[News] Gusanos training Venezuelans

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Apr 1 12:25:34 EST 2004

Published: Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Bylined to: <mailto:patrick at vheadline.com>Patrick J. O'Donoghue

Cuban F-4 Comandos training Venezuelans in Miami paramilitary camps

Venezuelan alternative 
media  <http://www.aporrea.org/>www.a<http://www.aporrea.org/>porrea.org 
reports that Miami Cubans belonging to Comandos F-4 paramilitaries are 
training Venezuelans to wage a aware of attrition on the Venezuelan 
government, if the political situation gets any worse and the opposition 
fails to oust President Hugo Chavez Frias by means of a recall referendum.

Aporrea has thrown out a suggestion that Venezuelan diplomats to 
investigate Venezuelan paramilitaries in the Miami area that are calling 
for insurrection against the Venezuelan government.

Cuban paramilitary leader, Rodolfo Frometa admits that his group has been 
helping to train Venezuelans allegedly under the command of former National 
Guard (GN) Captain Luis Garcia Morales, one of the first officers to openly 
rebel against the Venezuelan President in 2000 and flee to the USA.
"Our camps are open to any Venezuela that understands that there can be no 
dealings with Communists."

During the anti-Chavist march last week in Miami, flyers were distributed 
showing a Frometa and Garcia Morales in military uniform and brandishing 
arms. Frometa himself has been jailed for three year in the USA for illegal 
weapons purchases.

According to several foreign correspondents, Democrat presidential 
candidate, John Kerry is hoping to penetrate the staunchly Republican Miami 
Cuban community by attacking the Venezuelan government, whom the Cubans 
claim has thrown Fidel Castro a life-line by selling cheap oil.

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