[News] Legal Team - Veronza Bowers, Jr. Update

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Tue Feb 22 08:38:38 EST 2005

Dear Friends,

This is the latest update on the continuing struggle for the release of 
Veronza Bowers, Jr. from federal prison after more than 30 years of 

You may recall on April 7, 2004, the day before Veronza's legally mandated 
release, the US Parole Commission, without notice, hearing or any 
reasonable explanation, issued an order that he was not then or ever to be 
let out on parole. That decision was quickly overturned by a Federal Judge 
William T. Hodges and the USPC was ordered to show cause why this model 
prisoner, who has served the time required by law, should not be paroled. 
The Commission could not show cause and the new date for his long awaited 
return to society was set for February 18, 2005.

Many of Veronza's friends and family members gathered in Ocala, Florida 
near the Coleman Correctional Facility on February 17th in anticipation of 
seeing him walk through the prison gates. Kayo, Eda and I had come from 
California as had his daughter Veronica, his sister Cynthia flew in from 
Omaha, Nebraska, Vincent representing the Sherrod family, who regard 
Veronza as an adopted son, was there as were close friends Garf, his wife 
and others.

After receiving assurances throughout the week from the prison authorities 
that all the paperwork was in order and the final parole authorization had 
been secured, the warden of the Coleman Correctional Facility, Mr. Holder, 
virtually guaranteed us that nothing could prevent Veronza's release this 
time as it had in the past.

Little did we know that a repeat performance of the Commission's 
high-handed quest to keep Veronza behind bars at any cost was about to 
occur. At 4:45 PM on February 17th, the day before his scheduled release, 
Veronza's case manager received a phone call from the US Parole Commission 
simply asking, "How long can you delay his release and keep him in?" 
Veronza's Mandatory Parole was set to occur the next morning at 8:30 AM. 
Soon thereafter, a FAXed Notice of Action was received at the prison 
indicating that his parole was canceled pending a Reconsideration Hearing 
to take into account "new information" that had magically emerged. Once 
again, this time just 15 minutes before the end of the last day prior to 
his scheduled release, the Commission had reversed itself and pulled the plug.

We have learned that this "new information" was provided to the Commission 
by the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police via its regional office 
in Richmond, Virginia. The FOP claimed that family members of the officer 
killed had not been properly informed of the parole hearing and that, if 
set free, Veronza would be a threat to the lives of all police officers. On 
this basis a new hearing will be scheduled for sometime in March.

According to prison authorities at Coleman, there is no precedent for this 
type of action on the part of the Commission. Some of the staff were 
visibly upset by this latest sudden and unexpected turn of events, 
expressing support for Veronza and hope for his eventual release.

The good news is that Veronza's very supportive family and close friends 
had a chance to meet each other face-to-face (many for the first time) and 
renew their commitment to fight the injustice that is being perpetrated. 
Warden Holder graciously allowed all of us who had gathered at the prison 
to visit with Veronza for an extended period of time. Unbelievably, it was 
Veronza who provided solace to all. His strength and equanimity is eclipsed 
only by his faith and determination that justice will eventually prevail. 
Clearly it is not Veronza but the US Parole Commission and the Fraternal 
Order of Police who are a threat to law and order and the rule of law in 
this country.
Please stay in touch, we need your continued commitment and support as 
there is much work to be done. The web site is back up, but will undergo 
some changes in the days to follow. Stay tuned for details at 
Love and hope to all,




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