[News] Haiti's Jean-Juste diagnosed with life-threatening medical problems

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Dec 8 08:57:34 EST 2005

Fr. Jean-Juste must be released immediately!

Haiti's "Prisoner of Conscience" diagnosed

with life-threatening medical problems

by Bill Quigley

There is new urgency in the call for the immediate release of Pere

Jean-Juste from the jails of Haiti - the priest is seriously ill.

Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste is an internationally recognized

advocate for justice and democracy in Haiti. Often callled the

Martin Luther King, Jr of Haiti, Pere Jean-Juste has been in prison without

charges since he was arrested July 21 after being beaten by a mob in a

church in Port au Prince. None of his attackers were arrested.

Demonstrations of support for Fr. Jean-Juste have occurred frequently in the

poorer areas of Haiti and in many other cities internationally.

Amnesty International, Human Rights First, the International

Association of Democratic Lawyers, members of the Irish Parliament and

leaders of the UN Commission on Human Rights have called for his

release and the release of all political prisoners in Haiti. The

unelected Haitian government, which seized power after overthrowing the

democractically elected government of President Jean Bertrand

Aristide, has refused to respond to internal and international pressure. The

unelected appear intent on leaving Fr. Jean-Juste, former Prime Minister Yvon

Neptune and others in jail without trial until after the country's

frequently postponed elections.

The first comprehensive medical report on Fr.Jean-Juste was just

released by US physician John Carroll MD, who examined

the priest in September 2005 and again in December 2005. The

complete report is available on the website of the Institute of

Justice and Democracy in Haiti. Dr. Carroll's report noted increased

white blood count, swelling in the lymph nodes in his neck and under 
his arms, and intermittent

hearing loss. The doctor, who is board certified in internal

medicine, concludes that "the causes for these findings are numerous including

hematolgic [blood] cancers, metastatic [spreading] cancer, and a host of

infectious diseases."

Dr. John Carroll insists that "Father Jean-Juste needs

an extensive medical work up, CAT scan, and surgical biopsy...and

to beging appropriate treatment immediately. Many cancers of the blood have

a good prognosis when treated early by specialists."

Pere Jean-Juste, in jail and out, always urges

everyone to fight for human rights, real democracy and release of political

prisoners. He advises us to "keep up the struggle, freedom is coming

for Haiti."

It is time once again for the international community

to join in solidarity with the people of Haiti and to demand

without ceasing the release of Fr. Jean-Juste.

US citizens are urged to contact the US Embassy in Haiti and demand

that they do everything possible to secure the immediate release of Fr.


*       The switchboard number is 011.509.222.0200.

*       Faxes can be sent to the US Embassy 011.509.223.9038.

*       Emails can be sent to the human rights officers in the embassy:

*       Ms. Dana Banks <mailto:banksd at state.gov>banksd at state.gov or 
Kevan Higgins <mailto:higginskp at state.gov>higginskp at state.gov

The message can be simple:

Fr. Jean-Juste must be released immediately.

Haiti does not need another martyr for human rights.

By Bill Quigley, Loyola University New Orleans School

of Law.

Bill is a volunteer lawyer for Pere Jean-Juste with

the Institute for Justice and Democracy, 
<http://www.ijdh.org>www.ijdh.org assisting Mario

Joseph of the Bureau des Advocats Internationaux.

Bill can be reached at <mailto:duprestars at yahoo.com>duprestars at yahoo.com or at

832.489.6408 in the US or 011.509.401.4822.


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