[News] Haiti: Barbara Lee report focuses on violations of U.S. arms embargo

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Fri Jun 10 13:57:42 EDT 2005


<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/BL/LEE_024_XML.PDF>Haiti Arms Amendment

Congresswoman Barbara Lee report focuses on violations of U.S. arms embargo

<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/BL/LEE_024_XML.PDF>Barbara Lee Haiti Arms 
Amendment included in State Department Authorization bill Amendment will 
require State Dept. to shed light on weapons transactions from the U.S. to 

PDF <http://www.haitiaction.net/News/BL/LEE_024_XML.PDF>Revised Report on 
United States Weapons Transfers, Sales, and Licensing to Haiti Amendment
please note that the amendment was altered. The start date for report 
information will be from October 1991-2005.
The bill text should be up on the web sometime next week. [June 9]

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee offered the 
<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/BL/LEE_024_XML.PDF>Haiti Arms Report 
amendment to bring attention to the potential violation of the U.S. arms 
embargo to Haiti and the Bush Administration's approval of arms sales, 
transfers and license approval to U.S. private companies. Lee received 
bipartisan support for full disclosure from the State Dept. on weapons in 
Haiti and called on the Administration to reconsider the current practice 
of arming the Haitian National Police (HNP) as the House International 
Relations Committee took up the State Department Authorization bill today.

"Just last year, the Bush Administration approved a transfer of nearly 3000 
weapons to the Haitian National Police," said Lee. "If the goal is to 
create an environment of security and safety in Haiti, the United States 
cannot be complicit in arming the very criminals responsible for raping, 
murdering and torturing hundreds of Haitians."

The Lee Haiti Arms Report requires an immediate report of all arms 
transfers, sales and licensing by the State Department. The report will 
cover transactions from the date of the embargo, October 4, 1991 to 2005.

"This amendment is about education and accountability. Currently, the Bush 
Administration is set to approve over $1.7 million worth of licenses to 
Grifon Inc. to sell 3,000 .38 caliber revolvers, 500 9mm pistols, 500 12 
gauge combat shotguns, 200 Mini-14 rifles and Bushmaster to sell 100 M4 
carbines to the Haiti National Police, Government of Haiti," said Lee. "I 
have no faith that these guns will be used to help Haiti or Haitians."

The measure offered by Lee, the senior Democratic woman on the House 
International Relations Committee, was approved unanimously in the committee.

Aysha House-Moshi
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9)
1724 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515


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