[News] Haiti - Father Jean-Juste arrested - URGENT HELP NEEDED

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Fri Jul 15 18:01:44 EDT 2005




liberty of Father Gerald Jean-Juste (Contact info is below and on our 
website at:

We don't have all the facts verified yet, but apparently he has been 
arrested on some allegation that he came to the US to buy guns.  This was a 
mere accusation made on a radio talk show. The word is this is the excuse 
for arresting Father Jean-Juste. Pro-democracy activist must make their 
voices be heard. Demand the immediate release of Father Jean-Juste.


Dear Friends:

Just got off the phone with people from Fr. Gerry's parish in Port au 
Prince.  His flight arrived at 2:20 but he never came out of 
airport.  They  waited and waited, but were just told that Fr. Gerry was 
taken to a police station - they do not know where just yet.  Am going to 
Port au Prince right away - will be there at noon Saturday. Have notified 
Mario Joseph.    Peace,

Bill Quigley

HLLN Note - We spoke to Father Jean Juste late yesterday. He was in the 
process of writting the note below. We promised to disseminate it as soon 
as he was finished. He arrived in Miami two days ago. He said he was 
suffocating from the repression, the massacres, the arbitrary 
incarcerations, the humiliations of Bush's regime change and occupation in 
Haiti suffered by the people. His life has been in constant danger and it 
is horrible knowing he is marked for assassination by the coup d'etat 
puppet regime and the string-pullers, Roger Noreiga, James Foley, et al.

Again, as weak as it seems to us right now, our only weapon is to get the 
word out that Father Jean-Juste's life is in danger. It's in the hands of 
the Foley/Norieiga death squads, called "legal force" in occupied Haiti. 
Please call MINUSTHA and ask that father Gerard Jean-Juste be release from 
police custody immediately. Remind MINUSTHA that according to it's new 
enlarged mandate, it is responsible for supervisiong the Haitian police. 
Jean-Juste must not be summarily executed by either MINUSTHA or the former 
soldiers now dressed-up by the occupation force as "police."

Demand Jean-Juste's life is protected by MINUSTHA.

Contact info for MINUSTHA is

--- gerard jean-juste <njeranjeri at yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Friends,

    One more time, I am lucky to discover the hands of some plotters 
attacking me. Carline Sylvestre who lives in Miami and advocating for the 
de facto government slanders me on the radio today. I was able to get the 
message and the audio tape as I was leaving on my way to the airport. I 
changed my whole schedule, returned home, transcribed the tape and 
literally translated it from Creole into English. I am sending it to you 
for your info. Of course, it is not true whatever she says about me. Some 
friendly lawyers are working on the case. We shall consider all legal 
actions possible. Later, we hope to send you a flier distributed at our 
demo in front of the Brazilian Consulate in Miami, Florida, Wednesday July, 
13.   President Aristide must come back now! Peace! NJeri

Translation of an audio message played on Radio 1020 a.m. early Thursday 
July 14, 2005 in Miami, Florida.

 He is in Miami since the day before yesterday, just to receive a money 
Aristide unblocked for him to go and make trouble in Haiti. Gérard 
Jean-Juste has to return to Haiti either today or tomorrow as he is 
recruiting mercenaries for the work to be done. He doesn’t have them all 
yet. He has to travel to Haiti aboard a flight of American Airlines coming 
from Miami with a large sum of money we’ve already mentioned.

      The mission of this money is to make bombs and spread them 
everywhere, especially in the following businesses and factories belonging 
to Charles Henry Baker, Andy Apaid and Reginald Boulos. Lavalas has a plan 
to implement before July 17. They’ll start on July 15 in the occasion of 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s anniversary.

     The question we ask, is there an amount of money someone can enter or 
leave United States with that is limited to $10,000?

     How come Father Gérard Jean-Juste is carrying at ease a large amount 
of money? It is not  the first time  we are finding these reports coming to 
us in radio madoken.

     The question remains unanswered and those who want to respond shall do 
so. As we were in the struggle to overthrow Aristide, we did it, we did it 
purposely, with pride, with no remorse at all. Then, 

    (word unclear) 
a person like Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ourselves, we want to send him away. 
At the time we wanted to do it, American was not always agreed upon.

