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Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials


Ricanstructing Vieques Ricanstructing Vieques
Date: 1/1/1999Call Number: V 005Format: VHSProducers: Ugly planet mediaCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
a punkumentary featuring the band Ricanstruction, directed by Vagabond.2/3 of the island is being destroyed by the Navy, the women and children have cancer, there is little employment. “ Another example is... you are at the beach, time we were at Sunbay this was in ‘87 or ‘88..we were with kids playing, and a few tanks came out of the water, various kinds of tanks..everybody was in shock, I grabbed my daughters and everybody was screaming then they went back in to the water, so if somebody would have been where they came out that person would have been dead. So it’s a mistake- there are many mistakes.”
Outcry LA: Riots*Trials*Recovery Outcry LA: Riots*Trials*Recovery
Call Number: V 008Format: VHSProducers: Simon Wiesenthal Museum of ToleranceCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
3 part video with footage of South Central LA post-not guilty verdict of the 4 officers. Racist tone depicting black community members as unruly “anarchists without respect for life or authority”. Mostly focuses on lack of police response/deployment and later on how they regained “control” by mass arrests. In Part II (Trials) the 4 officers involved in beating speak about their roles in the King incident. Also focuses on the LA 4 arrested after what ensued at Florence and Normandy. The 4 were charged with torture and aggravated mayhem, if convicted, could face life sentences whereas officers were only charged with beating. Part III - recovery sequence details efforts being made to help rebuild LA.
Jalil Muntaqim interview (1 of 4) Jalil Muntaqim interview (1 of 4)
Call Number: V 078Format: VHSProducers: John O’ReillyCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Begins with talk about how he met Nuh Washington and Sacco Ortiz, who were Denver Panthers needing a place to crash. They lived at his place for a few months in the Bay Area, politicizing each other and living communally. Tells story of how Nuh got his name. Describes in detail about his transition into Islam. Quite reluctant at first, argued a lot with Max Sanford aka Hamid Hamid and H. Rap Brown aka Jamil AABD Al-Amin, with whom he was imprisoned in Old Queens, NY in 1972. He had great respect for these guys and watched them pray 5 times a day. He called himself a materialist up until this point, but could never resolve question of spirit and what happens to spirit once the body passes. Being a Muslim doesn’t take away from his being a revolutionary, only provides more and brings hope, a tempered spirit, and a spiritual/material equilibrium. Discusses the meaning of Jihad - to struggle, to strive in his political life. Talks about rebelling against parents, schools and cops. Always a good student, mom instilled a sense of dignity and African identity in him. Politicized by the murder of Martin Luther King, seeing Black Panther Party on TV going to the CA capitol with weapons, friends John Carlos and Tommie Smith at the 1968 Olympics with black power fists raised in the air. Was always associated with Black Panther Party, but only briefly joined and then was recruited into the Black Liberation Army whose existence began years before they were publicly known as an underground organization during Jalil and Dharuba bin Wahad’s case in 1971. Discusses his case - initially as the NY 5 with the Ortiz brothers (Gabriel and Francisco), later their case was dismissed for lack of evidence, thus they became the NY 3. Discusses how evidence was tampered with and the entire conviction was a setup given the threat that the government and FBI believed that the Black Liberation Army/Black Panther Party posed to the national security. Has much information and FBI documents proving innocence through the Freedom of Information Act. Discusses the torturing of witnesses, granting immunity to one witness who had several outstanding arrests.
Jalil Muntaqim interview (2 of 4) Jalil Muntaqim interview (2 of 4)
Call Number: V 079Format: VHSProducers: John O’ReillyCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Continues about the tampering and destruction of evidence in his case. Once you’re convicted the burden is to prove yourself innocent. Discusses cases of Dhoruba and Geronimo, who spent almost 50 years together in prison after proving that the state had set them up. Calls the US a plutocracy, where the rich rule and control the government, operating under a hypocritical veneer of democracy. Hegemonic powers of the media, describes it as the wizard in the background. We need to break the illusion that the system works for the benefit of the people. All he sees in prison are black and brown faces because of the unequal distribution of wealth and poverty being an impetus towards “crime”, and institutional racism has created a mechanism for people of color to go to prison. Talks about bodies becoming commodities, his prison number is like his bar code, economics analysis of PIC. Discusses tax breaks for rural counties who can include prisoners in their population even though majority of prisoners come from NYC. Control units/SHU - for rebellious prisoners and mentally ill inmates who can’t be controlled among rest of general population. Discusses his own most recent experience in the “box”, where the state fabricated evidence that he was organizing a statewide prison strike. Talks about SHU, feed you through a slot in cell, 1 hour of recreation time, everything even food is a privilege, no phone use, visitation once a week but through glass. Talks about the extended effects of isolation and sensory deprivation, claustrophobia, loneliness, anxiety and panic disorders. There is no rehab/education/employment/therapeutic/skill s offered to prisoners, thus they leave embittered and destructive. Talks about manifest destiny and how it was turned into a country. Ideas are power if you know how to take control. Starts to talk about returning to San Quentin adjustment center post-sentencing, housed with San Quentin six. Talking about freeing political prisoners with Ruchell Magee, who just received a letter from Yuri Kochiyama about starting a movement around amnesty.
Jalil Muntaqim interviews (4 of 4) Jalil Muntaqim interviews (4 of 4)
Call Number: V 081Format: VHSProducers: John O’ReillyCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Last of the 4 interviews. Only about 10 minutes. Asked about what he does to keep his soul intact in prison. Describes music, exercise, prayer, keyboard, congo drums, martial arts (in the past) - all help to make him feel human. Interviewers drive around prison, brief footage of perimeter of Auburn Correctional Facility.
Recuerdos de Cuba 50 Anos, Part 2 Recuerdos de Cuba 50 Anos, Part 2
IN FRENCH, from TV documentary, biography of Fidel Castro, Pinochet, and more
Military Myths Military Myths
Call Number: V 083Format: VHSProducers: ROOTS (War Resisters League)Collection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Youth-produced informational video on alternatives to military service, “real stories” of former service-people, and the existence of racism, sexism, and homophobia in the military.
Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 1-The History Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 1-The History
Date: 1/1/1990Call Number: V 084Format: VHSProducers: Howard Dratch, Allan FrancovichCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Describes inception and early years of CIA with the aftermath of World War II and the rise of communism. Former agents discuss the true function and reason for the agency, how it has operated both in Europe and in the Third World, use of front organizations, infiltration of labor movements, support of dictators and oligarchies, attempt on Castro’s life, necessity of secrecy from US press and public, and how exactly it all gets ordered and carried out, along what chain of command.
Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 2-Assassination Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 2-Assassination
Date: 1/1/1987Call Number: V 085Format: VHSProducers: Howard Dratch, Allan FrancovichCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Testimony of former agents, archival footage, first-hand accounts of victims of CIA-backed torture, and other interviews reveal CIA’s mode of operation as well as its goals in Latin America. Goes into depth on subversion of labor movements. Also intervention in Brazil in particular as well as Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Mentions Chile and others targets of CIA.
12/13/94 ABC News Chicago 12/13/94 ABC News Chicago
Date: 12/13/1994Call Number: V 001Format: VHSProducers: ABCProgram: local newsCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
ABC local news coverage of surrender of Claude Marks Marks and Donna Wilmott