[News] Free Haiti's Political Prisoners! Restore Democracy Now!

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Tue Mar 22 16:14:23 EST 2005

Free Haiti's Political Prisoners! Restore Democracy Now!

Emergency Vigil March 28th at 4:30PM in UN Plaza

Join Haiti Action Committee for a vigil on Monday, March 28th at 4:30PM in 
San Francisco's UN Plaza near the Civic Center to protest the continued 
incarceration of a thousand political prisoners jailed for almost a year 
without charges in Haiti and to demand the restoration of Haiti's 
legitimate government.

It has been a crime for Haitians to express their solidarity with President 
Aristide since the February 2004 coup, a crime punishable by summary 
execution in thousands of cases. Those who aren't killed are put in jail 
just for expressing their support for Lavalas [Aristide's party], even 
wearing Aristide t-shirts in peaceful demonstrations. Their continued 
imprisonment underscores the US government's disregard for Haiti's people 
and its constitution, and the complete dissolution of free speech, 
association and press in Haiti. This is the situation that has kept Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune, Minister of Interior Jocelerme Privert, and Lavalas 
activist Annette Auguste, along with hundreds of grassroots activists, 
labor leaders and residents of poor neighborhoods jailed in miserable 

The situation of the prisoners, dramatized by Prime Minister Neptune and 
Minister Privert's recent hunger strike, is urgent.  On March 7th, 
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) flew to Haiti to visit the Prime 
Minister in his prison cell just days before he was hospitalized in a coma. 
He refused to quit the hunger strike until the injustice of his confinement 
is addressed.

The vigil will continue through the night if it's not raining, ending 
Tuesday afternoon with a 4PM rally.For more information, phone Haiti Action 
Committee at (510) 483-7481

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