[News] A Call to All Men: Reproductive Justice Now!

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Fri Jan 14 12:14:08 EST 2005

Please share this far and wide- with allies, comrades,
co-workers, friends, family, listserves, and websites.
We must stand together.

An Open Letter to Men committed to Social Justice in
the Bay Area

On January 22nd, the right-wing anti-choice movement
will be coming to San Francisco to shout their
anti-human rights, anti-woman message in the streets.
At this time when women's rights to abortion are being
challenged by the Bush administration and questioned
in the Democratic party, it is crucial that we as men
join the sisters organizing in opposition to this
right-wing march and say: REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE FOR

The right wing seeks to claim moral authority on the
issue of reproductive health by insisting that women
seeking abortions, abortion providers, and all people
supporting reproductive freedom have little regard for
human life. They have flexed their moral authority to
organize millions of people against the right of women
to have control over their bodies.

However, the right-wing claims to be 'pro-life' while
launching wars against the Iraqi people, the
Palestinian People, the Colombian people, the Haitian
people, and poor and black and brown people all over
the world. They call people who stand up for
reproductive freedom killers, but they send our
loved-ones to death row or to Guantanamo. They say
every life counts, but spend more on bombs and prisons
than they do on healthcare and schools.

They use wedge issues to divide our communities and
our country, and use anti-abortion, anti-queer,
anti-immigrant campaigns to foster hatred between
people.  The right-wing agenda benefits the rich on
the backs of poor women of color and their communities
in the U.S. and around the world.

On January 22nd, we call on all men in the Bay Area to
join us in support of our sisters and raise our voices
together.  We call on Queer and heterosexual men, men
of color and white men, working-class and middle-class
men, and men of all classes, races, and sexual and
gender orientations to unite behind a vision for
reproductive justice. We must show the right-wing
anti-choice movement that they are not welcome here in
San Francisco, one of the most pro-choice cities in
the nation. The country and the world must hear that
the social justice movement loves and respects the
lives of women and all people. As sons, brothers,
lovers, fathers, friends, and comrades of those whose
bodies and basic human rights are under attack by
these forces, it is our responsibility to stand up and
say we won't allow this assault to continue.

It is crucial that we support the leadership and
pivotal role of women and gender-oppressed people in
our broad social justice movement. We'll fight against
the forces that try to deny reproductive justice to
those who have been and must be at the center of all
fights for social justice. As men, let us make January
22nd an opportunity to unite behind a broad and deep
vision for women's liberation, queer liberation,
immigrant rights, and a just society for all.  Let us
commit to reaching out to other men in our life and
building widespread support in our families and
communities for social justice.  Let us build a broad
community of men committed to feminism.

We believe all people should be able to determine the
futures of their communities, their lives, and their
bodies. Fighting for reproductive justice is a fight
for life.

For more information about the Jan. 22nd march, please
visit: http://jan22action.riseup.net/

