[News] Bush Mosaic uses images of 100 dead

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Tue Apr 27 08:52:27 EDT 2004

For Mosaic Go To:
For Detail Pics:
Under Bush Pic Click [Mosaic Pictures],  Man Of War
At first glance it isn't obvious the mosaic of President Bush is made up
of photographs. But you do not have to look too hard to start picking out
faces, especially in the lower right hand corner. The picture has upset
some relatives of the dead servicemen whose pictures have been used.
  then click [next]:
The Fallen
This close up of the mosaic shows over 100 of the US servicemen featured.
More than 700 American soldiers have lost their lives since the US-led
invasion of Iraq last April. Most were killed in combat.

A mosaic of George Bush using images of servicemen killed in Iraq has
caused a storm in America.

The mosaic, titled War President, was created by an artist
known only as Joe and posted on the website American Leftist.

It has been seized on by the anti-war lobby
as a graphic portrayal of the heavy cost of invading Iraq.

The US death toll stands at 706 - with 511 killed in combat.

War President contains 1,410 pictures
with some being used up to three times.

It has angered relatives of the victims
because they were not asked if the photos could be used.

But the artist is unapologetic.

"It's a comment on the war," he said.
"I'm not making a dime off it - and never will."

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