[News] International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Nov 29 16:57:07 EST 2004

The United Nations has declared November 29th as the International Day of 
Solidarity with the Palestinian People because it was on this fateful date 
in 1947 that the UN had decided to partition Palestine into two states.  57 
years later, the Palestinians have yet to attain their inalienable rights 
as defined by the UN: the right to self-determination; the right to 
national independence and sovereignty; and the right to return to their 
homes from which they were displaced.  In fact, they have yet to attain 
their right to walk to school without getting shot at, their right to 
access their farms that are now on the other side of the Wall, their right 
to movement from village to village, their right to their water, their 
right not to have their homes demolished, their right not to be arrested 
without charge, and so on...

On the occasion of this day of solidarity, Alaqsaintifada.org salutes the 
Palestinian people for their heroic resistance to Israel's brutal military 
occupation of their lands and their lives.  Despite more than 3,200 
Palestinians being killed in the past 4 years, (most of them civilians, 
including more than 600 children), the Palestinian people stand strong and 
continue to struggle against injustice, no matter what the price.

We also take this opportunity to remind the peace-loving citizens of the 
world that their solidarity and support is urgently needed in order for 
Palestinian human rights to be secured.  With Sharon and Bush in power, the 
future looks very bleak for the Palestinian people, and your help is needed 
now more than ever.

Support can be provided in a variety of ways:

1. Go there - be a witness of the atrocities, stand in solidarity, return 
to your country and give talks and presentations.  Please contact the 
International Solidarity Movement to make arrangements, at 
<http://www.palsolidarity.org>www.palsolidarity.org.  Even a one-month stay 
would personally connect you to the issues, as well as remind the 
Palestinian people that they are not alone.

2. Lobby your representatives.  Contact them continuously and demand that 
they oppose their government's support for Israel's crimes.  In the U.S., 
you can find your representatives at 
(provided by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee).

3. Write to the media.  In the Western world, mainstream media often has a 
strong pro-Israeli bias, misrepresenting and distorting the situation, in 
turn influencing public opinion.  Demand the truth from them - if more of 
the public knew the real facts, it would certainly become more difficult 
for Israel to get away with its crimes.  For media-related resources, 
please see Palestine Media Watch, at <http://www.pmwatch.org>www.pmwatch.org.

4. Seek and share information.  One of the most effective ways to educate 
the people around you about the real situation, is by personal 
discussions.  In addition, you may lend them a book, or a documentary 
film.  Some excellent books and films may be found at the Palestine Online 
Store (<http://www.palestineonlinestore.com>www.palestineonlinestore.com), 
the AET Book Club 
(<http://www.middleeastbooks.org>www.middleeastbooks.org), and 
the  Institute for Palestine Studies 
(<http://www.palestine-studies.org>www.palestine-studies.org).  For online 
information, please see Electronic Intifada 
(<http://www.electronicintifada.net>www.electronicintifada.net), Palestine 
Chronicle (<http://www.palestinechronicle.com>www.palestinechronicle.com), 
Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coaltion 
(<http://www.al-awda.org>www.al-awda.org), and the Stop the Wall Campaign 

5. Financial support.  Purchasing items made in Palestine such as handmade 
wood carvings, embroidery, or olive oil, helps Palestinian artisans and 
farmers, as well as the Palestinian economy in general.  Handcrafts can be 
found at United Palestinian Appeal 
(<http://www.helpupa.org>www.helpupa.org), Palestine Children's Welfare 
Fund (<http://www.pcwf.org>www.pcwf.org), and Palestine Online Store (link 
in item 4, above).  Olive oil can be purchased from 
<http://www.palestineoliveoil.com>www.palestineoliveoil.com.  Donations 
enable relief organizations to do their vitally needed humanitarian 
work.  Donations can be made to KinderUSA 
(<http://www.kinderusa.org>www.kinderusa.org), Union of Palestinian Medical 
Relief Committees (<http://www.upmrc.org>www.upmrc.org), and Welfare 
(<http://www.welfareassociation.org>www.welfareassociation.org), among others.

6. Get Active!  To find an activist group near you, please see the website 
of the US Campaign to End the Occupation 
(<http://www.endtheoccupation.org>www.endtheoccupation.org).   You could 
either volunteer and become an organizer in a local group, or just 
subscribe to their mailing list and be informed and participate in upcoming 

Again, your support is needed.
In Solidarity,

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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