     As we know Father Gérard Jean-Juste is still alive, we see that 
American is not willing to put control over the troubling activities of 
Lavalas  in here (US) to be able to spread mourning, despair and desolation 
at home, today we are announcing all radio madoken listeners that us we are 
going to do it. We’re sure that the authorities in Haiti are listening to 
us. We ask them to exercise a tight control, in case of Jean-Bertrand a, a, 
a Gérard Jean-Juste is entering, is coming with that money  from United 
States, as he’ll enter the Port-au-Prince to lay paw on him. As Gérard 
Jean-Juste is listening to this radio this morning, we say to him Tipapa 
(Little Daddy) from now on the piyay (free throw) is over. The beton (the 
street) in Miami will be for us all. And whatever you want to do, you’ll do 
it with us, because the plot business will stop being done in our face 
here. We want all of you who are listening us there, understand at the 
crossroad we are, it is not a question of Lavalas, Bonifas or Gérard 
Latortue anymore, it is simply Jean-Bertrand Aristide against the Haitian 
People. You can not sit down watch to let Aristide win 8 million good 
people. These People are not asking better than to live in peace other than 
to associate themselves to a click that is going to be victorious on us. 
Then, for ourselves who hear this news, spread it, call one another, say it 
in Haiti, between today and tomorrow Gérard Jean-Juste is coming with a 
large amount of money to bring mourning in Haiti with bombs and 
mercenaries, they’re looking for, to come and do the work.

    We say, those in favor of Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s return are going to 
do just that, they’re going to kill under the pretext of just that. As long 
as they are people like ourselves, Jean-Bertrand Aristide can only return 
to go to jail.

    We are not only announcing, denouncing, we also announce for our 
partisans of change that from this coming Sunday we’ re waiting all of you 
to come and develop our own strategies so that the death train won’t  carry 
all the Haitian People away.

     Carline Sylvestre for radio madoken, Good day to you all!


Call and write the United Nations: 212-963-4879, presidentga58 at un.org
UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
PHONE: 011.509.244.9650.9660
FAX: 011.509.244.9366/67
Or, Fax, Office of General Secretary (New York) - 212.963.4879
Hon. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General
United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017
inquiries at un.org; press office: (509) 510-2563 ext. : 6343

Ambassador Anne Patterson
Acting Permanent U.S. representative to the United Nations:
212-415-4050 or Peggy Kerry: kerryp at state.gov

With copies to:
Juan Gabriel Valdes, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to 
Lt. General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira, UN Military Commander in Haiti;
Damian Onses-Cardona, Spokesperson for Gen. Pereira
Gender issues: Nadine Puechguirbal - puechguirbal at un.org
Human rights: Mahamane Cissé-Gouro - cisse-gouro at un.org
Thierry Fagart - fagart at un.org
Touissant Congo-Doudou, Head of Communications MINUSTAH, and
David Beer, Commissioner of CIVPOL -

and liberty of Father Gerald Jean-Juste.

Contact Information

Juan Gabriel Valdes
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Haiti
011-509-244-9650 or 9660
fax 011-509 244 3512.

Lt. General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira
UN Military Commander in Haiti: 011-509-554-8074
pereira17 at un.org

Damian Onses-Cardona
Spokesperson for Gen. Pereira
011-509-557-5118 (cell)
011-509-510-2563, ext. 6303.

Touissant Congo-Doudou
Head of Communications
MINUSTAH: 011-509-557-5906
kongo-doudou at un.org

David Beer
Commissioner of CIVPOL
the UN Civilian Police in Haiti
beer at un.org
fax: 011-509-244-9366.

Gender issues: Nadine Puechguirbal - puechguirbal at un.org
Human rights: Mahamane Cissé-Gouro - cisse-gouro at un.org
Thierry Fagart - fagart at un.org


Additional Contact information:
African Union Headquaters
P.O. Box 3243
Addis Ababa
Tel: (251) 1 51 77 00
Fax (251) 1 51 78 44
website: www.africa-union.org

email for President Alpha Oumar Konare: KonareAO at africa-union.org

Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers' Leadership Network

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San Francisco, CA 94110
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