[News] 'An introduction to grassroots organizing'

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Thu Jan 8 15:31:45 EST 2004

p l e a s e  c o m e ... a n d  b r i n g   a   f r i e n d!

         This is an anti-racist training workshop for grassroots social
justice activists who want to work for racial justice and challenge white
privilege in all their social justice work. It is a project of the
Challenging White Supremacy Workshops of San Francisco.

II. WHEN AND WHERE: Sundays, March 7 - June 13, 4-7:30 pm in San Francisco.

III. GOALS:  The workshop will introduce participants to:
         * An historical analysis of the U.S. white supremacy system and the
legacies of resistance to white supremacy in communities of color;
         * An historical, institutional analysis of white privilege and its
effects on social justice movements;
         * Analyses, strategies and practices of some Bay Area grassroots
racial justice work;
         * Examples of some Bay Area anti-racist organizing in predominantly
white social justice movements; and
         * Practicing and modeling respectful and accountable behavior in
all our anti-racist work.

* Sat/Sunday March 6 & 7: Orientation: 5 hours each day. (3pm-8pm)
* March 14: 'What is White Supremacy?'
* March 21: 'Legacies of Liberation'
         (Theme: hopefully on 'Women of Color Feminism)
* March 28: 'Organizing for Racial Justice:'
         (Theme: Challenging the Prison Industrial Complex)
* April 4:  'How Mother Earth Became a Piece of Real Estate'
* April 11: 'Creating an Anti-Racist Agenda'
         (Theme: Reflecting on what we've learned so far in the workshop)
* April 18: 'Family Herstories'
* April 25: 'Each One Teach One Anti-Racist Organizing'
         (Theme: Grassroots Fundraising Strategies and Skills)
* May 2:    'Shinin' the Lite on White Privilege in Social JusticeMovements'
* May 9:    'Anti-racist organizing in solidarity and multi-racial orgs.'
         (Theme: Immigrant Rights)
* May 16:   'Anti-racist organizing in mostly white social justice
organizations   (Theme: Global Justice & Anti-War Movements)
* May 23:   'Organizing for racial and economic justice' (Theme: Low income
workers and communities of color)
* June 6:   'Anti-Racism and Anti-Imperialism: (Theme: Palestine Solidarity)
* Sat June 12:  'Accountability and Solidarity: (Theme: Becoming an
Anti-Racist Organizer')
* June 13:      'Evaluation and Next Steps'


         Every participant will be expected to volunteer 6-8 hours per week
in a racial justice organization.  cws will arrange placements for
participants who are not presently doing racial justice work. This spring,
placements will be with these organizations:
         Ca. Coalition for Women Prisoners, Californians for Justice, Ca.
Prison Focus, Childcare Collective, Coalition on Homelessness, CISPES
(Comm. in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador), Critical Resistance,
Ella Baker Center's Family Advocacy Project, Freedom Archives, Jews for a
Free Palestine, La Pena, LSPC (Legal Services for Prisoners with Children)
People's Corps (a collaboration between Pueblo, Just Cause, POWER, SOUL and
cws), S.F. Day Labor Program, and SUSTAIN (Stop U.S. Tax Aid to Israel Now).

         The cws concept of the 'workshop as a laboratory' where
participants get to practice developing their anti-racist analysis and
organizing skills has been expanded to include a new 'anti-racist
organizing internship program.' Ten anti-racist organizers who went thru an
intensive training in the Fall of 2003 will be practicing their skills in
workshop roles as  coordinators, facilitators and small group organizers.

VII. COSTS:  $10 with application, $125 registration;= $135 total.

VIII. FOR MORE INFO & APPLICATION: email 'cws at igc.org'.
         For more on cws, check out cws website: www.cwsworkshop.org.

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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