COINTELPRO 101 Raw Materials
This collection features raw materials from the 2010 Freedom Archives production COINTELPRO 101.
1 Documents Found

Call Number: C 10 128Collection: COINTELPRO 101 Raw Materials
In 1973, Chicano activist and lawyer Francisco "Kiko" Martinez was indicted in Colorado on trumped-up bombing charges and suspended from the bar. He was forced to leave the United States for fear of assassination by police directed to shoot him "on sight." When Martinez was eventually brought to trial in the 1980s, many of the charges against him were dropped for insufficient evidence and local juries acquitted him of others. One case ended in a mistrial when it was found that the judge had met secretly with prosecutors, police, and government witnesses to plan perjured testimony, and had conspired with the FBI to conceal video cameras in the courtroom.
Kiko is a lifelong activist and dedicated human rights attorney.
1 Documents Found