[News] Haiti: More demonstrators killed today & Waters demands Investigation Arms Shipments to Haiti under John Bolton

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Apr 27 18:39:12 EDT 2005

In this e-mail:
1. Note from Father Jean Juste on fresh killings today of unarmed 
demonstrators calling for a stop to the U.S.-backed repressive Latorture 
2. Congresswoman Waters demands that the Senate Investigate Arms Shipments 
to Haiti under the Tenure of John Bolton;
3. Prime Minister Yvon Neptune's Letter from Prison
4. Letter Protesting Torture of Prime Minister Yvon Neptune By Bush-backed 
Latortue regime in Haiti
HLLN Note:

Below is a note from Father Jean-Juste on new killings by the 
U.S.-backed/Canadia-trained Haitian police. Please raise your voices 
against not only the arming of this murderous regime in Haiti (see 
Congresswoman Waters press release); the current seige in Cite Soleil, 
where U.N. troops start shooting in the air while the populous is ASLEEP at 
4 am in the morning, but continue to kill Haitians, force them to observe a 
curfew, identify themselves before intering their own homes and 
communities. Haiti is not at war with anyone. All Haitians did was vote and 
democratically elect a leader the U.S./Canada/France have a pathological 
hatred for. Please help us speak truth to power and demand that these 
powers stop criminalizing Haitians in order to summarily execute them in 
their own homes and communities. This U.N. sponsored bloodbath in Haiti 
must stop. Father Jean Juste is in grave danger of being assassinated by 
this death regime for his denouncing these killings. Please call on the 
U.S. government to stop this blood bath in Cite Soleil and elsewhere in 
Haiti and to protect the lives of Father Jean Juste, Prime Minister Yvon 
Neptune and other supporters of the rule of law and justice in Haiti. Also 
included in this e-mail is a letter from Prime Minster Yvon Neptune about 
being beaten and abused in prison last Friday and a letter supporting 
Neptune that may be used as an example letter for those interested in 
denouncing Yvon Neptunes treatement/incarceration and to demand his and all 
political prisoners' immediate release. HLLN, April 27, 2005.
Father Jean Juste's Call for international help and action on behalf of a 
traumatize Haitian populous:

Dear Friends,
     By 1:00 PM today Wednesday April 27, 2005, Haitian Police have in cold 
blood shot on peaceful marchers, mostly President Aristide's supporters. 
The counting is still on. At least five young marchers have been shot dead 
in an area near Bourdon, East of Capital, Port-au-Prince. The wounded ones 
have not been counted yet. Some school children are wounded too. Please 
raise your voices against these acts of inhumanity. The march was organized 
by a group from Bel-Air. They were heading toward the headquarter of the 
MINUSTAH in Bourdon. The marchers were chanting: Aristide must come back; 
Freedom for the political prisoners;
Democracy yes, Dictatorship no. Wait for more information later. There was 
absolutely no action from the peaceful marchers to provoke this 



For Immediate 
(323) 757-8900

April 27, 




             Washington, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-35) released 
a statement denouncing last year’s shipment of thousands of weapons to 
Haiti by the U.S. Government, in violation of a 13-year-old arms embargo on 
Haiti, and demanding that the United States investigate why John Bolton 
allowed these weapons sales to occur while serving as Under Secretary of 
State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs.  Her statement 
follows recent press reports that a State Department official admitted that 
the United States transported 2,657 weapons to Haiti last August to train 
and equip the Haitian National Police.  These weapons included several M-14 
rifles and sub-machine guns, as well as over 2000 revolvers and hundreds of 
pistols.  The Congresswoman’s statement follows:

             I am deeply disturbed to learn that, over the weekend, the 
U.S. State Department admitted that the United States shipped thousands of 
lethal weapons to Haiti last year, in violation of our government’s 
13-year-old embargo on arms shipments to Haiti and despite the dreadful 
human rights record of Haiti’s unelected interim government.

