[News] THE FOREST FOR THE TREES: Judi Bari v. The FBI - NYC Premiere

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 27 08:25:36 EDT 2004


Judi Bari v. the FBI

In 1990, Earth First! organizer Judi Bari's car was bombed.
Within three hours of the bombing, Bari was accused of
transporting the explosives that had nearly killed her.
Still in the hospital, she was arrested, and labeled a
terrorist in the national media.  This is the story of Bari's
First Amendment case against the FBI, which finally went to
trial in 2002.

Playing in NYC as part of the Imagine Festival of Arts, Issues & Ideas:
Thursday September 2 at 9:30 PM
Upper West Side JCC (334 Amsterdam Avenue at 76th St).

Filmmaker will be present for Q&A.
Reserve seats:  646-505-5708 or www.jccnyc.org

Also playing:
Thursday September 2 at 11 PM
Barbès in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

The Imagine Festival of Arts, Issues & Ideas is a citywide
cultural festival designed to inspire, instigate and support
civic engagement. From August 28-September 2 the Imagine
Festival will present over 170 cultural events in 6 days
including concerts, performances, forums, town meetings,
exhibits, screenings, and other issue-based artworks.

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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