb. 29, 
2004. His defeat, and Preval's victory, signals 
the end of a U.S.-installed government backed by 
the United Nations that is accused of widespread 
human rights abuses including summary executions and false imprisonment.

Throughout the capital and during yesterday's 
elections, most of those interviewed by HIP saw a 
vote for Preval as a vote for the return of Aristide.

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