             I call upon the United States Senate to investigate these arms 
shipments to Haiti, which occurred while John Bolton was serving as Under 
Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs.  It 
is critical that Senators determine why John Bolton allowed the arms 
embargo on Haiti to be violated before they vote on his nomination to the 
position of United States Ambassador to the United Nations.

             The arms embargo on Haiti was enforced throughout the 
administration of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the 
democratically-elected President of Haiti.  Because of the arms embargo, 
the democratically-elected government of Haiti could not purchase weapons 
from the United States to train and equip the Haitian police to carry out 
their law enforcement responsibilities.

             President Aristide was overthrown in a coup d’etat on February 
29, 2004, by a group of heavily armed thugs and replaced by an illegitimate 
interim government that does not have the support of the Haitian 
people.  Many of these thugs were former soldiers from the brutal Haitian 
army, which was disbanded ten years ago.  Since the coup d’etat, violence 
and insecurity have escalated throughout Haiti.  Groups of heavily-armed 
former soldiers roam Haiti freely, and the interim government has made no 
attempt to enforce the rule of law or disarm the former soldiers.

             The human rights record of the interim government of Haiti is 
horrendous.  The Center for the Study of Human Rights at the University of 
Miami Law School reported that summary executions are a police tactic, and 
Amnesty International has expressed serious concerns about arbitrary 
arrests, ill-treatment in detention centers, and summary executions 
attributed to members of the Haitian National Police.  Many of the thugs 
behind the coup d’etat have been incorporated into the police force, and it 
has been reported that some police officers funnel arms to paramilitary 
groups that are even more brutal.  Given this record, it is highly likely 
that the weapons shipped to Haiti by the United States last August were 
used in the commission of human rights violations.

             Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations votes on the 
nomination of John Bolton, the Committee must determine why he allowed the 
State Department to ship weapons to the illegitimate interim government of 
Haiti in violation of the arms embargo and despite evidence of serious 
human rights violations.


Marilyn Mason Note: Below is an English translation of former Haitian Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune's recent letter from prison, after his transfer to 
the Pacot Annex on April 21st and after his harrowing, yet unfruitful, trip 
to St-Marc on April 22nd. It is followed by the Haitian Creole version, and 
then by URLs to photocopies of his handwritten letter. I would encourage 
you to distribute it broadly amongst your circle of contacts. Yvon Neptune 
merits our moral support and advocacy. Marilyn Mason, Email: MariLinc at aol.com
Web: http://hometown.aol.com/CreoleCH/Index6.html
Creole LInks Page:

Letter from Yvon Neptune: English translation [Serge Bellegarde, Guy 
Antoine, Marilyn Mason]:

 >From the time I left the Prime Minister's residence on March 12, 2004, up 
until June 27, 2004, the source of my insecurity had been the Government 
itself. When the Government had me arrested on June 27, up until today, not 
only did this source of my insecurity increase and became more direct, but 
even worse, the Government deprived me of my freedom of movement, together 
with my freedom to speak freely, with all the length and breadth and depth 
that the Constitution allows for this right to be exercised.

The hunger strike I began on February 20 was aimed at forcing the 
Government to set me free and to stop being the cause of my insecurity.

Because of a promise the Government had made that it was going to liberate 
me, I accepted to put an end to my hunger strike and to go to the Argentine 
Hospital under the jurisdiction of the MINUSTAH/United Nations.

Even while in that hospital, however, my insecurity continued because of 
the Government’s continuing refusal to set me free.

That is why, while I was in the Hospital managed by the 
Argentinians/MINUSTAH, I continued to resist so that the United Nations 
would not send me to the trap of the supposed Villa in Pacot, but rather, 
that it would require instead that the Government free me and stop 
threatening my life. It was in the context of the dilatory tactics of this 
wicked Government that I was obliged to resume my hunger strike with even 
more force and why I am continuing it in the prison in Pacot, still with 
the aim of regaining my freedom and my security.

