[News] Painting the Wall video and pictures

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jul 21 08:54:29 EDT 2004

Hi all. note that this is about a subversive and direct action art project 
with Susan Greene

Dear All,

For a change, I can send you a real treat--well, in a sense. It's no treat
that Hani and Muneira Amer and their 6 children have to live fenced in and
behind a wall.  But given this, they had a 'fun' day when activists and
artists came to help the Amer children and friends paint a mural on the 8
meter concrete monster that separates their house from their village.  Below
is a link to a web site containing a video of that day, as well as pictures.


Best, Dorothy

A short (4 minutes) video of the painting of the mural on the Apartheid Wall
at Mas'ha is now available online at


Please check it out.

The Freedom Archives
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