[News] Haiti update

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Thu Jul 15 08:51:48 EDT 2004

AHP News - July 13, 2004 - English translation (Unofficial)

The tumultuous relations between CARICOM and the Latortue government: a 
delegation of CARICOM foreign ministers is now in Port-au-Prince

Port-au-Prince, July 13,  2004 (AHP)-A delegation of CARICOM foreign 
affairs ministers arrived in Port-au-Prince on a 24 hour mission.

The delegation, led by Dame Billy Miller, Foreign Minister of Barbados, 
held a working session with the leader of the interim government, Gérard 

No reports have yet emerged from the meeting, which lasted at least two 
hours. The agenda for the meeting has also not yet been disclosed.

The president of the CARICOM delegation, Mme. Miller, promised that she 
would report on the talks she had with  Gérard Latortue at a Wednesday 
press conference to be held at the airport.

She also expects to meet with provisional President Alexandre Boniface and 
representatives of political parties.

Haiti's interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yvon Siméon, had indicated 
Monday that the CARICOM delegation was coming to Haiti to finalize 
relations between CARICOM and Haiti.

AHP July 13,  2004 5:50 PM

Maxine Waters urges CARICOM to call for the release of Haitian political 
prisoners and the arrest of criminals who have shed blood in Haiti as a 
condition for recognizing the government of February 29

Washington, July 13,  2004 (AHP)- U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters on 
Monday praised the loyal support provided by CARICOM to the democratic 
process in Haiti.

In a letter sent to CARICOM President Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of 
Grenada, Ms. Waters found it encouraging that the regional organization 
decided to send a fact-finding mission to Haiti rather than 
"unconditionally admitting the illegitimate interim government into CARICOM.

According to Maxine Waters, it is clear that since the removal of 
democratically-elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide, the Latortue 
government has been waging a politically motivated campaign to arrest and 
intimidate Lavalas party members and supporters in Haiti.

The Congresswoman denounced the imprisonment of a number of high-ranking 
members and prominent supporters of Lavalas, including former Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune, former Interior minister Jocelerme Privert and the 
well-known community activist, Annette Auguste.

Ms. Waters also deplored that the government of February 29 has refused to 
arrest Guy Philippe, Jean Tatoune and other thugs and killers who, she 
said, took over cities, burned buildings and freed criminals from jails 
while they continued to arrest the supporters of the party of Aristide.

Maxine Waters also criticized the interim authorities for their handling of 
the case of former death squad leader Louis Jodel Chamblain. He has 
reportedly been seen socializing and drinking outside the prison, she said. 
Chamblain had announced that he was turning himself in to be a prisoner 
following a meeting with interim Justice Minister Bernard Gousse.

The Congresswoman mentioned reports that an agreement may have been reached 
between the former FRAPH leader and the authorities whereby he would escape 
imprisonment relating to the crimes for which he was already convicted in 
absentia and he would not be prosecuted for other crimes.

Maxine Waters considered that these actions by the Latortue government 
constitute a threat to the stability and security of the Caribbean and the 
United States.

She expressed concern that this situation may drive many more Haitians to 
attempt to flee their homeland  to flee Haiti and enter other Caribbean 
countries or the united States as refugees.

She urged CARICOM to condition the recognition of the interim government on 
both the release of Yvon Neptune, Jocelerme Privert, Annette Auguste and 
other prisoners as well as on the arrest, prosecution and punishment 
of  Guy Philippe, Jean Tatoune, and Louis Jodel Chamblain for the crimes 
they have committed.

AHP July 13,  2004 4:40 PM

The CSPN communiqué calling for disarmament is designed for international 
consumption, according to Fanmi Lavalas

Port-au-Prince, July 13,  2004 (AHP)- The Fanmi Lavalas political 
organization in comments Tuesday downplayed the efforts of the interim 
authorities relating to the disarmament of demobilized members of the 
military and the Front of Resistance.

A Fanmi Lavalas spokesperson Gilvert Angervil asserted that the communiqué 
issued by the Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN) shows that his 
party has been correct in its allegations that several regions of the 
country are under the control of the former rebels who took up arms against 
President Aristide.

According to Gilvert Angervil, this situation reveals an obvious absence of 
State authority.

He charged that the interim government has neither the capacity nor the 
authority nor the will to go forward with the disarmament of the illegally 
armed groups.

