Feminist and Lesbian Politics: Monographs-Periodicals-Articles
diverse in medium and subject matter, this collection contextualizes women’s
liberation highlighting issues of class, race, sexuality and imperialism. The
materials in this collection focus on lived experience and practical knowledge
instead of theory. Accordingly, this collection predominantly features perspectives
of women often excluded from or overshadowed in popular feminist discourse,
including nonwhite, lesbian/queer, working-class, and the Third World. Topics
of focus include violence against women and self-defense, representation of
women in the media, radical feminist perspectives, historical feminist perspectives
and reproductive rights. Formats include
periodicals, monographs, articles and reports. Although the materials examine a
wide range of topics and contain a diverse set of perspectives, many of the
materials were produced in the Bay Area and the vast majority of the materials
come from the United States. Although many of the contents were published 30+
years ago, they still maintain contemporary relevance.
1 Documents Found

Publisher: The Black ScholarDate: 12/1971Volume Number: DecemberFormat: ArticleCollection: Feminist and Lesbian Politics: Monographs-Periodicals-Articles
Reflections on the overlooked & unique struggle and resistance of enslaved black American women
1 Documents Found