[News] Dozens of Abu Ghraibs

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Oct 31 08:58:47 EST 2005

Published on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 by <http://www.ipsnews.net>Inter 
Press Service
<http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=30775>Dozens of Abu Ghraibs
by Gustavo Capdevila

GENEVA - U.S. human rights groups have denounced before the U.N. Human 
Rights Committee that there are perhaps dozens of secret detention centres 
around the world where Washington is holding an unknown number of prisoners 
as part of its "war on terror".

This week in Geneva, the Committee began to examine the United States' 
compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 
particularly with regard to its anti-terrorism activities.

There are locations you know about, like Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, and Bagram 
in Afghanistan,  but there are other locations which you know exist, but 
you don't know exactly how many or where they are.
Priti Patel, attorney and representative for Human Rights First
On Monday, the members of the Committee, made up of 18 independent experts 
with recognised competence in the field of human rights, heard 
presentations from U.S. non-governmental organisations that accuse 
Washington of grave rights violations.

Priti Patel, an attorney and representative of the New-York based group 
Human Rights First, reported to the Committee members on the secret 
detention centres for individuals allegedly linked to terrorism.

"There are locations you know about, like Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, and 
Bagram in Afghanistan," commented Patel, "but there are other locations 
which you know exist, but you don't know exactly how many or where they are."

According to Patel, these are transient facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan 
that are close to conflict zones, but move around, to wherever the United 
States decides.

"There are around 20 of them in Afghanistan, but you don't know how many 
people are being held there, and you don't know how they are being 
treated," Patel told IPS.

"And then there is the worst case scenario, which is you don't know even 
their location," she added.

For example, Patel remarked, "we don't know if people have been held in 
Diego Garcia (a small island in the Indian Ocean, home to a U.S. military 
base), but we have enough credible reports to make us believe it."

And while the United States refuses to deny or confirm the existence of 
these secret detention centres, "we know that at least 36 people have been 
held in secret locations," she stressed.

Monday's meeting with U.S. human rights organisations coincided with the 
announcement that although the United States had been late in presenting 
its second and third periodic reports to this specialised U.N. body, the 
reports were finally received last week.

The latest U.S. government report to the Human Rights Committee has yet to 
be made public, but civil society activists said that in addition to a 
general overview of compliance with the International Covenant, it also 
contains responses to specific questions formulated by the Committee with 
respect to allegations of abuse in the context of anti-terror activities.

Over recent years, the Committee has called on Washington to submit overdue 
reports and also to explain the consequences of the provisions adopted by 
the United States as part of these activities.

The Committee has expressed particular concern over the implications of the 
Patriot Act, passed in October 2001 as one of the first anti-terrorism 
measures adopted by the United States after the Sept. 11 terror attacks in 
New York and Washington that same year, which claimed some 3,000 lives.

Civil society sources said that in a letter that accompanied the 
presentation of the report, the U.S. permanent representative to the United 
Nations and other international organisations in Geneva, Kevin E. Moley, 
specified that the document also contained references to the United States' 
application of the Patriot Act.

Moley also noted that as a matter of courtesy, the report was accompanied 
by a separate description of the individuals currently in the custody of 
the U.S. armed forces, captured during operations against the Taliban 
Afghan Islamic extremist movement and the Al Qaida terrorist network, as 
well as those captured during the invasion, war and occupation of Iraq 
since March 2003.

This issue was one of the primary concerns expressed to the United States 
by the Committee, as well as the central theme of the presentations made by 
U.S. human rights groups to the Committee members.

Monique Beadle of the World Organisation for Human Rights USA told IPS that 
the activists had expressed their concerns to the Committee about U.S. 
non-compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political 
Rights, but placed particular emphasis on the situation of detainees, 
especially those who are held in places where torture is practiced.

Beadle referred to the specific case of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, a U.S. citizen 
who was in Saudi Arabia for religious studies when he was arrested by Saudi 
authorities under the direction of the United States.

He was detained incommunicado without charge for 18 months in a Saudi 
prison, where "he was subjected to all kinds of evil treatment," said 
Beadle "There are scars on his back from the torture he was subjected to," 
she reported.

Beadle's organisation filed a habeus corpus on his behalf in the District 
of Columbia. "The judge in the case recognised that if we could show that 
the U.S. was playing a role in the custody and detention of Mr Abu Ali, it 
could be held accountable."

The judge's decision "was quite embarrassing for the U.S. government," she 

Without charges ever being laid in Saudi Arabia, Abu Ali was transferred to 
the United States, where he remains in custody, accused by the U.S. 
government of association with alleged terrorists.

"What this indicated is that the U.S. had control over his custody at all 
times, because at the last moment, when it was no longer convenient for him 
to be held in Saudi Arabia, it was very easy for them to bring him over," 
Beadle remarked.

Beadle also referred to the practice of transferring prisoners to countries 
like Egypt or Syria, where they will likely be subjected to torture.

"It is well known by the U.S military that Egypt and Syria are places where 
detainees are tortured, and in fact they use this knowledge to their 
advantage in questioning other detainees," she noted.

Beadle described the process by which detainees in Guantánamo are put in 
sensory deprivation and then on a plane, which flies around for several 
hours and lands back in Guantánamo, although the detainees are made to 
believe that they have been taken to Egypt.

"The guards tell them in Arabic, welcome to Egypt. If you don't participate 
in this interrogation, we are going to torture you," she explained.

The U.N. Human Rights Committee will take the denunciations made by these 
non-governmental organisations into account when it studies the report 
submitted by the United States, most likely during its session here next July.

The Committee is currently holding its last session of the year, which will 
wrap up Nov. 3. The first session next year will take place in March at 
U.N. headquarters in New York.

The report presented by the United States will not be distributed by the 
U.N. until it has been translated into all of the U.N. working languages, 
which could take at least three months. Nevertheless, the civil society 
groups believe that the U.S. State Department will post the report on its 
website in the coming days.

Copyright © 2005 IPS-Inter Press Service.


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