[News] Army attacks women's march in Jenin

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Mon Jul 12 11:49:42 EDT 2004

Reply-To: AlAwda at yahoogroups.com

July 10, 2004
Army attacks a women march in Jenin
IMEMC & Agencies, 17:57

Soldiers attacked, Saturday afternoon, a women march in Jenin while
they were marching towards Salem Military court, west of Jenin, north
of the West Bank.

The march was organized by the International Solidarity Movement, and
the General Union of Palestinian Women.

The march was conducted in order to protest against the Separation
Wall and in support to the Palestinian Detainees.

Upon arriving at Salem Military Court the protestors were attacked
the soldiers around the court who fired gas bombs, concussion
grenades and rubber-coated bullets.

Soldiers also banned tens of women form the Israeli "Peace Now
Movement" from reaching Jenin in order to participate in the
protests, which forced them to conduct the protest on the other side
of the road leading to the court.

The protestors, from both sides, chanted slogans against the
occupation and continuous military operations and demanded the
immediate release of Palestinian detainees from Israeli detention

Meanwhile, the protestors welcomed the International Court's decision
which ruled that the Separation Wall is illegal.

Linda, a participant who is volunteering with the International
Solidarity Movement said that she and her friends came here to show
the world what is really going on here, and "expose the lies of the
Israeli government concerning the nature of the Palestinian Israeli

General Secretary of the Women's Union, Tamam Qanawi said that the
Palestinians and liberated nations appose the construction of the
Separation wall, and demanding immediate compensations to the
residents for their huge losses.

Qanawi added that this Wall contradicts with the International Law
and all International constitutions of human rights

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