[News] Total Destruction of Srifa: Mangled Bodies in the Wake of Israeli Bombs and Missiles

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Wed Aug 2 13:36:02 EDT 2006


August 2, 2006

"The Ones Who Are Buried Alive Are Usually Safe From the Dogs"

The Total Destruction of Srifa: Mangled Bodies in the Wake of Israeli 
Bombs and Missiles


Srifa, Lebanon.

It was an unseemly end for 80- year-old Manaheel Jabr, flung over a 
bloodstained walll, grey hair falling around her shrunken black face, 
a collapsed ceiling pinning her down at the waist.

"It's the grandmother," one of the onlookers gasped when the civil 
defense bulldozer finally pierced a hole in the rubble of what was 
until two weeks ago a three-storey house.

Mrs Jabr's corpse presented a terrible dilemma to the Lebanese Red 
Cross yesterday. Should they cut her in two, put the pieces in a body 
bag and take her to the hospital morgue, or leave her behind, in the 
hope that more powerful equipment could lift the concrete slab from 
her back and would reach her before the dogs did?

It was late afternoon and the 48-hour "pause" in aerial bombardment 
promised by Israel was drawing to a close. The Red Cross's plan to 
retrieve 89 bodies across the war zone was about to end in failure. 
The Israelis, with whom the Lebanese Red Cross communicates via the 
International Red Cross, granted safe passage to only two of the six 
villages that the rescue workers wanted to visit yesterday, Srifa and 
Bint Jbail. And the convoy bound for Bint Jbail had to turn around 
because of bombing.

That left only Srifa, the site of the most dramatic devastation I 
have seen in this war. The entire Hay el-Birki neighbourhood - 18 
buildings by some accounts - was flattened at 2 am on July 19. "The 
F-16s [ fighter bombers] came from the west, the Apaches [ attack 
helicopters from the east," said a local Hizbullah official who 
identified himself as Abu Hadi.

It seemed amazing that bombs and missiles could chop buildings into 
so many million of grey concrete pieces, a bed of rubble many meters 
deep, with only the occasional slipper or coffee pot to remind one 
that human beings lived here.

The field of ruins stretched to the horizon, reminding me of images 
of second World War bombings.

Thirty of the 89 names on the Red Cross list were in Srifa, eight in 
the house where we found Manaheel Jabr. Yet after battering away for 
four hours in the hot sun, the Red Cross and civil defense volunteers 
found only three corpses - one of them Mrs Jabr's - and a crushed skull.

It took the Israel airforce minutes to flatten Hay el -Birki but it 
could be weeks or months before their victims are dug out. The 
technology used to destroy the neighbourhood was the most 
sophisticated in the world. The means to dig them out derisory. At 
about 1pm, a resting Caterpillar bulldozer clamoured down the main 
street of Srifa belching black smoke and chewing up the tarmac. The 
driver stopped to put a white sheet with a Red Cross emblem on the 
roof of the cabin, in the hope of sparing it from bombardment. For 
the past two days, Israeli forces have battled with Hizbullah at Taib 
and at Adayseh, just 19 kilometres from Srifa. All afternoon we heard 
explosions, some frighteningly close.

"Israeli forces are trying to push in on the ground," explained Abu 
Hadi, the Hizbullah man.

"Hizbullah is protecting Lebanon - mortars, RPGs and even suicide 
missions if necessary. We will not let them in. We are protecting the 
border of Lebanon."

The bulldozer was joined with a digging machine with a scooped 
shovel. "Stop, stop!" an upset Hizbullah man with a walky-talky 
insisted as the bulldozer began pushing pieces of the former house 
down the hillside. "This is not the way to do it. You will crush the 
bodies. The Lebanese army has better machines. We must wait for them."

The Red Cross moved briefly to another address where civilians were 
known to have died. A medic in an orange jumpsuit placed a mattress 
over two black shrunken legs which stuck out from heavy rubble in the 
bomb crater.

"In Islam, we must respect a body," said the Hizbullah official 
objecting to the Red Cross operation. "Either we wait for the 
Lebanese army machines, or we wait until the war is over and do it 
ourselves, even if there are only bones left."

With infinite tact, the Red Cross persuaded Hizbullah to allow them 
to continue work on the Jabr house.

The gruesome task had been easier on Monday, the first day of the 
mythical truce, when volunteers collected 20 bodies from cars and the 
streets of seven villages. "Some are only bones and some are teeming 
with maggots", said Muhammad Makke head of the Red Cross in southern Lebanon.

"Some of their identities are known and some are not."

Red Cross volunteer Kassem Shalaan (28) lost 60 per cent of hearing 
in one ear when the Israelis fired on ambulances in Qana on July 
25th. A man in the ambulance had a leg amputated by the missile, and 
his seven-year-old son, who had already suffered shrapnel wounds, is 
still in a coma, after the missile strike slashed his head open.

Shalaan took part in the body retrieval missions of the past few 
days. Is it true that dogs are eating corpses? "Yes," Shalaan said, 
turning his head to hide the tears. "Especially people in the streets 
and cars. The ones who are buried alive are usually safe from the dogs."

Whatever the outcome of this war, atrocities such as Srifa will 
poison Lebanese-Israeli relations for decades or even centuries.

Mahmoud Jabr (56) lost six relatives in the bombing of Srifa; among 
them his brother who owned the house that was partially excavated 
yesterday. "There is not even a bullet in this village," Jabr said.

"Israel forced the people to be Hizbullah with their barbaric behavior."

Mahmoud Nejbi ( 66) keeps returning to the rubble of another house, 
at the far end of the devastated neighbourhood. "My 27-year-old son 
was smoking the narguileh and drinking tea with his friends when the 
airstrike happened," he said.

"He was a mechanic in Dubai and he brought his wife home to have 
their baby . . . I would like to make a suicide attack on the 
Israelis . . . either the Israelis kill us or we kill them."

Lara Marlowe writes for the Irish Times, where this piece first 
appeared. There's nothing to stop US reporters from going to Srifa -- 
except doctrinal demands.

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