[News] Support Black Panther Herman Bell

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Oct 31 08:38:02 EST 2005




by Robert

12:39:14 PM


Herman Bell was born and raised in the rural South by a large, loving but 
economically disenfranchised family. At the age of 7, his father came to 
take him to live in New York City, where he could have a better education. 
He spent the rest of his youth in the city, then came West via a college 
football scholarship. It was in the Bay Area that Herman was introduced to 
and became a member of the Black Panther Party. He participated in the 
Party’s successful, self-sustaining community programs. Having been 
initially inspired by Malcolm X, like so many others, he went on to study 
the philosophies of national liberation movements which were coming to 
fruition around the world during the 1960s.

It was in the context of the onward march of human history and the rising 
tide of global Black consciousness that Herman began his organizing and 
activism in the Black liberation movement. In response to the growing 
strength of this movement, the FBI targeted the Black Panther Party and 
community leaders for neutralization and elimination. Herman, like so many 
others, was driven underground and became part of the Black Liberation 
Army. He felt that it was his duty to serve his community, as well as to 
maintain and uplift its dignity and life force, given that Black people 
have been so grievously abused and disrespected since they were forced to 
these shores as an inexhaustible supply of slave labor. Herman’s 
affiliation led to his capture in 1973 and conviction in 1975 for the 
killing of two policemen in New York City in1971. Herman’s two 
co-defendants, Jalil Muntaqim (Anthony Bottom) and Albert Nuh Washington, 
were also convicted. All received twenty- five years to life sentences.

Herman, Jalil, and Nuh (known as the New York 3 (NY3)) received a hung jury 
at the end of their first trial.

So the government ramped up its efforts during the second trial by forcing 
one of the NY3’s comrades, whom the government had brutally tortured, to 
turn state’s evidence and offering to drop charges against another witness 
for her testimony. Year later during an appeal hearing, a federal judge 
found that a New York City detective perjured himself when he testified 
falsely about ballistics evidence at their trial. (The government illegally 
destroyed all ballistics evidence in the case during the course of the 
NY3’s appellate process to gain their release.) Also, despite the secret 
involvement of the FBI and Nixon’s White House in efforts to secure a 
conviction, the trial judge refused to allow testimony about the infamous 
COINTELPRO program. IN short, the government broke the laws of the United 
States over and over again in order to neutralize the NY3.

Herman Bell has spent most of his adult life in prison. He is an 
exceptionally compassionate man who has continued to grow and evolve in 
many progressive directions during this torturous 30-year span. He received 
both his Bachelors degree and his Masters degree in Sociology while in 
prison. He counseled countless others to complete their education as well.

In fact, Herman has always been such appositive influence, that he is held 
in high regard in the New York state prison system. As a football coach, he 
uses his pro-ball caliber football skills to channel prisoners’ pent-up 
energies into a healthy, teamwork outlet. As a teacher, he has taught many 
Black Studies courses through the years, enabling the dispirited underclass 
of prisoners to see their lives within the context of their history and 
culture and to claim the dignity that is their birth right.

Nor has Herman confined his leadership kills behind prison walls. He is a 
positive influence on communities outside prison as well. In 1995, he met 
two environmental activist farmers from Maine, and together they created 
the Victory Gardens Project.
The VGP brought people together from diverse lifestyles and remote 
locations – the urban-rural connection – to plant, grow, tend, harvest, and 
then distribute free food to our communities. This life-giving project 
enjoyed eight successful seasons, with Herman as an active participant via 
his outreach and writings. In 2002, Herman joined with other U.S. political 
prisoners in a penpal dialogue with homeless children in New York City, 
which was made into a booklet for free distribution. In 2004, Herman came 
up with the brilliant idea of a school essay contest which was implemented 
by the Victory Gardens Project: children competed for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 
4th prizes for the best essay on a “contribution they made to their 
community without being asked,” just from their own motivation.

 >From 2002 on, Herman has been instrumental in the production of an annual 
political prisoner calendar with the help of Montreal activists. This 
extremely educational item has been distributed internationally, 
documenting the historic and current struggles and sacrifices of our 
imprisoned activists. The proceeds have consistently been dedicated to the 
support of various community groups.

It was in the context of the onward march of human history and the rising 
tide of global Black consciousness that Herman began his organizing and 
activism in the Black liberation movement. In response to the growing 
strength of this movement, the FBI targeted the Black Panther Party and 
community leaders for neutralization and elimination.

Herman, like so many others, was driven underground and became part of the 
Black Liberation Army.

Reminder: Support parole for former Black Panther Herman Bell!

Please Support Herman Bell's Parole Campaign

Dear Friend and Supporter

Herman Bell has been imprisoned for the past 32 years.
He is scheduled to re-appear before the New York State Parole Board in 
February 2006 for the second time since the inception of his state 
sentence. We are writing to request your support for his release.

Herman Bell has had an impressive institutional record and list of 
accomplishments in the course of the past thirty-two years of his 
imprisonment. Parole should be decided on the basis of one’s record while 
in prison, rather than on one’s charge of conviction. When Herman first 
went to the board two years ago, several prominent New York City newspapers 
carried daily hit pieces attacking him in his bid for parole. The NYC 
police union – the Fraternal Order of Police – held a press conference to 
launch a massive petition drive urging the parole board to deny his 
application. We have every reason to believe that these tactics will be 
repeated as Herman approaches his second parole hearing. Thus, your support 
is once again vitally needed.

Herman has risen above what would be the most difficult of circumstances 
for any of us to bear. He deserves to spend the rest of his days on the 
outside, bringing his copious skills and magnificent heart into our midst. 
Herman has a wife, Nancy, children – Kamel and his partner Kihana – and two 
adorable grandchildren to come home to. Herman’s family is working hard to 
realize the day when he can walk out the prison gates. Won’t you please 
join us? Here’s what you can do:

Write a letter in support of Herman’s parole. Address is as: “To Whom It 
May Concern” or “Dear Parole Commissioner.” Use the re: line of “Herman 
Bell, 79C-0262.” Please send your letter to:

NY3 Freedom Campaign
3543 – 18th Street, Box #12
San Francisco, CA 94110.

We would like your letter as soon as possible, but no later than November 
1, 2005, as we need to submit the parole package to the prison early in 
November. Here’s some points you can touch on when you write your

    * Please write about the nature of your relationship with or knowledge 
of Herman, and how long you have known him.
    * Please include a statement about why you think Herman is ready to be 
released from prison.

Some facts you might want to include:

-He has been a model prisoner for 32 years; -He has completed his BA and MA 
in Sociology while in prison; -He has participated in many educational and 
cultural activities benefiting prisoners; -He is an accomplished football 
and basketball coach; through self-study, he has acquired knowledge of 
music theory and is mastering the flute; -He has a job, a loving family, 
and a place to live waiting for him upon release; -He deeply regrets any 
harm his political activities may have caused others; he is 57 years old 
and has had more than 3 decades to reflect upon how he can enrich his 
community with his coaching, teaching, and counseling skills; -He has 
already served over 32 years in prison – enough is enough.

Explain in your view there is a definite probability that, if released, he 
will live and remain at liberty without violating the law.

Please use your professional letterhead, if applicable.

We deeply appreciate you standing with us to honor and secure liberty for 
this wonderful, deserving man.
Please send in your letter as soon as possible.

Thanking you, sincerely,

Nancy Jacot-Bell and Kamel Jacot-Bell



For more information on Herman Bell and other political prisoners Please 
Visit –


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