Symbols of Resistance Cover

We have traveled to the Southwest twice in the past year to work on an exciting project focusing on the Chican@ movement, the student martyrs and Aztlan land struggles. In May, we were honored to document an important and moving “Symbols of Resistance” gathering in Colorado, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of “los seis de Boulder” (six young Chican@ activists killed in two car bombings during the height of student and community protest in 1974) and three other activist martyrs from the same period. Three of us just returned from a second trip, this time to southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, where we shot in-depth interviews with leading activists for a documentary using this new material about the origins of the Chican@ movement and the resistance of and repression against it. This is an important story that needs to be more fully told. Check out a trailer compiled from footage shot in May.

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