Mr. Angervil further alleged that the CSPN communiqué is designed solely 
for international consumption and offers no reassurance to those who suffer 
abuses at the hands of the armed bands who operate across the country.

The September 30 Foundation indicated Monday that the objective of the 
interim government is to press the armed sectors to hide their weapons by 
informing them that they will soon be disarmed.

AHP July 13,  2004 10:15 AM

Lavalas activists announce protests against the Latortue government

Port-au-Prince, July 13,  2004 (AHP)- Lavalas activists announced that a 
sit-in will be held Wednesday July 14 in front of the French Embassy on the 
occasion of France's independence commemorations.

A spokesperson for the Fanmi Lavalas grassroots activists, Claudy Sidney, 
said that through these protests they intend to denounce France's policy 
toward Haiti which is expressed through its embassy, which he said supports 
an illegal government.

He asserted that the Latortue government is manifesting no evidence that it 
wishes to relieve the suffering of the population or respect its rights.

"We are counting on drawing the attention of the people of France who are 
enamored with democracy to the actions of French officials who are working 
against the interests of the Haitian people and democracy", said Mr. Sidney.

For their part, the supporters of Fanmi Lavalas in Cap-Haïtien are planning 
two days of demonstrations, on August 13 and 14, to denounce the 
persecution they say they are suffering at the hands of the interim 

They say they have been breathless since the technocrats came to power. 
"The high cost of living, insalubrity, and insecurity are the fate of the 
people of Haiti's second city, they said. They insist that they are 
detremined to remain mobilized until the return of constitutional government.

AHP July 13,  2004 1:35 PM

The populist organization "Konbit Resistance" is supporting the 
demonstrations planned by supporters of  Fanmi Lavalas

Port-au-Prince, July 13,  2004 (AHP)- The populist organization "Konbit 
Resistance" came out Tuesday in support of the demonstrations announced by 
supporters of Fanmi Lavalas in Port-au-Prince in the coming days.

Printemps Bélizaire, a spokesperson for the organization, invited the 
population to participate in large numbers in the demonstrations to 
"denounce the February 29th government".

He stated that all Haitians should mobilize against this government that is 
acting, in his words, totally outside the constitution, by making illegal 
arrests, firing workers arbitrarily, and committing crimes in the country.

Printemps Bélizaire deplored that the sector in power has decided to 
neglect the demands of students. He asked these students to get behind the 
cause of the populist masses toward genuine change in the country.

Mr. Bélizaire also expressed hope that the CARICOM delegation now visiting 
Haiti will focus on the situation of the political prisoners of the 
February 29th government.

AHP July 13,  2004 2:05 PM

The spouse of Annette Auguste denounces the conditions of detention of 
Lavalas activists in the prison of   Pétion-Ville

Port-au-Prince, July 13,  2004 (AHP)- Wilfrid Lavaud, who is married to the 
Fanmi Lavalas community activist  Annette Auguste, spoke out again Tuesday 
against conditions of detention of the Lavalas activists held in the prison 
of  Pétion-Ville.

According to Mr. Lavaud, Sò Anne's physician wrote to officials of the 
National Prison Administration (APENA) one week ago to ask them to allow 
the Fanmi Lavalas activist the possibility of moving about inside the 
prison, for reasons related to her health.

No response has been made thus far to the doctor's letter, he said.

Mr. Lavaud alleged that conditions of detention in the Pétion-Ville 
detention center are extremely poor. No daylight is even allowed into the 
prison cells, he said, indignant.

He is worried that the state of Sò Anne's health may deteriorate further.

Annette Auguste was taken into custody without a warrant during the night 
of May 9. The Multinational Interim Force initially said she was taken into 
custody because she had said bad things about and had made threats against 
the foreign soldiers.

After the multinational force had finished interrogating her, they did not 
release her, but turned her over to the Haitian police.

The National Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR) learned subsequently that 
she had been detained for her alleged involvement in the violent incidents 
of December 5 at the School of Social Sciences.

However the Executive Director of NCHR, Pierre Espérance, recognized last 
week for the first time last week in an interview with the Reuters press 
agency that the arrest of the Lavalas activist was illegal.

However he refused to call for her release.

AHP July 13,  2004 3:00 PM

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