[News] Struggle Continues!! Come out and build the AIC

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Nov 3 12:52:29 EST 2004

Taking Democracy from the Polls to the Streets!

Join the Anti-Imperialist Contingent at the Not In Our Name March Look for
red shirts and black and red armbands!

Begin gathering at Powell and Market at 4pm, Program begins at 5pm.  We
will March from Powell St. to Valencia and 24th with the Local Bloco crew
holding it down in the front.  We will pass the 16th St. Police station
where an altar, action, and street theater will be happening to pay
repsects to the lives taken by INS repression and war at home and abroad.


(The following is a press release from the Anti-Imperialist Contingent)

Taking Democracy from the Polls to the Streets

On November 3rd the march for democracy moves from the polls to the
streets. People across the country - in Asheville, Baltimore, Boston,
Chicago, Denver, Gainesville, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, New York City,
Pittsburgh, Tucson, and in San Francisco are declaring that the people are
the decision-makers in society, not just on Election Day, but everyday.

In this election between two pro-war candidates there has been massive
voter disenfranchisement and voter intimidation targeting working class
people, communities of color, young people and immigrants who vote
Democrat.  With outright, public efforts to undermine one of the most
basic rights in a democratic society, we take to the streets to exercise
our power and announce to the world that we will fight back.

At the 5pm march called by the anti-war coalition Not In Our Name, the
groups Siafu, Global Intifada and the Heads Up Collective have called for
an Anti-Imperialist Contingent to make visible struggles for justice in
the US and around the world.

"From Baghdad to the US/Mexico border, women, children and elders suffer
and die every day because of the so-called 'War on Terrorism.'  Bush has
created and aided this plan for empire and Kerry has not pledged to stop
it," says Lupe Arreola of St. Peter's Housing Committee and a member of
Siafu. Arreola and the Anti-Imperialist Contingent will focus on both the
attacks against immigrant communities and the leadership of immigrants in
social justice movements.

She continues, "We, as an immigrant community, must be out in the streets
on Nov 3, in defense of democracy and in solidarity with other third world
immigrants, and with the people of the world - from Port-au-Prince to West

Raeanne Young of Global Intifada is working nationally to build the Beyond
Voting strategy of mobilizing people to take to the streets Nov. 3rd.  "We
recognize that we cannot vote for freedom within this two party system.

Real democracy comes from grassroots organizing, leadership and
self-determination in our communities."  She explains, "This time around
we're taking it from the polls to the streets."

In vigils, marches and acts of civil disobedience around the country,
communities committed to social justice are stepping forward to reclaim
democracy.  Rahula Janowski of the Heads Up collective argues, "As a white
working class mother struggling to get by, I march in the streets today in
solidarity with immigrants, communities of color and all working class
people and poor people struggling to get by.  We come together not just to
march on Nov 3rd, but to build a truly just society for us all."

The Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110
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