[News] Chomsky: Appointment of Negroponte to Iraq Immoral

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Sun Aug 8 12:02:18 EDT 2004

From: "Walter Lippmann" <walterlx at earthlink.net>
To: "CubaNews" <CubaNews at yahoogroups.com>

Appointment of Negroponte to Iraq Immoral, Says Chomsky

Mexico, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) (John) Negroponte ´s
appointment as US ambassador to Iraq, in a proconsul-like
style, violates the principle of universality, has said
North American sociologist and linguist Noam Chomsky.

In an editorial published Saturday by La Jornada newspaper,
Chomsky recalled an ominous precedent: Negroponte was a
notorious promoter of the dirty war unleashed by the Ronald
Reagan Administration against Nicaragua during the
Sandinista Revolution.

The sociologist demanded the Bush administration to apply
to the US "the same standards it has applied to others. And
by the way, with a greater zeal," so that the principle of
universality is duly respected.

He stated that appointing a diplomat who as ambassador to
Honduras had orchestrated state terrorism campaigns against
Nicaraguans, ran opposite to the so-called terrorism
crusade hawked by the US.

State terrorism, he went on, killed tens of thousands of
civilians in Nicaragua, a figure by far exceeding the US
death toll during its Civil War.

Washington says "it is taking democracy to Iraq, using the
same experienced official it sent to Central America," he

A few days after Negroponte"s appointment to the Middle
East nation, Honduras pulled its troops out of Iraq.

"It could have been a coincidence, or maybe Hondurans still
remember something from the period Negroponte was there.
A period we´d rather forget," Chomsky concluded.

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