[News] Chavez rejects US interference in Venezuela, Haiti

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Thu Apr 1 11:45:43 EST 2004

Chavez rejects US interference in Venezuela, Haiti
www.chinaview.cn 2004-04-01 10:18:00

CARACAS, March 31 (Xinhuanet) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez 
reiterated Wednesday that his government rejects the United States' 
interference in the internal affairs of other nations, specifically in 
Haiti and Venezuela.

     Chavez called for nonrecognition of the current Haitian government 
during a ceremony held at the Teresa Carrelo theater inthe Venezuelan 
capital Caracas for granting credits to small businessmen.

     "My government does not recognize the one (government) placed by the 
United Stated in Haiti and we call on the other countries of the continent, 
as the Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom) has already done, to 
pronounce this," he said.

     He indicated that "only unity among us will guarantee respect for 

     Chavez questioned the role of the Organization of American States 
(OAS), whose voice over Haiti's situation is absent, sayingthat "silence in 
this case is remarkable."

     Deploring the OAS's failure to made pronouncement on this case and the 
international human rights organizations' "silence, eternal silence", the 
Venezuelan leader said, "This world is full of hypocrisy."

     He also said Wednesday afternoon that the Venezuelan Ambassador to the 
United States Jorge Valero "will give a speech that I approved, in which 
all this perverse interventionist plan waged by the government of 
Washington against Venezuela will be denounced."

     He said that once again the voice of Venezuela will be heard 
denouncing US President George W. Bush for getting his hands in Venezuelan 

     "Venezuela is respected and here we are the Venezuelan patriots 
willing to defend our sovereignty, our territorial integrity, our 
democracy, the Constitution and the republican institutions," Chavez declared.

democracy, the Constitution and the republican institutions," Chavez declared.

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