[News] Statement about kidnapped CPT members by Palestinian political parties

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Thu Dec 1 12:59:38 EST 2005


the electronic intifada

Statement about kidnapped CPT members by Palestinian political 
parties (Arabic & English)
Statement, Various Palestinian Factions, 30 November 2005

Following the abduction of four members of the Christian Peacemaker 
Teams in Iraq, Palestinian political factions gathered in Hebron to 
issue a statement in Arabic about their experiences of seeing the CPT 
working in Palestine, and their personal knowledge of the three 
kidnapped members and their important work on behalf of the 
Palestinian people. Original Arabic version provided by CPT Hebron. 
English translation by the Electronic Intifada, posted for 
informational purposes.


In the name of God, the Compassionate and Merciful

"O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, 
ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards 
become full of repentance for what ye have done."-The Holy Qur'an, 49:6

The Islamic and National forces in the governorate of 
Hebron/Palestine express their deep regret for the kidnapping of four 
members of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq.

The Islamic and National forces in the governorate of 
Hebron/Palestine have had long experience confronting Israeli crimes 
and violations with the CPT since 1995, and wish to confirm that the 
members of this group have had and still have a major role in 
confronting Israeli crimes and violations, and in the protection of 
the property and the lives of the Palestinian citizens.

More than once they placed themselves in front of the occupation's 
tanks, and they confronted Israeli occupation bulldozers with their 
bodies defending Palestinians' homes against destruction. They 
accompanied our children when they were threatened and attacked by 
Israeli settlers on their way to and from their schools. Because of 
what they were doing, the CPT members were subjected to arrest, 
beating and pursuit by the Israeli soldiers and settlers in more than 
one location in Palestine. Many of them were denied entry to 
Palestine, or deported by the occupation authorities because of their 
activities in confronting the occupation.

We appeal to our brothers in the resistance and all those with alert 
consciences in Iraq, with whom we consider ourselves to be in the 
same trench confronting American aggression and occupation, to 
instantly and quickly release the four kidnapped persons (two 
Canadians, one Briton and one American) from CPT, in appreciation for 
their role in standing beside and supporting our Palestinian people 
and all the Arab and Islamic peoples.

Freedom for the Iraqi and Palestinian people.
Shame and disgrace on the Zionist and American occupation.

The Islamic and National Forces in the Governorate of Hebron:
Islamic Resistance Movement/Hamas
Palestine People's Party
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Democratic Union of Palestine/FIDA
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Palestinian Liberation Front
Palestinian Popular Struggle Front

Hebron, 29 November 2005

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