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Publications: CDs, DVDs, VHS, Vinyl, and Print

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Audio CDs

Promise cover

Chile: Promise of Freedom

ISBN 0-9727422-3-9

Prisons cover

Prisons on Fire: George Jackson, Attica, and Black Liberation

ISBN 1-902593-52-9

Fannie Lou Hamer

Roots of Resistance: Volume 1

ISBN 0-9727422-0-4

WP cover

Wild Poppies: The Poetry of Marilyn Buck

ISBN 0-9727422-4-7


Promise cover

Paul Robeson: Words Like Freedom

ISBN 0-9790789-1-1

RFW Cover

Robert F. Williams: Self-Defense, Self Respect & Seld Determination as told by Mabel Williams

ISBN 1-904859-31-3



Resource Guide cover

Robert and Mabel Williams Resource Guide - 84 page book accompanies Robert F. Williams CD (above)

ISBN 0-9727422-7-1


Resource cover

No Surrender: Writings From An Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoner David Gilbert

ISBN 1-8949252-6-2


Videos (VHS and DVD)

Legacy of Torture DVD cover Legacy of Torture: The War on the Black Liberation Movement
(on resisting the use of torture against the Black Panther Party and the current threat of repression by grand jury) - DVD    NEW!
Nuh Call Me Nuh & Last Statement
(on political prisoner Nuh Washington) - VHS

David Gilbert: A Lifetime of Struggle
(on his anti-racist and anti-imperialist history) - VHS

ISBN 0-9727422-2-0


Jalil Muntaqim: Voice of Liberation
( on the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army - VHS

ISBN 0-9727422-1-2

3PP cover

Voices of Three Political Prisoners
Nuh Washington, David Gilbert & Jalil Muntaqim (compilation DVD of 3 videos above)

ISBN 0-9727422-8-X

Charisse cover

Charisse Shumate: Fighting for Our Lives
( on women in prison) - DVD

ISBN 0-9727422-6-3

Kathleen Mabel

Self Respect, Self Defense & Self Determination
featuring in conversation Mabel Williams and Kathleen Cleaver, introduced by Angela Davis - VHS

ISBN 0-9727422-5-5

Kathleen Mabel

Self Respect, Self Defense & Self Determination
featuring in conversation Mabel Williams and Kathleen Cleaver, introduced by Angela Davis - DVD

ISBN 0-9727422-5-5



Vinyl cover The Vinyl Project - a 12 inch vinyl record $15.00
Vinyl cover The Vinyl Project - CD version $12.00