[News] News from the news list

claude claude at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 17 14:01:00 EST 2003

Hi Friends. After a coupla days of frustration, we have finally changed 
over to a new ISP (internet service provider). Our old and dedicated 
provider is closing due to the frustrations and expenses of dealing with 
the web mess. He has been both a friend and a tremendous help to us in 
educating us and helping us develop more web savvy. Thanks Steve! so we are 
now on a new site which is also small and not highly corporate. it will 
take time to rewrite scripts to manage our website database searches, etc. 
meanwhile i am trying to figure out the best way to manage this new list 
serve. as you can see, you can try to post to news at freedomarchives.org,
and it is up to us to determine whether stuff goes out to the whole list. 
this may yet change and be adjusted...so bear with me and send any 
suggestions 9or complaints) directly to claude at freedomarchives.org. thanks 
for all of your ongoing support and interest!

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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