My friends, listen. On April 20, here is the information I had passed on: 
“… this plot aims at keeping me in prison by all means for as long as 
possible; that is one objective. The second objective is to take me, no 
matter what the conditions, to Saint-Marc to continue the political 
humiliation…” Friends, listen: while I was already into the fifth day 
of my complete hunger strike, on Thursday afternoon, April 21, having given 
me guarantees that nothing would happen to me, the United Nations Forces 
took me, against my will, to a supposed Prison Villa in Pacot, close to the 
General Administration and Inspection Headquarters of the Police, despite 
the fact that I had explained to the UN Representative that this was a trap 
that the de facto Government had set up to implement the death plan it had 
for me. Above all, I told them that I would maintain my hunger strike in 
the supposed Prison Villa as long as I was not set free.

My friends, on Friday April 22, early in the morning, a team of 7 to 10 
executioners I recognized from the prison system burst in on me to take me 
to Saint-Marc. I felt my life was in danger in the presence of these 
executioners; I told them I had not eaten, nor drunk anything in five days, 
and I asked them to leave me in peace because I was weak. When they picked 
me up with force, put me outside, and tried to handcuff me, I resisted for 
my life and I bit one of the many arms trying to force handcuffs on my wrists.

They drove me to Saint-Marc. I threw up all along the way. When we arrived 
in Saint-Marc, nothing was done. Supposedly, Mrs. Cluny Pierre Jules, the 
supposed Investigating Judge declared that she was not coming because she 
had not been previously notified.

When the UN Representative received news of what the conditions were in 
Saint-Marc and of what kind of state I was in, he sent a helicopter to pick 
me up and take me back to Port-au-Prince, where I received some care in a 
UN ambulance which escorted me back to the supposed Prison Villa in Pacot.

I am continuing my hunger strike, so that I can regain my freedom and my 
security and so that the de facto Government will stop threatening my life, 
while it continues to trample on my dignity.

Yvon Neptune
Former Prime Minister
Member of Fanmi Lavalas
Political Prisoner
At the Prison in Pacot, Port-au-Prince

URLs to photocopies of original (Kreyol) handwritten Yvon Neptune letter:

1) http://haitiforever.com/neptune-letter-page1.jpg

2) http://haitiforever.com/neptune-letter-page2.jpg



Date:   Sun, 24 Apr 2005 15:39:38 EDT
Subject:        Re: TORTURE
To:     noriegarf at state.gov, BanksD at state.gov, kongo-doudou at un.org, 
KonareAO at africa-union.org
CC:     OASLeinaudi at oas.org, Hunterj14 at aol.com, (et al..see more contact 
info on HLLN website)
Orlando, Florida this 24th day of April, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen:

We are experiencing another prison abuse as it happened in Iraq at the 
Abugraib Prison where many Iraqis were physically, mentally and orally 
abused.  The whole world has seen the torture and abuses against those 
prisoners.  It was outrageous and made every human being sick to their stomach.

Friday, former prime minister Yvon Neptune was literally tortured and 
beaten by the National Police in Haiti (APENA) when, at 4:00 a.m., he was 
forced to go in SAINT-MARC wearing just a shirt, pants and sandals.  He was 
treated like any criminal.

Former prime is being tortured right under UN watch.  Mr. Neptune has been 
on a complete hunger strike for 7 consecutive days.  He doesn't even have 
water that could help his body.  What is the role of the UN in Mr. Neptune 
slow death or murder?  Is he being tortured until he says enough is enough 
and finally decides to leave Haiti?  Or, are you waiting for a comatose 
condition of Mr. Neptune that will ring the bell of your conscience and 
your theoretical stand "against torture"?

I hope you don't take that long to stop this type of torture being applied 
upon prime minister Yvon Neptune.
Louis Joinet from the UN, a strong and sharp critic of the Lavalas 
Administration under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide said on many occasion 
that there was no massacre or genocide in La Scirie (SAINT-MARC).

