[News] WIB Intl Human Rts Day Vigil

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 1 15:36:01 EST 2004

Saturday, Dec. 11, 2004, 1 p.m.
Union Square (Powell & Geary), San Francisco

Please join our powerful silent vigil for International Human Rights Day.
End the War in Iraq End the Occupations of Palestine, Afghanistan, the 
Philippines and Haiti Tear Down the Israeli Apartheid Wall Human Rights: 
Healthcare, Education, and Housing for Everyone Support the Palestinian 
Right of Return Bring the Troops Home Now
Wear black, bring signs.  All women welcome.

For more information: S.F. Women in Black, 510-434-1304.

Partial list of endorsers:  American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee 
(ADC-SF); Code Pink Bay Area; GABRIELA Network; Haiti Action Committee; 
Jews for a Free Palestine; LAGAI - Queer Insurrection; National Lawyers 
Guild, S.F. Bay Area Chapter; QUIT! (Queers Undermining Israeli Terror).

Take a stand against war and aggression.  Thousands of women around the 
world have experienced war and violence in ways that you and I cannot even 
imagine. Like us, these women want to send their children to school, they 
want to make sure that their families have enough to eat, and are safe from 
harm. Like us, they want to feel respected and valued.
-Zainab Salbi, Women to Women International

Over 1,000 American service men and women and over 15,000 Iraqi civilians 
have been killed in the most recent war in Iraq. In Haiti, after a coup 
exiled President Aristide, thousands of activists have been imprisoned and 
the U.S. sponsored interim government is terrorizing civilians in an effort 
to silence any opposition. In the Philippines, U.S. troops are 
destabilizing the movement for social change. Israel continues to build the 
apartheid wall in Palestine, killing hundreds and displacing thousands.

It has been a painful time for many of us. We are horrified by the message 
the American voting public just sent to the world. The media would have us 
believe that Bush's reelection serves as a seal of approval for his attacks 
on Iraq, civil liberties, and his open ended policies of preemptive, 
unilateral aggression.  But we know we are not alone in denouncing these 
events. We are not alone in our utter contempt for an approach to foreign 
policy that fattens the wallets of the war profiteers and oil moguls while 
destroying the lives of innocent people. We stand with millions of people 
around the world and within our own country who demand peace,  justice, and 
an end to US military violence. We are not intimidated by their invoking 
racist images of "terrorists" and "evil doers."

And if we have learned anything from this most recent election, it is that 
the only way to make our voices heard is to build a strong and bold 
movement for social change, a movement that stands in solidarity with women 
in the Middle East, in Asia, in the Caribbean and around the world to 
challenge the military industrial complex, and to demand a safer, better 
world with basic human rights.

Join us in Union Square on Saturday, December 11 at 1 p.m., and on the 
first Friday of every month (except December) at the corner of Market and 
Montgomery streets from 5-6 p.m., for a silent women's vigil opposing U.S. 
military aggression around the world, including the Israeli occupation of 

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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