This collection covers a wide range
of audio tapes and English publications about the Palestinian struggle for self
determination. Political journals and monographs from multiple viewpoints on issues such as Zionism and
anti-Zionism, Israeli abuses of human rights and international law, the role of
the US and Britain, as well as on the Middle East and the Arab world.
Americans for Middle East Understanding
Americans for Middle East Understanding was founded in 1967 to increase understanding in America of the history, goals and values of all the peoples in the Middle East. -
Anti-Zionist Criticism
Numerous publications challenging the Zionist state of Israel and the precepts of Zionism. -
Arab Information Center
Publications about the Arab World produced or distributed by the Arab Information Center, an agency of the League of Arab States. -
Arab Media
Various publications about the Middle East produced by Arab countries and media outlets. -
Human Rights in Palestine
Various publications about Israeli Human Rights abuses against Palestinians. -
Institute for Palestine Studies
Criticism of Zionism by Palestinian and Jewish scholars. -
Palestine Related Academic Papers
Various publications about the Middle East produced by Academic Departments and Student Organizations. -
Palestinian Revolutionary Organizations
Literature from revolutionary groups in struggle to liberate Palestine. -
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
The PFLP seeks to mobilize and lead the movement for self-determination, and the establishment of a Palestinian state. -
Pro-Zionist Perspectives
Various Zionist publications justifying the colonization and occupation of Palestine. -
Revolutionary Movements and History
Analysis of Egyptian, Tunisian, Kurdish, Yemeni, Iranian, and Syrian political ideologies and histories. -
US and British Foreign Policy on Palestine
US, British, and [International]-Arab publications about Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East.
1 Documents Found

Publisher: Support Committee for the Iranian People's StruggleYear: 1977Format: MonographCollection: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Prepares the fundamental basis for the formation of a struggling Fedayee vanguard.
1 Documents Found