He talked about fighting between a pro-Lavalas organization, "BALE WOUZE," 
and a pro-opposition to Aristide's organization, "RAMICOSM" whom president 
is the actual Mayor of SAINT-MARC Mr. Thompson).  It is obvious that this 
plot against Mr. Neptune and many other officials from the Aristide 
government was orchestrated by a Haitian organization financially supported 
by the Canadian Government ($100,000.00), the National Coalition for 
Haitian Rights (NCHR), according to Mr. Ronald Saint-Jean  Human Rights 
Organization "Groupe de Déffense des Prisoniers Politiques" (GDP) in Haiti.

In the name of humanity I urge that you act now to save Mr. Neptune's life 
and the lives of many others in jail because of their political 
opinion.  You only have the power and the authority to put a stop to the 
well prepared genocide againt the Haitian people in Haiti.  Come to the 
rescue of Mr. Neptune, Mr. Privert, Mrs. Auguste, Mr. Mayette, and many 
others.  I know you can and hope you will for the sake of morality and 


Edwige Romulus


Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers' Leadership Network

"Men anpil chay pa lou"  is Kreyol for - "Many hands make light a heavy load."

See, The Haitian Leadership Networks'  7 "Men Anpil Chay Pa Lou" campaigns 
to help restore Haiti's independence, the will of the mass electorate and 
the rule of law.
Here is what you can do to help us help the people of Haiti:
Action Requested from Haiti solidarity groups and activists for justice and 

Please circulate our mailings and posts to your mailing list and e-mail 
contacts. Subscribe by writing to: Erzilidanto at yahoo.com

Read, adopt and circulate the Haiti Resolution (see below) from the Haitian 
Lawyers Leadership Network and/or the Porto Alegre Declarations on Haiti 
adopted at the World Social Forum in 2005: 

Circulate the human rights reports, especially the latest Miami Law Center 

Do Press Work: Join our letter writing campaigns to help free the political 
prisoners in Haiti, stop the persecution of Haiti's most popular political 
party and restore Constitutional rule. Write a letter, call the media, fax, 
- See our Press Work page for sample letters and contact information:

HLLN Networkers are urged, in addition to the general writing campaigns and 
e-mail circulations, to also consider volunteering as primary 
coordinators/contributors to one of our seven campaigns: 

Support our lawyers in Haiti and HLLN projects, such as, our partnership 
with AUMOHD, the young human rights lawyers in Haiti who are defending the 
defenseless poor whose only crime is that they voted for Lavalas, supported 
Constitutional rule or are resisting a return of the bloody U.S.-trained 
Haitian army and US-sponsored dictatorship. For information on AUMOHD, go 
to: http://www.april6vt.org/

Support the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Haiti Resolution:

1. Demand the return of constitutional rule to Haiti by restoring all 
elected officials of all parties to their offices throughout the country 
until the end of their mandates and another election is held, as mandated 
by Haiti's Constitution;

2. Condemn the killings, illegal imprisonment and confiscation of the 
property of supporters of Haiti's constitutional government and insist that 
Haiti's illegitimate "interim government" immediately cease its persecution 
and put a stop to persecution by the thugs and murderers from sectors in 
their police force, from the paramilitaries, gangs and former soldiers;

3. Insist on the immediate release of all political prisoners in Haitian 
jails, including Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, Interior Minister Privert and 
other constitutional government officials and folksinger-activist Sò Ann;

4. Insist on the disarmament of the thugs, death squad leaders and 
convicted human rights violators and their prosecution for all crimes 
committed during the attack on Haiti's elected government and support the 
rebuilding of  Haiti's police force, ensuring that it excludes anyone who 
helped to overthrow the democratically elected government or who 
participated in other human rights violations;

5. Stop the indefinite detention and automatic repatriation of Haitian 
refugees and immediately grant Temporary Protected Status to all Haitian 
refugees presently in the United States until democracy is restored to 
Haiti; and

6. Support the calls by the OAS, CARICOM and the African Union for an 
investigation into the circumstances of President Aristide's removal. 
Support the enactment of Congresswoman Barbara Lee's T.R.U.T.H Act which 
calls for U.S. Congressional investigation of the forcible removal of the 
democratically elected President and government of Haiti.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, contact Erzilidanto at yahoo.com

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