In solidarity,
Rishi Awatramani, Just Cause Oakland
Chris Crass, Catalyst Project
Jim Ace, Untraining White Liberal Racism
Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma'at, Foundations for Our
Nu Alkebulan/Afrikan Millennium (FONAMI)
Max Bell Alper, Organizer, AFSCME Local 3299*
Adam Boroian, Writer
J.C. Callender, The Ruckus Society
Clayton Childress, Graduate Student
Richard Clark, SF Bike Messenger
Max Cohen - FTM, Organizer, Jewish Voice for Peace
Raphael Cohen, Y-Step (Youth Step Towards Addressing
Jeff Conant, Hesperian Foundation
Josh Connor, Childcare Collective and Heads Up
Juan Cuba, Health Educator, La Clinica de la Raza
Chris Daly, SF Board of Supervisors, District 6
Todd Davies, university lecturer
Gopal Dayaneni, Design Action Collective and Father
Daniel Debolt, San Jose Students for Justice Member
and Father
Drew Dellinger, Poets for Global Justice
Chris Dixon, Anarchist Organizer and Educator
Mark Eisner, Director, Red Poppy
Mordecai Cohen Ettinger, Men Overcoming Violence and
Jews for a Free Palestine
Jesse Feldman, SF Tikkun Community
Michael Gast, Y-Step
Jeff Giaquinto, Heads Up Collective and Teacher SF
Unified School  District
Adam Gold, Executive Director, Just Cause Oakland
Nato Green, Labor Organizer, Young Workers United
Alan Greig, MOVE (Men Overcoming Violence)
Jim Haber, Director, War Resisters League West
Casey Harrell, Greenpeace*
Forrest Hill, National Green Party Coordinating
Greg A-K Hom, Childcare Collective and Global Intifada
Charles Houston, Cultural Worker
Todd Jailer, Editor, Hisperian Foundation, Peoples
Health Movement
Carwil James, Anarchist Writer, Designer and
Organizer, Oakland
Taj James, Executive Director, Movement Strategy
Greg Jan, Alameda Green Party, County Council Member*
Tahan K. Jones, Alameda Green Party, County Council*
Jason Justice, JusticeDesign.com, Graphic Designer for
Social Change
Doug Kandt, Organizer, AFSCME Local 3299*
Ramsey Kanaan, AK Press
Khurshid Khoja, Alameda Green Party
Paul Kivel, Violence Prevention and Social Justice
Ariel Kivel Luckey, Poet, Dancer and Brother, Y-Step
Terry A. Kupers, Psychiatrist and Professor, The
Wright Institute
Marcus Kryshka, Parent
Jeff Larson, Educator and Father
Alexander L. Lee, TGI Justice Project, Attorney and
Transgender Community Activist
Kerry Levenberg, SF High School Teacher
Mark Lopez, Co-Chair, MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil
Chicana/o de Aztlan) de UCSC
Ryan Luckey, Music Producer, Rhythm Attic Productions
Stefan Lynch, Nurse
Nile K. Malloy, Activism and Social Change Program,
New College of  California
Eric Mar, President, SF Board of Education*
Claude Marks, Freedom Archives
Richard Marquez, Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition
Ross Mirkarimi, SF Board of Supervisors, District 5
Pete Morse, SF Needle Exchange
Suresh Naidu, UC Berkeley
Dan Newman, High School Teacher and member of Against
Patriarchy men's  group
Luke Newton, Bay Area SUSTAIN (Stop U.S. Tax Aid to
Israel Now)
Mateo Nube, Leadership Institute Coordinator, Urban
Steve Ongerth, IWW, Deckhand and Web Administrator
Nick Pagoulatos, Housing Activist
Jose Palafox, Dept. of Ethnic Studies, Visiting
Professor at Mills  College
Andrew Peck, Educator
Sean Potts, Youth Organizer, Episcopal Church
Patrick Reinsborough, Smartmeme Strategy and Training
Eric Roman, Jews for a Free Palestine
Sean Sabo, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children*
Michael-David Sasson, Oakland Green Party*
Satya, Global Justice Activist
Erik Schnabel, SHARE Foundation, Queer and Solidarity
Barry M. Shapiro, Former Chair, National Organization
of Men Against Sexism
Judah Schept, Huckleberry Youth Programs
John Sellars, Executive Director, The Ruckus Society
and Father
Christopher Shein, Permaculture Gardener and Teacher
Zak Sinclair, Movement Generation
David Solnit, Social Justice Activist
Josh Sonnenfeld, Student Organizer at UC Santa Cruz
Dan Spalding, Adult Education Teacher
Marc Swan, Heads Up Collective
David Taylor, Radical Designs
James Tracy, Author of The Civil Disobedience Handbook
Pedro Paul Viegas de Sa, San Jose Students for
Justice, Student Organizer
Mark Vermeulen, National Lawyers Guild, SF Bay Area
John Viola, Activist Attorney
Sasha Vodnik, Legal Services for Prisoners With
Josh Warren-White, Catalyst Project and AK Press
Robert Webb, Human Propelled Solutions Cooperative
Adam Welch, Labor and Community College Student
Organizer, San Jose
Brian Wickenheiser, Food Not Bombs and Childcare
Steve Williams, Executive Director, POWER (People
Organized to Win Employment Rights)
Mateo Wlliford, Greenpeace*
Evan White, Human Rights Activist
Roger White, DataCenter, Criminal Justice Researcher
Greg Youmans, Student and Teach at UC Santa Cruz

* For Identification Purposes Only

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